• Kai: Man I cant wait any longer.
    Leo: Me either this is gonna the best day of my life.
    James: It wont be win you guys lose in the first round.
    Leo: I bet I’ll make it farther than you.
    Kai: I bet we’ll make it all the way to the end.
    Lee: Oh will you guys shut up.
    Leo: What’s wrong with you Lee?
    Lee: ( he smirks) Nothing just can’t wait to watch you all lose.
    Leo: Its about time you got into the spirit brother. ( he laughs and jumps on Lee’s backs and a young man with a monk braid and a white and black karate uniform on walks up behind them)
    Sensei: Hey boys.
    Lee, James, Kai, Leo: Sensei
    Sensei: Looks like you boys are all ready for today.
    Leo: Are you kidding? I couldn’t wait for the tournament.
    Kai: Me either.
    Sensei: I could believe it knowing you two. What you guys?
    James: Of course im ready.
    Sensei: That’s what I like to hear. What about you Lee?
    Lee: I really didn’t want to go at first but Leo cheered me up a bit.
    Sensei: ( he thinks in his mind) He always does.
    James: Sensei what are we going to do for today’s class?
    Leo: ( he whines) What we have class today?
    Sensei: We have class everyday Leo.
    Leo: I know but I thought today would be an excuse not to train.
    Sensei: ( he laughs) Good try but no.
    Leo: Darn it.
    Sensei: But today wont be heavy training.
    Kai: Yeah right last time you said that we we’re running through town with thirty pound leg weights on.
    James: With twelve pound sacs of rice on our back to deliver them to the towns people.
    Lee: Then we had t… ( Sensei interrupts Lee)
    Sensei: Ok…ok I get it. It’s nothing like that this time.
    Leo: So what we doin.
    Sensei: Let’s make it home first then I’ll tell you.
    Lee: This doesn’t sound good.
    James: Its not going to be easy when we get there.
    Sensei: ( his facial expression changes into a comical sinister expression and he has a twinkle in his eye) Its not going to be easy now.
    Leo: (all the boys fall back scared yell) Oh no here it goes.
    Sensei: Sprint to the school you have six minutes to make it there or else two hundred push ups for every second your late if anyone of you is late that’s push ups for all of you.
    Lee: What the school is about a mile and half from here.
    Sensei: The clocks ticking.( he has a comical sinister laughter)
    Kai: Get up Leo!
    Leo: I’m trying!
    James: I’m out of here!
    Lee: Man we should have never asked! ( they all get up and start running as the Sensei leads them to there school)
    Sensei: Two minutes and forty-three seconds.
    Leo: Run faster!
    Sensei: (he thinks in his mind) This is good. This run should deplete almost all there stamina. I’m going to need them to run on all there reserve energy for this training.