• 16 years ago twin girls were born. But at the time of their birth their parents’ kingdom was under attack. To save their new born babies the young couple sacrificed themselves. They teleported the girls to earth where they would live together in peace. Sadly, during their travels they got separated from each other. They both grew up as orphans both not knowing of the others existence………that is until now.

    “You sure it here,” said a girl with black medium length spiky hair as she creped up a huge building. She had freckles and her eyes where bluish, gray and her eyes were those of a cat. She also had her left ear bowed twice n de right once. “Yes,” a voice replied from the device in her ear, “I’m sending you the location of the item on the map.” Hurry Death is starting soon,” she said. Meanwhile, a girl who looked exactly just like her but there was something different about her. She was two rooms away from her. Her hair was wavy, her right ear was bowed twice and the left once. She too was having the same conversation with a voice that replied through her ear. “Let’s do this,” they both said with determination in there eyes. “The place is loaded with lasers and alarms,” the spiked haired one said.”Look in your belt second pocket you’ll find something for the alarms,” the voice replied. “What about the lasers?!?” “You’re a gymnast right use your talent.” “Ugh,” staring at the lasers. “Yes my favorite part lasers,” said the wavy haired one. Taking a few steps back they both ran towards the lasers flipping and dodging every last on as if they’d been doing it for years.(which I actually true XD). Then they reached the glass case with the golden egg not realizing the others presence. “It’s the reflection from the mirror.” Then realizing it wasn’t they both screamed! “Who the hell are you,” said the spiked hair one in a creped out voice,” and why do u have my face!” “No way,” said the other one. “What,” “you’re my twin!!!!”

    to be continued lol biggrin