
    “So how do we get to him?” Akihiro asked. “I know how to get to hell.” Miyaka said, quietly. He made sure Akihiro was still holding his hand. Then he closed his eyes and disappeared. “Here we are.” Miyaka said. They looked around, the floors and walls looked like old ruins. The lakes of lava flowed hundreds of feet below them. “The lava is so hot it feels like it’s right underneath our feet.” Akihiro said. “We need to find Hiroshima. Ignore the lava.” Miyaka said impatiently. They went down the hallway to there left. The hallway turned out to be a thin narrow bridge. Akihiro nearly fell off it and into the lava. Miyaka grabbed her hand just in time, “got ya.” Miyaka said. “Thanks.” Akihiro said, embarrassed. They got across the bridge and came to a door. Then door had to be more than 12 feet tall. It looked hand carved with a picture of Kiri carved into it. “Is…is that Kiri?” Akihiro asked. “Yes.” Miyaka said, as he opened the door. “Hello.” Someone said. “Hiroshima what’s with the door?” Miyaka yelled. “Do you like it? I carved it myself.” Hiroshima said, smiling. “Wh.. Never mind that. You need to save Kiri!” Miyaka said, with a worried look. “Save her from what?” Hiroshima asked. “You infected her with demon blood! She’ll die in three hours if we don’t do something!” Miyaka yelled. “Stop yelling. You’ll wake up my father. How did she get infected? When I noticed my blood was flowing into her forearm I stopped. Unless…..did she try to heal herself?” Hiroshima asked. “I…it’s possible she tried too.” Miyaka said. “If she didn’t her wounds would’ve healed two hours ago. I let go before to much of my blood infected her. My blood should’ve flowed out and healed her wounds. She must have done something.” Hiroshima said, his eyes in deep thought. “So, will you help us?” Miyaka asked, confidently. “No, sorry I can’t.” Hiroshima said, his eyes now full of sorrow. “What do you mean you can’t help!?” Miyaka yelled, angrily. The sound of claws scraping against stone could be heard from the next room. “I told you not to yell.” Hiroshima whispered, angrily. He ran to a big wooden black wooden chair with velvet. “Kneel down.” Hiroshima whispered. “What?” Miyaka said, angrily. “Bow, unless you want to die.” Hiroshima said, quickly. Miyaka and Akihiro bowed down in front of Hiroshima. Hiroshima’s father, The Devil walked in. He was hiding his true form. He disguised himself as a tall man with long black hair and red eyes. “ Who keeps yelling in here!?” he said, angrily. “ Father, I’m sorry. Please forgive me, but I can’t seem to get this vampire to shut up.” Hiroshima said, smirking at Miyaka. “He should beg for forgiveness, not you Hiroshima.” his father said. “ Yes, but I ..we need your help.” Hiroshima said. “With what?” his father asked. “You need to save Kiri.” Hiroshima said, with a pleading voice. “What do I get in return?” his father asked. “What!? Oh ,well… what do you wa…need?” Hiroshima asked. “What do I need? More like what do I want. You with the long blonde ponytail aren’t you Koji’s father?” Hiroshima’s father asked. “What are you talking about?” Miyaka asked. “Don’t tell me you forgot Mika! No one can forget a face like hers!” Hiroshima’s father said, surprised and at the same time amused. Miyaka got to his feet, “I STILL LOVE HER!” miyaka screamed, then dropped to the floor in shame. “ Remember this Miyaka, Hiroshima is my son so Kiri’s love is allowed. But Mika isn’t my daughter so your love is forbidden.” Hiroshima’s father said. “KIRI!” Miyaka yelled. “She has two and a half hours! Please, please, please help her. I’ll do anything.” Miyaka said. “Anything?” Hiroshima’s father asked. Miyaka nodded. “Go get her I don’t want to go to your realm.” Hiroshima’s father said. Hiroshima disappeared then reappeared within seconds. “Hear she is.” Hiroshima said. Kiri was nearly unconscious. The sight of the devil was horrifying, yet beautiful. He glided his hands in the air over her body gently. “Hiroshima pay attention you’ll learn something.” his father said. He watched his father as he glided his hands in the air over her body. He separated the vampire blood and demon blood with his energy. Then brought the demon blood over to her wounds on her forearm. As the dark, and thick demon blood came out of her wounds they started to heal. “When will she be conscious?” Hiroshima asked. “I’m not really sure, but I’ll be done in two minutes. She’ll be as alive as any other vampire would.” His father said. “Ok…..I’m…done. There you go. Now Miyaka.” Miyaka looked nervous, “Anything I want, right?” Hiroshima’s father asked. Miyaka nodded slowly. Hiroshima’s father looked Miyaka in the eyes. “Give me the best reason you should marry Mika. Another words why your love shouldn’t be forbidden. Oh, Koji come here.” Hiroshima’s father said. A eight year old boy with strawberry blonde, shoulder length hair walked in. Miyaka started to cry, “Why? Why let me see him now? Why now?” Miyaka asked. “To torture you, why else?” Hiroshima’s father said. “Daddy?” Koji asked. “Y…yes Koji?” Miyaka said, holding back tears. “I’m getting my fangs, look daddy!” Koji said, as he opened his mouth. They were so small, only the tips of the fangs could be seen. “Hiroshima said I’ll start to get my wings when I’m thirteen.” Koji said, smiling. Miyaka smiled. “We should go Akihiro, Kiri needs her rest. I’ll see you later Koji.” Miyaka said, then hugged Koji. “ You need to answer my question first.” Hiroshima’s father said. “ Oh, yeah, well if Hiroshima and Kiri get married I’ll be your son-in-law.” Miyaka said. Hiroshima’s father looked in Miyaka’s eye’s again then laughed. “Nice try but no.” Hiroshima’s father said. “Vampires were created by you were both undead. It isn’t fair, my love shouldn’t be forbidden. I should be able to love Mika just like Kiri can love Hiroshima. The only differences is that demons have thicker blood. They devour their pray instead of leaving the body they eat it, but I don’t care. I love Mika and you can’t change my mind. She’s the world to me she could be a human and I still wouldn’t care. Turn her into a human, turn her into a werewolf, turn her into the ugliest thing you can think of. I will still love her no matter what you do.” Miyaka said, rage in his eyes. “ Impressive, no one ever dared to prove me wrong.” Hiroshima’s father said. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?” “No it wasn’t” Miyaka said. “ Take your sister home. You can come back to see Mika later. Kiri needs to rest at home.” Hiroshima’s father said. “Yeah.” Miyaka said, he picked up Kiri and held her like an infant. Akihiro grabbed Miyaka’s arm and they disappeared. Miyaka reappeared in their house with Kiri in his arm’s. Akihiro appeared next to him within seconds. “ I’m going to put Kiri in her room.” Miyaka said. He went into Kiri’s room and put her in her bed. He went out to the living room and sat in a chair. “I want to go back home.” Akihiro said. “We can’t you know e can’t. “ Miyaka said. “It doesn’t matter where we hide they’ll find us Michael.” Akihiro said, she was on the verge of crying. “Don’t call me that!” Miyaka screamed. “My name is Miyaka. Akihiro started to cry. “No it’s Michael and I want to be called Ali again. I want my name back Michael. I don’t want to forget who I’ am, do you?” Akihiro said, still crying. “ Aki…Ali, I need…you need to cut your hair or dye it, or both, you also need contacts.” Michael said. “Ok…well b-both. I’ll cut it short and dye it pink, and get pink contacts.” Ali said, laughing. “Be serious Ali. If you want to go home then stop it and be serious.” Michael yelled. “I know I was just kidding. I’ll dye my hair natural red and get green contacts.” Ali said, as she walked to her room. “Should we wait until Kiri wakes up?” Ali asked, as she walked back into the living room. “No, We’ll surprise her. She’ll love to see Phantom and Ryka.” Michael said, walking to Kiri’s room. He picked her up like she was an infant. He walked back into the living room, “Is Satoshi coming?” Michael asked. “Yes, he just went to his house. He’s getting his black trench coat.” Ali said. Satoshi walked into the living room wearing his trench coat. “So are we going?” Satoshi asked, looking at Ali. “Yes we will in a minute, but first Satoshi I want you to meet Michael.” Ali said, Pointing at Michael. “Wait, What?” Satoshi said, looking at Ali in a confused way. “ Miyaka’s real name is Michael and Kiri’s real name is Kirsten. They are hiding from vampire hunters and so am I . My real name is Ali but our last names really are Japanese. That’s why we didn’t have trouble getting to Japan to hide. We should go now though.” Ali said. She took Satoshi by the hand, and then she took Miyaka by the hand. She smiled and said, “Let’s go.” Miyaka closed his eye’s and concentrated. When he opened his eye’s he saw the familiar Vermont green mountain sights. They were in the clearing of Mt. Mansfield Summit. “It’s so beautiful.” Ali said, looking around. Miyaka sat down on the ground with Kiri on his lap. She started to wake up. “Where? We’re in…we’re home! No! No! They’ll find us. They’ll kill us and they’ll be known as the top vampire hunters! Miyaka take me home! TAKE ME HOME!!!” Kiri screamed. Miyaka disappeared, then he reappeared seven minutes later. Kiri was still screaming. “Welcome home Kirsten.” Miyaka said “It’s kiri.” she said. Two tigers ran over to her one pure white and the other white with black strips. “PHANTOM!RYKA!” Kirsten screamed in excitement. “Ok ,Ok it’s Kirsten” Kirsten said, as Phantom pretty much licked her face off. Ryka rubbed against her arm and purred.