• They watched him running to the car. They made sure he was out of site. Simon fell to the ground, he was panting for air. Being invisible took a lot of strength. Alyssa and Simon ran back to there house. When Simon reached the door, Alyssa was panting also. He opened the door, and walked inside. They fell to the floor, but they began to freak out. "Cc, i dont think this is our house!" Simon warned. Cc was Alyssa's nickname.
    "You think?" She said
    "Then where are we?"
    "Well-" Alyssa was cut off.
    "You're in my house." Henry growled.
    Cc and Simon stood up. They were ready to fight. Henry walked out of the shadows, and held up his gun.
    "Any last word, before you join your mother?" Henry asked.
    "Yeah, kiss our asses!" Said Cc and Simon. They held hands, and Henry charged to them. Cc flew up, and Simon turned invisible. Henry hated these kids. Banging was on the door, and Henry thought it was the kids. When he smashed down the door, Kit came in and grabbed Henry's neck.
    "Time for you to be in the "Slamers" bub." Said Kit. Cc and Simon called the poice, and Kit was a family friend. They high fived, and went back to the woods to there house.
    Carter was so entertained watching this fight. He flew to Henry's house, and snapped his fingers. Fire appeared in the middle, and he put the fire on the roof of the house. He then flew off, when he was a good distance away from the house, he pulled out his laptop and went to his website. He edit the home page. In big bold words he wrote 'Help us kids, The strong ones are ruining this world! He waited a while, and when he went back to see how many veiws he had, it was nothing like he thought. 659,854 veiws. He was amazed.
    A comment from Dixiegal7109
    I know exactly how you feel, my uncle, he is a strong one, and he cant seem to conrol his powers. My parents were killed from him. I wish all the strong ones were dead. Maybe if all us kids work together, this will change!

    He got up closed his laptop, put it in his carrier case, and slept on the branch.