• {The Villain}
    Everyone seems to hate the villain. Well the true reason why they hate us is because they fear us. The people had once betrayed us or done something against us. We choose this side because we can't stand them. It's our way of seeking revenge. It's our way of showing them what real fear is.
    Now some villains don't seem to understand. They have the hero in the clutches of their hands and what do they do? They start monologuing. They ramble on and on on how inferior the hero is to them and how they will destroy the world. Idiots. The ones that understand though, are much more cruel, destructive, and devious.
    The people have these so called "heroes" to protect them. But they sicken me. They're like their puppets. They use them as much as they want and when they seem to gain too much power, they throw them away. I'd rather not help the people at all.

    {The Hero}
    I help the people in need. I believe it's the right thing to do. We can make a difference. We can change things for the better. We fight for justice, freedom, and all of the things right in this world! Everyone seems to love us. But why do they? Is it because it's our job to protect them? Is it because they truly need us? Or is it because they don't want the effort?
    Saving the world is not easy. Once you think you're done for the night you have to go and save someone else. Why can't the world be safe for one moment? Why do so many people get in trouble? It is worth it. Knowing that you saved a life. But...... I seem to notice that the one time you can't make it. The one time you fail to save a life. They seem to.... Turn on you.
    Is this worth it. Do they really care for us like they appear to be? I don't know. But I'll keep on fighting..... Even though I sometimes have doubts......

    {Neither side}
    I know the fight between good and evil. The heroes fight for the people. What they believe is right. The villains fight for revenge on those that have wronged them in the past. They all think that you have to choose a side. But really, you can choose. I don't have any problems with revenge. Why shout out to the world that you're going to get somebody and nobody can stop you?
    I fight for myself. The reason why you ask? Well I'll tell you why.
    The heroes. Always living up to the expectations of the people. Do they ever get a break? No. If they fail, the people turn against them. They fear them. They fear people that are different. Anyone that could turn against them. They just don't understand. They don't seem to get it.
    The villains are evil for many reasons. Past lives that didn't work out and now they are taking their revenge on innocent people. I don't want to be on a side with no reason at all. But I also don't want to be controlled by the people. So what do I choose? My side. I fight for my rights; my beliefs. What ever I want to do! I'm not saying that I'm evil nor am I saying that I am one thats justice. I'm the one that understands the true meaning of things.
    I've seen heroes turn into villains because the people felt like getting rid of them. Like the guy said in the Dark Knight "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
    Thats why I don't choose sides. I see what they can't see. I understand what the people think. Fear controls everything in this battle between good and evil. I just didn't feel like choosing sides.