• They were standing outside her dormroom
    "Are you sure that your fine?"Remi worried over Gimi so much..
    "I'll be ok really don't worry about me ok?"
    she got down from his arms..
    they were strong but seemed so twig-like.
    "Would you like something to eat?"
    what am I saying??? Gimi started to ask herself...
    "Oh no, no I'm not hungry....bit I am alittle thristy...."
    he kept staring at her neck.
    she struggled for words...
    "uhhh uhhhhhhh would you like some water???" she tripped over some clothes and hit her ankle. she fell and he caught her again. they were caught together in a very intense scene.
    it all seemed so famailar to Gimi.
    Remi on the ground next to her, as she was on her side smiling at his blue eyes with his hair in his face......
    She got up quickly, her cheeks a bright red.
    "Ummm....sorry I'm a real clutz sometimes..." She stammered
    He laughed, which inturn made Gimi laugh too.
    Remi got up then straiten his jacket up..."See you tomarrow night Gimi.." Remi said in a sweet and calm tone, that made Gimi want to melt..."o-o-ok....s-s-see you tomarrow....Remi.." Gimi said, she felt like she was going to faint.
    After Remi left her dorm, Gimi started to think about what he said to her...
    "See you tomarrow night?? what's that suspose to mean?" she kept replaying his words over and over again in her mind.. that was the first night she couldn't get to sleep....
    8:30 A.M. the next day....
    "Why are you so tired? You and your new boyfriend stay up all night or something?" Haruo said in a snappy tone as he walked quicky by Gimi..
    "That guy is not my boyfriend! He was helping me because I had hurt my ankle that's all!" Gimi was hurt by the way Haruo was acting towards her..."when did he become such a jerk...." Gimi whispered to herself..
    6 hours and 2 conflicts with Haruo later Gimi was at work again..with Haruo..
    when she got there she could see that Haruo had got there 1st thi worried her.....
    "Haruo?" she asked as she took a box out of the shipping truck and followed Haruo to the pantry. "What do you want now Gimi?" his vioce was ice cold..Gimi dropped the box on the ground..Haruo never used that ice cold voice with her. "Haruo........" Haruo didn't even look up, "What?" Gimi paused then said "Do-Do you hate me Haruo?" Haruo looked up... "Haruo do you hate me for what I said last night?" Gimi ran over to Haruo and wrapped her arms around him like a small child with a teddy bear "It wasn't really me Haruo who said that! I don't know what came over me but I would never say that to you!!" Haruo didn't know how to reaspond to Gimi's quick hug and "sorry" so he said "it's ok...Gimi....it's ok..." and he put on hand on her back while she buried her face into his shirt...."Umm..Gimi...your uhh messing up my jacket..." Haruo finally admitted..Gimi looked up her cheeks flushed from crying so much..."oh sorry Haruo....Uhh let's get the rest of the boxes out of the truck ok?" Gimi said as she let go of Haruo and picked up her box again. "Umm Gimi your box is the last one...I already got the rest of the boxes put up..so when your done..if you want me to.....I could walk you to your dorm.........That is unless your vampire friend wants to!" Gimi punched Haruo in the gut as she walked by. Haruo (who is on the ground) said "Ouch............................."