• Suddenly her father burst through the door, with a huge glistening smile.
    “Guess what dear” he said excitedly as he entered the large orangey colored kitchen
    “You got that business proposal you wanted”
    “Yes the whole family will need to come, as I need my beautiful organizer”
    “But does Lily need to come, I mean it’s in the office isn’t it?” she replied looking puzzled.
    “No dear it’s in France, we leave tomorrow night” he shouted as he ran up the stairs to tell his daughter the good news.
    It was 11:00 at night, Lily a small dark haired and green eyed girl, lay awake thinking of the previous moments, wondering how boring it would be at the diner party, she wasn’t very excited when her father told her but pretended to be to make him happy. However the one thing she was particularly pleased about was seeing her uncle Kyle for the first time in ten years.

    Lily looked at herself in the mirror; she had a long ivory colored dress on which had a rosy pink bow tied around the middle. She didn’t feel happy, she had a feeling in the pit of her small stomach that something bad, very bad was going to happen but she cast it to the back her mind, after all it just be nerves.

    Half an hour later

    Tyler and his family were walking down the large marble, majestic hallways with golden chandeliers and beautiful pink and white orchids encased in colorful rainbow like vases. Lily looked at the huge oak doors that stood towering over her, she new that right behind that door was her uncle.
    The doors opened with an ear splitting squeak and the light flooded the dim hallway behind them. Forward they walked into a world of dancing, laughter and champagne. As Lily stepped forward she gave her eyes a moment to adjust to the blinding light that had just engulfed her.
    “I’m going to go find Kyle sweetheart” Tyler yelled to his wife Miranda so she could hear him over the babble of conversation.
    “Ok darling” she replied and with that he scurried off in search for his brother, like a lion searching for its next victim. Twenty minuets or so went by and Lily saw no sign of her mother, father or uncle so she past the time by looking at the halls mass of oil paintings and was trying to decide which on she liked the most when suddenly a hand grabbed her shoulder…..
    Lily released a small yelp but as she turned she saw it was nothing to be afraid just her uncles smiling face
    “Hello princess” he said coolly in his very distinctive London accent.
    “Uncle Kyle” she howled jumping into his beefy arms. Lily felt a kind of ease whilst her uncle was holding her, she felt protected and care free. For the rest of the night, Lily watched her mother dance with the up most elegance while her father and uncle discussed business.

    It was late when the whole family retreated back to there room. It wasn’t that long ago that Lily had fallen asleep but she awoke with an excruciating pain in her head and wrists so she wondered into the bathroom to splash her face with ice cold water, but as she looked into the mirror hanging on the wall centimeters from her head she saw the most horrific sight that changed her life forever….

    2 Years later.

    The house was old and creepy with its large moss covered shutters flapping in the autumn wind. Its large wooden steps daring you to walk in and unravel the houses many secrets and puzzles. Lily stood there staring at the old manor a strange twisted fear rose up inside of her and from then she new this house would hold no happy memories.
    “Why don’t you have a look around?” her father mumbled as he unloaded the 4 x 4.
    Not wanting to stare at the house any longer Lily solemnly walked towards the dense woodland that overlooked the house. It seemed like she had been walking for hours in the rows of monstrous trees with there twisted hand like branches preparing to snatch you from the ground at any moment. Lily walked and walked having no idea were she was heading, until she saw a small gloomy cave and without warning a toil of curiosity bubbled silently inside her. She was about to enter the cave when she heard her fathers husky voice echo through the forest
    With that she turned her back on the cave and ran determined that next time she should encounter the cave she will unravel its mysteries.

    It was dinner time, boxes where piled high and the rooms were dull and boring but Lily sat there at the table silently picking at her food while her father tried desperately to a start a convosation to cheer up his ever down daughter.
    “Did you come across anything interesting in the forest?”
    “Not really”
    “Oh…..well what would you like to do tomorrow?”
    “Don’t know” Lily replied her thoughts not on her food or anything her father was mumbling to her but the cave there was a strange eerie presence about it, like it was going to be important but she could not decipher why.
    “Can I go to bed now?”
    “Yes if you would like”
    Lily scraped her food into the bin and wondered upstairs and got into bed her thoughts still on the cave.

    Morning approached and Lily was awoken by her father who had a particularly strange look on his face like he was going to be sick or burst with anger all at the same time.
    “Come with me young lady”
    “Why what have I done?”
    He dragged into the bathroom were the bath was full to the brim but the liquid inside was not clear and shimmering but crimson red and in the middle floating sadly was there small snow white cat blanc but that was not the thing that drew Lily’s attention it was the writing on the wall which was dripping slowly into the water it read:
    Lily went as white as a sheet, her father was afraid she was going to pass out but she stood rooted to the ground staring at the blood drenched wall. Finally,
    “but….but…I didn’t do it!” she groaned
    “Don’t lie to me Lily!” growled her now livid father
    “It wasn’t me ……….. it was Charlie!!” screamed Lily through salty tears,
    “Lily….who’s Charlie??”
    “He’s….he’s….my new friend.”
    “Right go back to bed while I tidy this up then, we will have a little chat about this Charlie.”
    The cold air was harsh against Tyler’s burning face as he begun to dig a hole to bury the lifeless cat.

    He walked slowly back towards the house, a pestering question running through his mind all the time who was this Charlie and what did he want, why was he terrorizing his home. After he had washed up, he slowly approached lily’s doorway and stood listening for a second, he heard her sniffling and coughing into her pillow
    “Lily are you ok?” her father said softly as he entered her cream and golden bedroom with rows of photos and dolls on shelves. She didn’t reply to her father.
    “Lily I need you to tell me who Charlie is? I need you to tell me what he wants?”
    “I can’t…I promised him I wouldn’t and he only wants to play…”
    “Lily you must tell me!!” her father said now desperate for answers.
    “I can’t!!” she screamed showing her father just how distressed she is.
    It was obvious Lily wasn’t going to tell her father anything so he left her room trying to find out away to get his daughter to tell him her dark secret.

    The next morning, Lily woke up and decided to go and check out the cave she had found last week. On her way there she saw her father talking to a women with long golden blonde hair and a sense of anger built inside her but she pushed it aside and carried on walking. She was then stood in front of the caves majestic opening and the same curiosity bubbled to the surface, she slowly approached then inside of the cave and as her hand touched the rough, wet walls a vision appeared in her mind it was a terrifying vision one of death and despair, a vision of blood and anger, lily’s eyes began to roll back into her head and then there was an ear-splitting scream, then darkness…………………..