• Flames Flew high in the air of the mountainous region known as Draco Spelaus where two dragons were having a fire breathing contest.
    “Mine’s higher than yours!” said Malltrix, a pure black, Caucasian Icefire.
    “No Fair! It’s only because you’re bigger!” said Bluefire; a small, pure neon green, Asian Icefire. But they both knew it wasn’t because Maltrix was bigger, it was because he was more mature than her.
    "Stop whining and making excuses, Bluefire!"

    Sunlight was fading fast, but it was early afternoon.

    "What's going on?" Bluefire said as she turned to her brother." After squinting at the sky for a few moments, she realized the cause of the sudden darkness - hundreds of black dragons were soaring in their direction. She gasped, her eyes filling with fear at the sight of them.
    “Run!” Maltrix said. He started to sprint towards home, but realized his sister wasn’t following him. He stopped, turned back, and saw his sister frozen in fear and staring at the sky. One of the evil dragons swooped down, grabbed her with his claws, and ascended back into the black mass of dragons. Maltrix stood in shock, as his sister was carried into the black mass and towards a group of treacherous looking mountains. Snapping out of his shock he bounded towards the cave entrance to his home.

    Once he had gotten through the cave entrance he stopped and took a few deep breaths. “Mom, Dad. Bluefire has been taken by the Vaulaethaians!”
    His mother looked at him with a look of disbelief. “What do you mean? You can’t be serious!”
    “Hundreds of black dragons flew in! One of them swooped down, and caught Bluefire in his claws.” Maltrix replied. -How am I supposed to make mom believe it actually happened? I know she’s been trying to keep Bluefire away from the Vaulaethaians, but for what reason?-
    His mother started to cry. “Not my baby! Nooo!” She turned towards her husband. “What are we going to do?”
    He opened his mouth to say something and for that moment, that small moment, Maltrix thought he would say we should go rescue Bluefire. But, much to Maltrix’s disappointment, his dad closed his mouth, shook his head and said “I don’t know.”
    Maltrix sighed. -It’s hopeless! I’m going to have to rescue her myself-.
    “Let’s tell the Council about this!” His mom said. “They’ll know what to do.”
    Before his dad had any time to say something Maltrix yelled, “No! They’ll just sit there forever, and it will be too late!” His parents were shocked.
    “Then what do you think we should do?” His dad asked.
    “I don’t know about you guys.” Maltrix said. “But I’m going to go rescue Bluefire.”
    His dad smiled and said, “That’s kind of you to offer, but they are bigger, stronger, and have more experience in the way of fighting. You’d never survive.” Maltrix snorted at his dad.
    “I don’t care!” He yelled. He was getting really mad, and when Maltrix got mad his fire got really hot. “I’m going to save Bluefire anyway!” And with that Maltrix flew out of the cave and into the air.
    “Wait!” His mother said. “Maltrix!” His father walked over to his wife, and said.
    “Let him go. He has made up his mind, and nothing will change it.”
    “Let, me go!” Bluefire said. She struggled to get out of the dragon’s hold. Because the dragon made no motion that he had heard her, she decided to try again.
    “I said, let me go!” This finally got the dragon’s attention, because he whipped his head around and said, “Be quiet! Or we shall feed you to Hernes.” He seemed to be the leader of the group of dragons. Bluefire was frightened into silence. After flying two more miles, her curiosity got the best of her.
    “What’s Hernes?” she asked. The leader laughed at her question. Not hearing his minions laugh with him, he directed an icy stare at them. The minions, not wanting to be eaten by Hernes, laughed nervously.
    “She wants to see Hernes. Shall we let her?” The leader said, with a smirk. The minions gave a toothy grin and numerous cries of, “Yes! She shall see Hernes!” or, “Feed her to Hernes!” rose out of the group. Bluefire gulped nervously and thought,-What have I gotten myself into?-
    The leader gave another smirk and returned his gaze to a huge, mountain surrounded by a cloud of smoke.
    “She shall see Hernes!” He said, loudly. The minions laughed, this time not nervously, and smiled their toothy, grin at each other. A loud resounding noise could be heard.
    -What was that? - Bluefire thought, covering her ears with her front feet.-It was a horrible sound! It sounded like metal scraping against… well metal!-
    The leader’s smirk returned as he heard the sound.
    “Hernes has heard of your coming, and invites you to dinner.” He said.
    “More like to be dinner.” A minion said. This contoured up come laughs from the other minions. It also produced one from the leader.
    “Have a great time with Hernes.” He said evilly. They were nearing the mountain.
    -Soon I’ll be nearing my doom. - Bluefire thought, being pessimistic. They were Sixteen feet away from the entrance to Hernes cave.
    “Here comes your dinner, Hernes.” The leader said. Bluefire couldn’t see because the smoke was getting in her eyes, but she knew he was smiling.
    –Goodbye Mom, Dad, Maltrix. It was nice while it lasted...-