• “Isabelle, hurry!”
    “Wait Geokoi!” The small girl tripped and was met with a mouth full of dirt.
    “Hurry Isabelle! They’re coming!” shouted the red haired boy, quickly helping the little girl up and carrying her small frame in his arms. He slid around the corner with swift movements and slid into the sewers still running as fast as his bruised and cut legs could carry him. As soon as he spotted the “Way out,” he set the small girl down gently and cranked open the door. “Hurry, get out of this place and find The Gear Mister. He’ll help you,” he explained, as the girl looked back at him with wide eyes filled with tears.
    “Will I ever see you again?” she asked, choking on her words. The silver haired boy smiled a sincere smile and nodded. For a moment in her life, the little girl felt a rush of happiness flow through her. But that all faded as she heard the gunfire and her friend collapsed to his knees, blood seeping from his vest. “Geo!”
    “Go Isabelle!” he screamed, shutting the door closed and leaving the small girl in the darkness.


    The red haired girl woke up, eyes wide with surprise. She took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, looking outside her window at the burning city below. “Working in Hell sure brings back memories,” she sighed, lying back down on the mattress. Suddenly, her door burst open with a certain silver haired boy in his pinstripe suit.
    “Wake up lazy-a**! Time to go to work,” he said, whipping the covers off of the half naked girl. She growled as the cold air met her pale skin. She glared up at her delivery partner and crossed her arms across her bare chest.
    “What in bowels of hell do you think your doing?” she hollered angrily. The silver haired man smirked and walked out of the room. She grumbled and grabbed a random shirt off of her cold floor and slipped it over her head. “Damn rat-fink,” she murmured, walking groggily out into the kitchen, the aroma of bacon and omelets filling her senses.
    “Morning snoozer beauty,” complimented her friend. She took off her slipper and chucked it at his head. He laughed at the usual routine and set breakfast out on the table. The red haired girl sat down and scarfed down her breakfast while her friend queitly drank his coffee. After her breakfast was all gone within seconds, she groggily stumbled back to her room and slipped her uniform on.