• I slowly made my way towards him. I knew in my heart what i would say. Just 3 simply beautiful words. I love you. I watched as he looked in my direction and started to walk towards me. For a second it looked like he was looking past me...He outstretched his arms and had this loving smile on his face that was turning into a kiss. Smiling, I unwound my arms that were folded across my thumping chest. I opened them wide and I closed my eyes happily waiting for him to be here in my arms. But i opened my eyes and to my surprise I saw he had pressed his fine lips against her. That attractive devil. That excuse of a girl. Yet she was one of my best friends..But now i knew i just hated her because he loved her. And yet i felt i knew him better than her...Its turns out he was looking past me...Tears were flooding my face..He has no idea the pain he has been causing me everyday..to see him with her..She just saw a personality when i saw a beautiful soul, a real person..Someone i could easily relate to&someone i can love effortlessly..I loved him with all my heart and he had broken it like i was nothing in his eyes..My love for him meant nothing...