• "Luminita, get your lazy a** out of bed!" with a quiet grumble and a fine stream of curses muttered under her breath about how she hated her step-father, she rolled out of bed and landed on the floor with a soft thud."Why does the morning have to come so quickly? There's absolutely nothing appealing about the sun, so why does it even have to show?" she mumbled angrily to herself as she stood up and trudged through her heaps of clothes. After a few moments of decisions, she settled on skinny jeans, a big, comfy gray sweater that could belong to the boyfriend she didn't have, and dark purple and black checked Vans.

    "Luminita!""I'm up!" she yelled back at the voice, her fangs exposed through her pale rose lips. Hey, what could she say? It wasn't her fault both her birth father and her mom were vampires."Brush your teeth, sweetheart." her mother called up the stairs. Luminita stared at the staircase, wide-eyed as her one eye twitched ever so slightly. She walked into the bathroom, not even bothering to flip the light on. Within seconds, she brushed her teeth, annoyed by the strange scent lingering in the air. Dustin's probably drinking again.... Her mother was far too nice for a jerk like him, why she had dealt with him for these years, she had no clue but she'd have to deal with him until she moved out.

    She walked down the staircase in a blink, her crisp, dark brown hair whipping her face softly because of the fast moving air. Her pale gray eyes skimmed the room for a moment and then she proceeded to the navy blue couch, lifting her messenger bag up in one swift motion."You're leaving already?""Yes." she replied as she turned around and faced her mom that was drying a porcelin dish with a washrag."Don't you want breakfast?" her sweet voice asked kindly, a stray strand of hair laid on her face, somehow escaping from her braid."No. I'm not hungry. I'll be back later, don't worry." Swiftly, she kissed her mom on the cheek and then headed out the door, not wanting to deal with Dustin so early in the day.

    With a flick of her wrist she had her MP3 player on, blaring Green Day. Gray clouds hung in the sky overhead, promising rain later on in the day. If someone couldn't get along with anyone but their mom it was her. Everyone she'd meet would get a quick up-down from her pale eyes. Everyone always shied away from her, leaving her to work by herself in class; just the way she liked it. Her Vans softly pattered against the rough concrete, moving in synchronization as she headed to her high school. About ten minutes later, she stood staring at her towering high school, not looking forward to the day ahead of her but heading inside anyway.

    Once she was in school, she walked silently down the hallways despite everyone staring at her. She turned a corner and jiggled her locker open with inhuman grace. Students around her stared at her as she calmly dug through her textbooks and pulled out a red folder with doodles covering it, a black ball-point pen, and a paperback textbook titled 'Physics.' Her one hand silently closed her locker as she walked away and headed to her first class, science.

    Walking into the classroom, she was greeted with a warm smile from Miss Hartman. She simply nodded her head slightly, the only 'good morning' gesture she could manage to perform. Graciously, she walked to her seat and sat down."Alright class, we have a new student today." Great, another nimrod to stare at me all day. Her pale hues looked up from her books and to the teacher, automatically finding the new student next to her. He was about 5'6" and his deep indigo eyes peered out from black hair swept over his face, neatly hidden under a black sweatshirt hood. His eyes managed to lock onto Luminita's, studying her curiously."This is Tavian. Your seat will be next to that young lady." Luminita pressed her eyes together tightly, praying she was pointing to anyone but herself. As her eyes opened, she took note that she was. Thank God.

    Tavian fairly gracefully walked across the room and took his seat next to the popular girl, Marty. Marty seemed to be eyeing him, probably thinking about getting her hands on him and making him her boyfriend. Sort of strange considering he didn't fit the jock or prep style. Wouldn't be the first time she made a move on someone that clearly didn't want to talk to her. Luminita simply rolled her eyes to herself and returned to doodling a cat on her folder until the bell rang.

    Luminita remained in her seat as the bell rang, looking up from her picture to comprehend that she should leave. Her gaze was greeted by Tavian's stare. She raised an eyebrow at him, something someone normally wouldn't notice, he shrugged. Did he seriously see that? As the thought ran through her head she noticed Marty by his side, leading him out of the classroom like the girl she was. She rolled her eyes again and stood up, walking out of the classroom.

    Once out of the classroom she was stopped by Tavian standing a foot from her. His indigo eyes read her like she was an open book, examining her curiously like earlier."Enjoying the view?" she asked in her musically silky voice, he nodded,"Yes, you're very intriguing.""Most people here don't randomly walk up to someone and claim that they're intriguing.""I'm not from here." he retorted quietly. She shrugged,"The head zombie's bound to rub off on you the first few days. You'll blend in in no time." she walked past him after finishing, not bothering to wait for a reaction. As she walked away, Marty walked past her and put Tavian to use as her new arm candy. Typical.

    Thankfully the rest of the day passed by in a blur. Now Luminita just had to make it through her last class of the day, English. She took her seat and pulled out a book, enjoying the moment to read instead of being annoyed by Mr. Onkain. Today he was bothering Tavian, the type of person that always targeted the quiet ones of the class. Then Mr. Onkain began assigning partners, forcing Luminita to work with Tavian.

    She grumbled quietly under her breath and took her seat across from Tavian. His indigo eyes peered up for a moment and then returned to the elegant scripture on his paper. After a few minutes he spoke,"What did you write for number five?" Luminita looked up for the first time noticing his accent laced in his words."Um..." she looked down at her paper, ashamed of only her name and a few pictures, one a rose. When she didn't answer properly he looked at her paper and chuckled quietly,"It's alright, I believe I have the right answer anyway."

    Once she finished her first question she looked at his paper to see where he was at. He finished up the last question in his intricate writing, then stood up and handed it to the teacher. Once he handed it in he walked back to his seat across from her, sitting facing away from her like her own personal gargoyle.

    At the end of class she finished up her question and then just sat there doodling. The bell rang but she didn't move, enveloped in her pictures. Tavian was sitting in his chair as Marty walked over and greeted him with a big grin. He gave small smile back and stood up walking away with her, not even aknowledging Luminita. When she finally looked up from her drawing and watched Tavian walk out of the class, she was speechless and stopped breathing at what she had seen. She had been staring at his lips while he was talking and caught a glimpse of the unthinkable. Fangs.