• Heavy breathing could be heard a mile away if you were there that night Abigail Lazar ran away. A mile away? Is that what you ask? You’re right, that can’t be true. I meant a kilometer. Well anyway, Abigail Lazar ran away on a stormy night at midnight. She disappeared from her room and wasn’t found. But if you saw where she was, you would know what anyone else of the Hiddens knew; she was kidnapped. Yes. You heard right. Abigail Lazar was kidnapped on the last day of February. Exactly at midnight, she was gone. By four in the morning, her corpse was found in a cemetery. Her blood would be gone and she would be much colder than dry ice. What could’ve happened? A vampire.
    A week later, students still sat around her locker with a picture of Abigail Lazar taped to it. The students that were her dear friends would cry in between classes (and during because they’re cry-babies). They wouldn’t stop bawling. A week of hearing eight dumb girls who always attempt to be the best does get quite annoying.
    Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.
    You could hear the footsteps of the new girl walking down the hall. Her bright green and pink high-tops could be seen for almost a mile away. They were so bright and vivacious. On her backpack, she had a sewn object that looked much like a heart. It was pinned to the backpack. There was also a bunny plush with no head pinned right above the heart.
    The new girl went to her locker, which was right across the hall from Abigail Lazar’s, and started to bang on it. She looked infuriated because the locker didn’t seem to want to open.
    “Damn locker,” The new girl muttered to herself.
    The eight girls by Abigail Lazar’s locker all glared at the new girl. The new girl seemed to be making such a ruckus. A charming boy with dyed pink hair came up to the new girl. It was James Ian. He was the cutest, strongest, and smartest guy in school. All of the girls had their eyes for him…that is all the girls except the new girl.
    “Keep bangin’ on it, ya gonna get busted,” James warned. “I had this locker sophomore and freshmen year. Let me help ya.”
    The new girl quietly shifted away from the locker. James used the locker combination, 13-13-13, which seemed to make the new girl c**k her head to one side a small bit. James then tugged a small bit on the locker and it opened with ease.
    “Just put in the combo then tug. Easy as that,” James said.
    The new girl nodded. She pushed James out of the way and unpacked her backpack.
    “So you’re the new gal? The name’s James Ian. What’s yours?” James inquired.
    The new girl glared at him. James backed up.
    “Sorry I asked,” James said.
    “It’s Eleanor Jude,” she scoffed softly.
    James shifted to his left foot. He let out a soft laugh.
    “That wasn’t so hard, was it?” he questioned.
    Eleanor hissed at James. James got so panicky; he went running down the hall and almost ran into an open door. Eleanor closed her mouth quickly after realizing that a pair of fangs had shown.
    “Damn fangs,” Eleanor murmured. “Damn it all. I wanted to go to East Dragon High. But I couldn’t. I had to come to this ******** school for mortals.”
    Someone else came up behind Eleanor. He quickly spun her around and put his forehead to hers. A pair of fangs were seen from his mouth. Eleanor couldn’t see his face, nor his fangs. Eleanor at first thought he was some sort of pervert.
    What the hell? Who is he? Oh s**t! Eleanor thought to herself.
    Eleanor’s right eye was closed. The guy’s thumb was pressed up against it. Eleanor’s heart was beating faster with each passing second.
    “The Judson clan must be careful. Us of the Kamé clan have our eyes on you,” He said softly in Eleanor’s ear.
    “The Kamé clan?” Eleanor questioned.
    “You got it,” the guy said. “Huh? Damn it.”
    He disappeared rather quickly. Eleanor looked down to the east, then down to the west of the hall. She looked back at the locker across from hers. The eight girls from earlier were gone, but the picture remained. Eleanor walked up to the locker. She examined the picture reasonably close. Abigail Lazar, in the picture of course, had beautiful red hair. She was wearing a cheerleader outfit. Eleanor scoffed.
    After school, which Eleanor didn’t deal with because she got there at five minutes until three, Eleanor walked home with a quick pace. Eleanor approached the front door of the duplex she lived in with her little sister (whom was only three and a half), her college aged brother, and her father. She looked at her neighbor. She was an old lady who was most likely in her late seventies to early eighties.
    “Ah, good afternoon Miss Jude. Isn’t it a fine day?” the woman asked in a rickety voice.
    “Yes’m, Miss Moonwolf,” Eleanor said in a respectful voice.
    A charming young man, probably a year or two older than Eleanor, came to Miss Moonwolf’s side. He put his hand on her shoulder.
    “Grandma, it’s time for you to come in,” he said.
    Miss Moonwolf got up and walked with her grandson into the house. Eleanor smiled to see the two as a happy family. With that good feeling, Eleanor unlocked the front door and walked inside.
    Inside, Eleanor was greeted, or more so tackled, by her little sister.
    “Sissy! How are you?” she chirped.
    Eleanor smiled. “I’m good. Hey, Enola, where’s that a**-tard?” Eleanor asked, referring to her brother.
    “Jericho is up in his room. He’s doing a report on a vampire.” Enola said.
    “Okay. Go tell Papa I’m home, will you?” Eleanor called as she headed up the stairs.
    Enola ran to the foot of the stairs. “Okie-dokie!” Enola called back. She then ran off.
    Eleanor crept quietly down the hall. No sounds, not even creaking of the floorboards, were heard. Then again, there was on sound. It was the sound of loud rock ‘n roll music coming from the room at the end of the hall. Surprisingly, it was quite soft. Eleanor just assumed it was Flyleaf or Amy Lee. As Eleanor got closer, she could tell it wasn’t either. It was Marilyn Manson singing “Sweet Dreams”.
    Eleanor slowly peeped through the keyhole. She could see that Jericho, her brother, had his back to the door. Eleanor slowly creaked the door open. She did it like the narrator in “Tell Tale Heart”. She did it with ease. Now, if she had a lantern, she could put the light upon…what? Jericho had no vulture eye. She could aim it at his neck. Then again, she’s not a crusnic. And she didn’t have a lantern.
    Eleanor opened the door millimeter by millimeter. She slowly stepped into his room. She was so silent, she could hear her own…or was it his…heart race faster than what a cheetah could run. She tried to keep it quiet. But it seemed to have taunted her like the old man’s heart taunted the narrator in (yes, I say this again) “Tell Tale Heart”. Eleanor slid so silently to Jericho, she was unheard. But…
    “You retard, you have to do better than that,” Jericho said.
    “OH! How did you know?” Eleanor sulked.
    “I’m sorry ‘Edgar Allen Poe’. I’m that good, I’m not an old man, I don’t have a vulture eye, and I could hear your heart pounding,” Jericho teased.
    “Don’t be so mean!” Eleanor shouted at her brother. Eleanor looked at Jericho’s computer. “Whom are you doing a report on?”
    “Why’s it matter to you?” Jericho asked.
    “Enola said you were doing a report on a vampire,” Eleanor said. “So, who is it?”
    “She got it wrong. She’s a vampire huntress,” Jericho stated. “I heard some rumors about her, so I thought I’d look her up. She seems to know something that is a secret for non-humans to know…and humans keep their noses out of it. My question is, how does she know of it.”
    “This is boring,” Eleanor sighed as she threw her arms up.
    “No,” Jericho protested, “it’s interesting. See. Look at this.” Jericho brought up a web page. “It seems that she’s part of a group called ‘Hiddens’. It’s a group of non-humans that…well…I can’t find info on them.”
    “If it’s a group of non-humans,” Eleanor began as she leaned over Jericho’s shoulder, “then how does she know of it. Heck, I haven’t even heard of it.”
    “To tell the truth, neither have I,” Jericho admitted.
    Eleanor started to leave the room. “Well,” she began, “look up some more. She’s an idiot. You may’ve found your match.” Eleanor was cackling as she closed the door behind her.