As the final bell of the day rang at 3:40 PM like it normally does, I was ready to get home to my bed and rest until the next day. “See you tomorrow, Major,” I called as I normally do. I walked out of the JROTC building and headed for the bus. As I said my good byes for the day, I passed many of my friends telling them I’ll see them tomorrow and what I normally do. There was one person I was hoping to see the most, Mallory. As I walked with her to the bus, we had small conversation like normal and all was good. It was a pretty good day overall. No trouble, no problems, and my favorite part, no homework. I got to my house around 4:30 like I normally do in the afternoons and I got my shorts on and went outside to play basketball with Terrell like I normally would on a nice afternoon, like it was on this particular day. My mom pulled into the driveway close to around 5:00 or so, and I prepared to go inside. I had my key but I was outside and I didn’t feel the need to go into the house if I was just going to come back out. “Hey Mom,” I called as she got out of the truck, “how was your day?” She gave me a firm look and said “Let’s go.” As if I was in some kind of trouble. I walked into the house to see that she had the kitchen cleaned up perfectly. Something I was incapable of doing up to this day. She swore that I could do it this way every time I cleaned up, but I insisted that I could. “It looks fine, Mom,” I sheepishly admitted, “I’ll try harder next time.” Her typical response, “That’s all I ask of you son.” So when all was said and done I was finished eating, and I had gotten settled in the house, reading Breaking Dawn the fourth book in the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer. I was shocked when I heard my mother yell, “Trevor!” I wasn’t sure of what I did when she had called me. Turns out she just needed help finding the TV remote. After I found the remote, I went back to my book. I got kind of lost in the book, when suddenly I heard “Trevor!” again. So when I went to my mom this time, she asked what was I doing, and I told her that I was just reading. See, parents, don’t like when their kids are quiet and sneaky. “Oh well” I mumbled to myself as I walked away. I went to my bedroom to grab my night clothes which were neatly folded on my dresser where I normally keep important things. As I walked past my mom’s bedroom I said “Mom, I’m going to take a shower.” “Okay,” she replied, “Don’t take long.” “I won’t.” I replied quickly as I shut the bathroom door. I turned the water on, and I proceeded to take a shower. I washed and got out in about ten minutes or so. I put on my night clothes, and as I walked past my mom’s door again, she hollered, “what are you doing now child?” “Putting my clothes in the hamper, then I’m probably going to read again. Why, you need something?” I replied with an annoyed tone in my voice. It didn’t seem so bad to me. She told me, “Nothing, I just wanted to know what you were doing now.” “Oh.” I said as I sighed lightly. There was no point in arguing with her on a night like tonight. It was too good of a day to be wasting it on arguing with her. I grew tired of arguing with her after a while so eventually I did learn that its definitely better not to care anymore and just deal with it. No arguing with my mom, that’s my final answer. So when I went to bed, I got comfortable and I watched “The Longshots” a new movie with Ice Cube and he taught his niece how to be a quarterback for the local football team. It was a good movie actually. What I watched of it anyway. I fell asleep probably halfway through the movie. After I managed to doze off, I was really comfortable and it didn’t take long before I was in a deep sleep and I was dreaming….....
.. ..
It was a beautiful Tuesday morning at Hoke County High School. We didn’t have many days like this, so it was enjoyable while it lasted. As I got off the bus, I walked to my normal place to meet Busbee, my friend since I was a freshman. I didn’t expect the next event. He phased to a russet furred, blue eyed werewolf, which threw me way farther than left field. “What the hell?!” I managed to choke out in my current state of shock. He attempted to tackle me. I went into a violent state of rage, which just heightened my abilities: my super strength, speed, and the ability to read minds. I wasn’t sure what the hell just happened but I didn’t have time to ask. All I was concerned with was dodging what I could, and maybe throwing a hit or two in. I needed to defend myself without killing my best friend. We were on the McDonald side of campus when this dispute had erupted. I wasn’t exactly sure of the cause of this random attack but, like I said before, I didn’t have time to ask questions. He had the strength of the hulk, and the speed of a dog. I couldn’t stand it. There was no way that I was getting away from this. Not that I wanted to run but I didn’t want to have to kill my best friend in the long run either. A low growl came from my chest which erupted into a louder growl in time. I didn’t think to jump on top of the roofs, but I’ve not been noted for having the brains of Einstein. I’m kinda slow in a sense… I’m used to not being the brightest color in the crayon box. I should’ve guessed he wasn’t gonna be able to jump up there while he was on all fours. “Damn dog,” I muttered under my breath. I think he heard me because he was coming after me stronger now. I guess he didn’t like being called a dog, but if I had known my best friend was a werewolf, I could’ve avoided this whole situation. I couldn’t slow down my defenses any either, because I didn’t want him to kill me; just as I didn’t want to kill him.....
During our violent dispute, Tori (Busbee’s friend who he was talking to), came from around a corner of one of the buildings on the Gibson side. Busbee, outraged, yelled “Get back now!!!” She looked stunned to see him in his current state, and she seemed frightened to see either one of us. Busbee stopped trying to attack me, and went to move Tori out of the way of our fighting. Now, there was this new kid, that Busbee and I weren’t familiar with who came from somewhere, showed up as a werewolf. Tori, back away from our fight, wasn’t expecting his vicious attack. The guy bit Tori dead in the middle of her neck. There was blood spewing everywhere over the ground, making it hard for me to focus on Busbee’s actions, seeing that I haven’t broken myself completely from human blood. Busbee, now thoroughly pissed off, quit attacking me and looked in the direction of the scream that was heard over our occasional growls and groans. He went quickly in the direction of the scream. My eyes changed from the normal bronze-tan color they were to a fluorescent red that would’ve made the boogie man scream. I shortly followed after Busbee in his attempt to kill the new guy. Busbee and I finally found the incident scene, Tori laying on the ground spewing blood all over the place. Luckily for me, I could hold my breath and I would never need to breath or else the smell of the blood would’ve driven me half crazy. I’m pretty sure the treaty was invalid now that we were attacking each other and stuff, but this needed both of us to take out this new guy. He was far stronger than any werewolf we had ever seen. Standing, his fur a midnight black, by Tori’s shattered and broken body, with what seemed to be a grin on his face. It didn’t make sense to me how Busbee was just standing there so easily, without killing this guy already. I’m pretty sure that Busbee wouldn’t admit to needing my help, but I would need his if I was gonna fight him. We had to avenge Tori’s death. Busbee glanced at me and muttered, “Let’s do this bloodsucker.” “I have a name a*****e,” I slyly commented back. “We don’t have time for this,” he told me with more urgency in his voice as he advanced on the midnight black dog. At first, the dog tried to take off running. I sped quickly in front of him, stopping him cold in his tracks. He turned around, only to find that Busbee was standing less than a foot away from him. Busbee charged at the new guy at a close distance but the new guy was too fast. He managed to dodge the tackle from Busbee, but not fast enough to dodge the fall that I made when I jumped from about ten feet in the air, and punched his muzzle. “Dumbass dog,” I stated as he flinched back from the attack. Busbee grabbed the new guy by the neck and started shaking his head his head like a savage to the left and right, the sound of cracking bones was the only sound heard from the two werewolves for a time period lasting close to seven minutes, if not longer. I eventually stepped in and kicked the midnight black werewolf, giving Busbee enough time to recuperate and get himself together for a good second or two. Busbee, looking at me, said in a low tone, “we gotta finish this now bloodsucker.” I nodded in agreement. “Do you want the honors of doing this?” I asked the dog. Busbee stated quickly “I’d love to.” Busbee dragged the corpse of the now dead, midnight black mutt behind a building and the sound of ripping flesh and the smell of werewolf blood filled the air. Busbee came from behind the building carrying the head of the midnight black werewolf in his jaws. When I saw what he did, I walked to the corpse and took the remaining amount of the blood that was still in the body. I came back from the corpse, wiping my mouth clear of any dripping. “We did it man. I know it doesn’t make up for her death, but we killed that son of a b***h.”....
.. ..
It was a heartfelt victory for the both of us, but we didn’t have time to celebrate it. We had our own fight to finish. “That won’t be the only werewolf head that gets taken off today dog.” I said to him in a loud clear voice. “You could only wish bloodsucker.” He replied just as hateful as my statement was. I crouched, ready to attack at any given second, just as he had already done. But right before either one of us jumped; there was the sound of people screaming. It had seemed they found Tori’s shattered body, and there was law enforcement and school administrators had pointed at us and said something that was unclear to either of us. We looked quickly at them and back at each other. “Look, mutt,” I stated, “if we’re gonna finish this with one of us killing the other than we’re gonna need to get away from these enforcers.” He looked at me with an understanding look on his face. “Let’s go then bloodsucker, but don’t think this means we’re finished with this fight by any means.” I walked up to one of the school administrators, Mr. Baldwin, who had asked me what was going on. I told him I wasn’t sure, but Mr. Brewington was already on it. Mr. Baldwin, pulled out a sword (I wasn’t sure what a sword was gonna do in this situation but whatever) and went to where all the people were. Mr. Brewington, standing by Tori’s body, with a sword, saw Mr. Baldwin and quickly moved to respond. I went to Mr. Baldwin, and Busbee went to Mr. Brewington and at the same time, we told them that the other administrator had done it. They both stabbed their swords through the others heart and they fell to the ground by Tori’s body. The smell of the blood was killing me so therefore I had to hold my breath yet again. The bell had rang to allow the kids to get out of class, and in the courtyard, there was yet again, another tragedy…....
.. ..
A group of white kids, including Ryan, Ash, and some other white people I wasn’t quite familiar with, normally didn’t bother me. But the smell of all the blood around forced me to continue to hold my breath all the way through this time. Busbee and I had to figure out a way to get off of campus without being caught by the police who had set up a perimeter around campus. While we were sitting on the concrete “bench” (as they called the uncomfortable things), something hit Busbee (now phased back to a human, and fully dressed) and me in the back: twice on mine, and once on his. We were bombarded by hackeysacks. This threw us into a rage again, and we quickly got off the “bench” and we turned to face the white kids. My eyes, now fluorescent red again scared two of the small, skinny white kids and they both passed out on the ground. I let out a chuckle and Busbee looked at me like I was dumb or something. I thought it was quite funny that these kids had passed out. “What?” I asked as he looked at me. The book bag Busbee was carrying seemed full and the stench of rotting blood and meat rose from it with every slight breeze of the wind. I knew exactly what was it this book bag he was carrying. He wasn’t fooling me. This was just more reason for me to hold my breath. I figured I’d ask what he was gonna do with it. When I went to open my mouth to speak, there was a scream that pierced the air like a bullet. A girl had walked into the courtyard after we had killed everyone of the white kids. Decapitated and breathless, all the kids lay still on the ground in the courtyard. The girl, who had been so unfortunate to walk by it, had passed out. I’m not exactly sure what happened to the girl and quite frankly, I didn’t care. We had the head of a midnight black werewolf in a book bag and there were at least 20 people dead. The girl passing out was the least of our concerns, trust me. We still needed a way to get off of campus, so that we could go ahead and finish this fight we were dying to finish. I came up with a plan to get rid of some of the cops but I was unsure how it was gonna work. There was no way Busbee was getting off campus, werewolf or human, without being caught and I told him our fight wasn’t finished.....
.. ..
My plan involved me risking getting caught, but I would need to run as fast as I possibly could after they almost had me. They would hopefully follow after me in a desperate effort. If not, the plan wouldn’t work. So I decided that the best plan of action was to steal a car and hopefully, if I successfully rammed through the road block they had set up, they would have all units chase after me in their cruisers and give Busbee enough time to phase and speed off campus before anyone noticed what was going on. We agreed that this was the best way to go, and I would eventually ditch the car, and we’d finally finish what we’d been dying to do. “So if we stick to this plan, hopefully everything should work,” I calmly told the dog. I hated doing this honestly, having to work with a dog… There wasn’t anything that bothered me more than having to work with a filthy little mongrel to get out of here. What if he didn’t stick to his side of the plan? What if he told the police where I was going so that he could get away? This plan could go very wrong, simply because he IS my mortal enemy. I didn’t like trusting him, but my part of the plan was the only thing getting him off campus. So I hoped that I wouldn’t have to worry. “When are we gonna do this bloodsucker?” Busbee asked me impatiently. “As soon as I find something to drive that I think would get me through a blockade quick enough to get them to try to catch me,” I replied, sounding a little agitated. I looked around to see what was around me that I could use. There was an old Ford F-150 sitting in the parking lot in front of the Baucum building that looked as if it could withstand a tank rolling over it. It didn’t seem to have any major problems, but the only problem I was having was the fact that I didn’t have keys… So I had to resort to the art of hotwiring an ’86 Ford truck. I couldn’t help but thinking that he’s gonna betray me before I get this truck running. I asked him in a low tone, “Are you planning on betraying me?” “No, I wouldn’t be able to get off if I betrayed you, but the thought has gone through my head,” he responded. “Good.” I answered quickly and quietly, still trying to get this old a** truck to start. It suddenly came to life with a loud roar that would’ve made Godzilla jump. I gave it some gas to see if it was good enough to handle the speed I was gonna need to use. “Are you ready to do this mongrel?” I asked him sharply. “Whenever you’re ready bloodsucker,” he replied sharper. He phased to his russet furred wolf, and gave me a nod. I gunned the motor and ran straight into the roadblock that was set up on Bethel Road. It was just enough to get me through but it wasn’t fast enough to sustain the chase. I ditched the truck and waited for Busbee at our agreed meeting point, somewhere the cops would never expect us to be, the new guys house. This wouldn’t have been possible to locate unless we had his wallet and Busbee’s cell phone, which happened to have GPS in it. I waited a few days and still he never showed up. It was nearly 5 days before I heard a peep from him. He finally showed up in the driveway, human, and dressed in different clothes than before he phased. I guess it’s hard to wear human clothes when you’re a stinking dog. “Bout time you showed up,” I said coldly and calm. “Sorry, ran into some trouble with them going back to school. They think only you got off,” he informed me. He didn’t look like he wanted to fight now. “Do you want to finish this or what dog?” I asked him with a sense of hostility in my voice. “No. I want to make a deal,” and that’s all he said….....
.. ..
What kind of deal could he be talking about? I don’t understand. Wasn’t he the one who wanted to finish what we started in the first place? “What kind of deal would I want to make with you, dog?” I asked. “I want to re-negotiate our treaty, leech,” he said coldly. “And how do you propose we do that?” I questioned further. He looked at me with the light blue eyes that weren’t normal for a normal werewolf. Maybe he had a disease or something. I didn’t care about his eyes. I wanted to know what the hell was going through his mind. “I don’t want to fight you leeches anymore,” he said. “I just lost the one I loved the most, haven’t I lost enough already?”....
“I guess you have. But we already violated the treaty.”....
“That’s why we write our own. I want to start my own pack and maybe you start you own coven of ‘leeches’ and we won’t have to worry about fighting.”....
“That makes sense. So what would the terms of this new ‘treaty’ be?”....
“You can hunt on our land all you want, as long as a blo…Vampire doesn’t try to kill one of my werewolves. And we can hunt on yours as long as we don’t kill you’re ‘people’”....
“That’s fine. But what if I needed help defending our land? Would you’re so called pack help out there?”....
“Yeah, that would be our hunting ground. Anyone that starts a war with you, also, we would help as long as you would help us in the same manner.”....
“Of course, alright dog, we have a deal.” I shook his hand, and we moved to a different location. “Where do you propose we keep these lands?”....
“In western North Carolina, there are some unclaimed territories up there that I think would suit us just fine.”....
“Alright. You get your pack. I’ll get my coven. I’ll meet you there before November. I’ll follow your horrid stench.....
“Right and if I need you, I’ll do the same.”....I nodded as he said the last line, knowing I deserved that one... So there was tragedy, a peace agreement, and lands. Nice. All was good. For now…
- by Vampire Underlord Trev |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/18/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: The Bloodsucker-Dog Affair 1/3
- Artist: Vampire Underlord Trev
- Description: This is a story I wrote after having a dream. It was rather interesting so me and my buddy are writing a two sided story. I'm a vampire, and he's the werewolf. It does seem like Twilight in a sense but I had a dream and I wrote about it. So please don't say I copied Twilight because I didn't. Well, enough from this, here's the story.
- Date: 03/18/2009
- Tags: bloodsuckerdog affair
- Report Post
Comments (3 Comments)
- mangafreak_do or die - 03/27/2009
- Not the best thing I've read and 00Genious is right, the resemblence is very accurate... I personally hated it...
- Report As Spam
- 00Genious - 03/20/2009
I hate to be so rude, but I have to be honest.
It was horrible.
The Twilight resemblence was astounding. A mind-reading vampire and a russet furred werewolf. Gee, I wonder where that came from.
Besides that, it confusing, disorganized, badly sectioned out, and poorly written. Try looking up the six traits of writing, and using them. I'd give it a zero, but I can't, so it's a one. - Report As Spam