• It was a calm evening in Smash Manor. On one of the mansion's balconies stood a young woman. Her brown, blue and red hair flowed a bit in the wind, her green eyes looking at the lovely scenery. She just stood there, one hand holding the black string that usually put her hair in a ponytail, the other on the rail, thinking of her past...

    "Mother, Father," a little girl asked her parents, "May I go for a walk?"

    "Of course you may, Rumeidia," the mother replied,"just come back before sunset."

    Rumeidia liked walking around Ember Cove, her neighborhood. She had everything she wanted, since her family was rich. The Fiane clan was very rich, but many of its members were very rude and snobby. Of course, Rumeidia being one of them, was just as snobby, giving a disgusted look to a few of the poorer class. Rumeidia was about to go to her destination, Ember Beach, when she heard clapping.

    The little girl turned around and walked over to a large crowd to see what was going on. After pushing through the people, she saw an arena with two skinny men wielding swords. The men attacked eachother, their swords clashing occasionally. One man, with a heavy sword, attacked the other and became the victor.

    Ugh...that's just disgusting! I mean, what's so fun about fighting with weapons and getting blood and dirt on you? Rumeidia thought, walking away, going back home.

    Though the little brunette first thought it was grotesque, the memory of the man winning haunted her for a few years. When Rumeidia was 11, and got her bangs dyed blue, she started to get the urge to fight. So, after learning and working in secret, Rumeidia got herself a box of daggers, about 24 in the box. She set up some targets in the nearby forest, where she had ran to almost every night for two hours of training. At first, her aiming was pathetic, and she had a feeling that swords weren't for her, but after 2 years, her aiming was perfect.

    One night, she found what to her was a beautiful weapon. It was a chakram; blue handle and a black rim with spikes. She picked it up and started using it like a boomerang. Rumeidia quickly got the hang of using a chakram, and kept it. She started to gain more skills. Rumeidia was able to set fire to her chakram and not feel any pain, a little whirlwind accompanied it, there was thunder around her daggers when she threw them, she could even clone herself! Unfortunately, her parents found out about her little secret.

    A year later, Rumeidia gained red tips for her hair. Her parents were shocked about what their daughter was doing.

    "Rumeidia Fiane," her father asked, holding her chakram by a spike,"what is the meaning of this?!"

    "I can't believe it," her mother said, looking down at her box of daggers,"you've been fighting!"

    "Mom, Dad, I like doing it! I love fighting! I know my great, great, great grandfather loved it--"

    "If you were a good daughter, you'd understand that that was long ago. The Fiane Clan doesn't fight, it is patheti--"

    "If you were good parents, you'd understand how I feel!"

    So, Rumeidia was grounded for life. They hid her weapons, but she found them three years later. One day, after sneaking out of her room, Rumeidia saw a flyer. It talked about brawling, fighting and more. Rumeidia's scowl turned into a big grin, she signed up for it and took out a map with "Smash Manor" on it. That night, Rumeidia packed up her things, snuck out and set sail for Smash Manor, looking for the life she's wanted for a long time.

    "Well, goodnight, guys! Great match," Rumeidia said,"you guys really make me work."

    Rumeidia left her friends and headed to her room. She just fought a team battle between her and her crush, Link, against their friends Ike and Marth. It has been a few months since Rumeidia left her family, and things changed for the better. She actually changed her last name from "Fiane" to "Blaze," since she left.

    As the young woman slipped under the covers of her bed, she thought about her new life. She thought about her friends, the good days, the bad days. Ever since she came to Smash Manor, she always thought of most of her fellower brawlers as her much better second family.