• The dusk has begun as the light of the sun drowns in the dust of the horizon. The cries of thousands could be heard as the cold air brought a chill down his spine. It would be the last time that he would watch the sun set and it left a heavy burden on his heart.

    "So you plan on going out there..." the shadows seem to call out to him. "What chance do you have against a whole army? They're already dead by the time you get there..."

    "You maybe right..." Peter says as a tear leaves his eye. "I may never see them again after all this..."

    "Then, why go?" the shadows begin to take form as he is confronted by his own sins. They take the form of his own self as it looks out in the distance. "There is no hope out there... they knew it before the battle began.."

    "You'll never understand," Peter replies as he wipes the tear from his face. "This isn't about living or dying anymore. This is about taking back what they stole from us..."

    Looking back at Peter, his sins glare back at such a false response. "You lie..." it hisses. "That is nothing close to the truth... In fact, you don't know why anymore." Looking back at the darkness of the valley, the cries begin to grow in numbers as the smell of blood could now be sensed. "You brought this on yourselves... I don't see the point in this massacre anymore..."

    Peter looked out to the darkness as well. He could feel his fears lump up in his throat. "Why are you here..." he says to his sins. "You never cared about any of the things I've done. So why start now?"

    At first, there was silence as the screams echoed in the darkness. Fed up with waiting, Peter began to head out into battle. "You and I are one..." it spoke out. Peter paused as he looked back to the thing he hated most. "I cannot allow you to die for something you have no business being in. There are answers you still owe me..."

    Peter looked back to the battle as he continued to walk out into the darkness. "You have answers I want too..." he said as he left. "I'm not dying by anyone's hand... not until you spill your guts about what I need to hear..." Peter's heart began to fill with rage as he clenched his fist. He takes one last glance at his sins as they look down on him. "I have a good name for you and I'll be looking for you when I get back... Stealth..."

    With that, Peter ran out into the cold screams of the night. Stealth looks on as he continues to doubt. "If you even survive, I might give you the truth you're looking for..." he mutters as he began to fade into the shadows from whence he came...