• Chapter 1 Meet Alex~~~~~~~
    New York, my home, and my past. I never thought of coming back here but, it wasn't like i had much of a choice. I remember what kind of simple life i used to have, just like anyone else on the subway. I, Alex Taylor, used to have a home, a mom and a dad, a good life. But strange things started to happen. My mother and father used to come in the middle of the night claiming "Problems at work," this all became too strange at age twelve. They would come home smelling like smoke, but not the kind from cigarettes, they also always had a cut of some sort, and they covered pretty well, but not well enough. My parents also had strange tatoos below their thumbs on the back of their hands. It had a diamond shape with a line on both sides, and what looked like two Gs facing the opposite direction inside the diamond. It seemed like nothing at first, but i pondered over the ideas for awhile.
    I settled my elbow at the cold, ticket counter in my daze. "Sir!" A women's sudden voice ringed me.
    "Hm?" I narrowed my eyes to the right at the ticket counter. A women with pulled back brown hair, and a sticked face was the source. The women pointed past me at a moving subway...my moving subway. My brown eyes widened and i launched myself towards the subway. I slammed my hands against the tin.
    "Wait!!! Stop!!! Geez, would you just hold on for a second?!" I screamed at the subway. It kept going, but i can't say the same for my consciousness. I had slammed straight into a concrete pole. Stupid pole, i thought to myself as the chatter of bustling civilians noticed me.
    Chapter 2 Fate~~~~~~
    Not many days passed by when I didn't need an icepack or a band aid, or curse at an inanimate object. Although it helped, it wasn't the pole's fault.I spread my arms on the chair. I looked around impatiently. The chair creaked as i got the ticket out of my back pocket. I didn't have the strength to be patient right now. It wouldn't be long till my subway pulled up. I scanned the tunnel, then with a long sigh looked down at my hands.
    Finally the subway pulled up."Sir-" The annoying women bent over the counter, i cut her off as i got up.
    "I know, I know, don't hurt yourself." I strained my hand backwards at her as i walked toward the subway.
    "Pfft," She replied under her breath. I rolled my eyes and stumbled into the subway. My eyes glided across it for a empty seat. There was one next to a weird looking girl, she looked around 17 or so. I would have to sit next to her. I strained not to look at her.
    She had bleach blond hair that flowed a few inches past her waist. She had calm violet eyes. The girl wore a silver tube top, a purple skirt, and some black, lace leggings underneath. She had black lace gloves that were covered with alot of diffrent braclets. The young girl also wore a dainty choker. It was silver and had a purple diamond of some sort in the middle that dangled alone. She turned at me and smile "Hello," Her voice was as electric as i imagined.
    "Hi," I nodded and faced forward again. The girl still started at me.
    "Im Mirai," She held her hand out.
    "Alex," I nodded again.
    "Where are you headed?" Her curious eyes pierced through mine.
    "Hey Mirai, haven't your parents ever told you not to talk to strangers?" Was my reply, i had to be rude to shake her off my case, what was she up to anyway?
    "You aren't a stranger Alex," The corners of her mouth curled up.
    "I think your confused," My forehead creased.
    "Alex, where are you headed?" She asked again.
    "Why?" I leaned away.
    "Just, tell me where you are going..." She insisted. Some part of me kind of wanted to tell her, but my natural defense made a shield.
    "To my home," I gave in and looked down.
    "Where is your home?"She bent down.
    "At a pizza parlor..." The words sounded more homeless then they sounded in my thoughts.
    "You don't have to go there...we still have room for one more Alex." Mirai smiled a warm welcoming smile, then held out her hand. How much harm would it cost me to take her hand anyways? The subway stopped.
    I grabbed her hand.
    "Where are we going exactly-"
    "Ask questions later, right now we have to tell Raxon!!!" She tugged my hand and flung me off the subway and into fate.
    chapter 3 The Guardians ~~~~~~~
    Mirai's flashy car flew past the unfamilar landscape.
    "Hey Mirai, what kind of car is this?" I asked.
    "Oh, its a Infiniti Essence. It's cute huh?" She replied.
    "No Mirai...a puppy is cute, a baby's first word is cute, this Mirai...this is awesome!" I looked around at the interior. She laughed as the car glided across the road.
    "It was a gift,"She smiled at me.
    "Holy crap! What? Did you save his life or something?"
    "No, hes my teacher..."
    "Some grade..."I looked down.
    "Well, if you do good, maybe you can get one too."
    "Mirai...Im twenty-one..." I said, glancing at her. She seemed obsorbed in her thoughts. She stroked the gray interior. "...how much to enroll?" I changed my mind, i need a car. I promised myself i would never go back to that subway ever again.
    "Wonderful, it's free..." Free?
    Mirai, sucked in her satisfaction, seemed like i knew her.
    "Hey, Mirai..." I turned at her.
    "Hmm?" She kept her eyes on the road that flew gently past us.
    "What's your story?" I couldn't hold back, i let everything come straight out, it came with the exterior.
    "Well," She didn't hesitate, "I grew up...." She stared distantly, like she was some where else.... An unexpected tear came down from her pale face.
    "I'm so sorry!" She breathed, wiping the tears abruptly laughing while she did so.
    "No, no, it's not your fault. Im the one who brung it up, im sorry."
    "Hmm...See, i never real knew my past. All i remember is...fire...lots of, red, and light. Then, everything was black. And, i woke up in Raxon's arms...My parents were never seen again, and neither was their daughter...Moriah Chase...."
    This little girl's story, made me want to protect her, it made me want to. Be a big brother to her.
    "Hmmm....who's Raxon."