• Chapter 2
    It was a dark day with clouds hanging gloomily above in the sky and threatening to cry on the people below. Everybody went about their business and tried to enjoy their break from work for a little while. Most people were at coffee shops, being one of the most abundant shops in the area, and talking to friends or trying to catch up on the news. In one coffee shop a fox Tribal was reading a newspaper while talking to his show business assistant about their next act for the next town. The fox had his fur sleek, so he could impress girls with it, and a very fresh and reassuring smile. His teeth almost gleamed his dark green eyes caught every movement in its grasp.

    His assistant was a cat Tribal with slightly messed up fur. She didn’t care about it because she kept it short so it wouldn’t get in the way. He blue eyes did not seem too focused but everybody who talked to her felt as if they were getting their minds read like an open book. The cat, Erin, always had at least three blades on her but she carried a usual eight on her person at all times. Erin loved to dance and was one of the fastest knife fighters in the world, though her job hid the fact and she liked it that way, and never went out of her way to attack somebody.
    The fox, Jin named after an odd berry, on the other hand was a bit more erratic than Erin. He had earned the nickname Shock because he always asked random women out when he had the chance. He liked to play tricks on people he hated and would sometimes go out of his way just to show someone off. (That means humiliate them.) He was not as quick or as flexible as Erin, as when he danced it was more solid and hevy then Erin’s dance, but he had more strength than Erin. In a battle Erin would win against Shock but Shock was still craftier than Erin.

    Shock was looking over the newspaper with interest, but still not committing to read every article in it, and he surprised Erin by actually bringing up the headline in the middle of their conversation. “So I think we could make more gold if we just cut back on buying ehanc…” Shock cut Erin of mid sentence. “Hey we actually have news today. It’s not just robberies!” Shock said loudly getting a few stares but nothing else. His voice was slightly high and you could tell that it was used often for singing. “Well that’s news to me. You never interrupt me just because of some news.” Erin said rolling her eyes. Her voice was low and could make even death pay attention whenever she talked. It was somewhat sick sounding but most people discarded that fact due to the fact that they were to intent listing to what she said. “No, honestly listen.” Shock started to read a piece from the article. “… and as it was reported a week ago the nearby town of Elsavenin was slaughtered releasing a large magical beast. It turns out that the beast appears to have attacked 2 people who were able to fight it off and kill it. “It seems to me that ex-monster caused the people in the village to suffer brain damage and filled in the holes with its own thinking. This caused them to become slightly hypnotized and carry out a will of the summoner of the beast.” Says doctor flock, head of the magic guard intelligents division. We should thank the person who did this but they may have cruel intents so…” Shock stopped reading. Erin looked at him for a second. “Well it is the first diversion from this pattern since that one thing. What was it? Oh that’s right. That one man came calling himself the protector of good” Erin said.

    “Well I think that’s a lie. How would a village get access to that kind of magic?” a person sitting behind Erin asked with only his back showing. It was a clear voice that seemed to point out what he was saying at any time. The man wore a black hoodie and grey slacks. Erin looked surprised because she had not even felt that person sitting there. “Well I think it’s true.” Shock said. Rain started falling weakly outside causing some people to move inside so nothing would get wet. “I concur.” Erin said. This sparked a conversation between the people. The man in the hoodie never turned around. They started weakly to talk about the news and then about cities near the area. The man in the hoodie didn’t know too many cities around this city because he came the same path that the village used. After it started raining Erin and Shock decided to get back to their apartment but before they left Erin took out a ticket with the words “Shock and surprise” on it. “Here the show is around the high moon.” Erin said. The man in the black hoodie waved his sleeve over the ticket without showing his hand snatched the ticket.