• Vampire intrigue me very much, so does werewolves and many other mythical creatures. We yet never know if they’re real or not. Believing is sometimes not to be seen with our eyes. Name’s Nayame and I am a Sun Class Student of Kama Academy. I’m only sixteen years old and a human obviously. What classes I take are Advance Social Studies, Advanced Science, Advanced Language Arts, Physical Education, Advanced Math and my favorite class, Mythology. After school activities I do are Violin Lessons and I also play sports such as volleyball. I’m a very intelligent student and athletic as well. I have so many interests in life that I lose track of things I do normally.
    My appearance would be five feet and six and a half inches tall, dark brown hair at shoulder length and my weigh would be slender. Did I mention I took Tae Kwon Do? So my strength is ultimately bizarre usually. I’m stronger than all of the girls in my Sun Class. They technically fear me well and I’m pleased about that. You see… I like to be left alone by others. Yes, I’m a loner! It’s pleasing for me. All I do in mean time is reading… Fantasy, Science Fiction, Mythology, and such genres like these. I also draw as well, what I usually draw is dragons and other mythological creatures I adore very much.
    The clock ticked momentarily and I glanced at the teacher at the desk. He was reading his newspaper and everyone else was worked up into their tests. The chair scraped across the floor as I stood up. Everyone took a glimpse of me then they quickly went back to their work. I strolled over to the teacher’s desk and placed my test on the desk, smiling. The teacher looked at me and at the paper.
    “Did you recheck it? Are you sure it’s all correct?” He questioned me as he handled the paper in his scrawny hands. I nodded briefly at him and he wasn’t surprised as he read my paper.
    “You are dismissed. Go ahead leave the room but before you leave. Take this pass so you wouldn’t get in trouble.” He murmured to me as he handed me the hallway paper pass. I grinned, intently took the pass and grabbed my stuff off my desk. I took off into the hallway and the sun broke through the windows. Some doors were closed but some others weren’t so I would take a fleeting look at the classes with their open doors. The students were so focused on their exam and I pitied them. They should’ve studied some more for the huge exam before today.
    The door to the outside creaked stiffly and I peeped a look to the outside. It was sunny, the wind was mellow and the sweet smelling cut grass filled the air. I took a step outside and exhaled noisily. Birds twittered happily not so far off and I saw a few squirrels scuttling around the autumn trees. There were a few clouds scattered across the azure sky. Just a peachy day for me once again and it was just gorgeous of course. I decided to take stroll through the forest and shoved the pass into my brown leather bag. I never felt this so euphoric before and I assumed it was the sun that made me ecstatic. The tree whispered to me as a breeze whistled through the golden leaves. Not so far off I heard yelling and I stopped in middle of my stroll. My expression became serious and I braced myself.
    “Goddamn it! I don’t want to go this school!” A girl around my age yelled at someone else in front of here that I assumed was her father. She was huffing angrily and was clutching a wad of papers in her small hand. I arched an eyebrow as I approached them.
    “Uhm, excuse me. Is there a problem I assume?” I questioned them, bracing my arms across my chest and the girl’s face smoothened when she saw me. Her father grinned at me and shook his head.
    “Not at all, ma’ dam. No need to worry. Now are you a student of this school?” The well-aged father inquired me and I smiled feebly at him. A breeze whipped around my hair, making the strands of my hair float and the girl turned away from us.
    “Why yes. I’m one of the students here. I’m from the Sun Class. I suppose your daughter is new here?” I engaged a conversation with her father, mentioning them over to the pathway down to the school. The girl glowered and went by pass me. Her father kept his pace with me, which it was, a good thing.
    “Ah, well I’m Ritsuka Yuhario. It’s a pleasure meeting you. That girl over there is Ritsuka Kurane.” The father introduced himself and his daughter to me and I smiled, nodding. The school’s doors were only now a few yards away. Kurane started to break out into a run when she immediately saw the doors. In my mind, I scowled at her and was disappointed in her actions.
    “I’m Azura Nayame. It’s a pleasure to meet you guys as well. Do you need to see the chairman?” I said with a question and he glanced at the closing doors. He heaved a sigh and bowed to me.
    “Thank you for escorting us over here. No I believe not. Kurane probably found his office. Once again thank you.” He said to me and I arched an eyebrow. Then I smiled and bowed to him once.
    “No problem. After all I like to help people with their troubles.” I said with a concluding smile and walked away from Yuhario. I waved him a dismissive wave and disappeared into the forest pathway again. This time I went to the hidden lake and I set myself down under a yellowing tree. The grass by the lakeshore was turning brown and yellow like the tree. I tugged out one of my favorite book Eragon and I started reading it. Eventually I fell as asleep under the tree with the novel in my delicate hands. Vivid dreams of fantasy rushed through me and found boy with burning red eyes chasing me in the dreams. Then I ran away with the fairies surrounding me. Dragons were in the sky and roared furiously as I ran below them. I fell into a ravine where mud was sucking me down into it depths. As it was about to succeed, the same boy pulled me out of the suckling muck and he held me closely.
    “This isn’t a dream. It’s a nightmare.” He whispered in my ears, he sank his fangs into the nape of my neck and I jolted out of my sleep. Eragon fell out of my hands and I was about to scream but held it in. I didn’t want anyone come here and find my secret spot. The lake water glittered under the moonlight. Wait! It’s nighttime already? Crap, this means the time is pass curfew for the whole Sun Class. Not for Moon Class though, they’re lucky… To have night classes tonight and every night we'd ever get. How odd I had that dream… It felt so real but never mind that anyways. I stood up, brushing the dirt off myself and the moon was full. Shining so high in the sky and its light still could reach the grassy ground and the lake water. Not so far off I heard laughter and it send chills down in my fragile spine.
    “Yeah right! Like Alexander would do that!” A chilling sweet siren-like voice came closer and closer. I hunched back down on the tree and my eyes were wide. Were they Moon Class students? I held the bag close to my chest and waited for them to discover me.
    “Even though the Elders told him not sure.” A male velvety voice purred back to the siren-sounding voice. My jaw opened and furrowed my eyebrows. The Elders, what do they mean? The boss? The Elder dudes I recently learned in my Mythology? Were they talking about the legendaries they learnt in their classes? I leaned backwards on the tree even more even more harder and probably my back will be bruised some time later on. A little charming chuckle came out of the siren girl.
    “Hur, he’ll do it. After all we dared him to do it.” The siren girl said soothingly to the other boy she was talking to. I wondered if there were more than two. Oh god, that just made me fear even more. Then I heard a crackling sound and glanced at the lake, it was encasing into ice. What the hell was going on? It’s autumn, and this usually doesn’t happen! The lake gleamed and I heard the footsteps getting closer and closer. I couldn’t take this anymore and I burst out into a run. This was one of the not so smartest things I did but better to do it anyways.
    I skidded across the glittering ice on the top of the lake. I saw at least three or four figures arising by the tree that I was recently at.
    “H-hey!” A male voice barked at me and I turned around to run even more across the lake. Hey, this could be one of the activities I should do during winter! More crackling sound appeared and the ice was already breaking away. That’s impractically impossible. I only weigh at least a hundred pounds and the ice must’ve been thinner than blood.
    “Stop the girl before she drowns or worse!” A female voice echoed across the lake and I whimpered in fear. My bag slithered out of my grip and plopped into the freezing water. I leaned in to reach for it but then my body plunged into the water as well. The broken ice was swirling around in the water and I decided to go underwater. Bubbles arose from my breath as I swam fluently in the water. The bag was at least five feet away from me and it was on the sandy ground. Before I could reach it someone’s arm wrapped around my tight stomach and pulled me up to the surface. I gasped as the air rushed into my throat and my lungs and I immediately lolled backwards, closing my eyes in despair.

    * * * * * * * *

    “Well at least you saved her from those certain dangers. I must thank you very much.” A low voice entered my ears and I turned my head on my right. Slowly I opened my eyes and I saw two people standing besides me. One of them was the Chairman and other one I did not totally know very much. The Chairman turned to me and smiled greatly.
    “Ah look at that. She’s awake.” He said, smiling warmly and I opened my eyes even more. My eyes were a little bleary but I could make out the other person’s face. He was striking, he had azure eyes that burned with passion and black hair was spiked up in a gorgeous way. A few highlighted streaks remained in his little damp hair, one of them were purple, then orange, and then red. Just a colorful boy I believe. His cerulean eyes glanced down at me and he actually smiled.
    “Wh-what happened?” I asked the Chairman as I sat up straight and my chest burst into an unbearable pain. Groaning, I clutched at my chest and scrunched my face. The Chairman pushed me back down in a tender way and tears were about to fill my bleary eyes.
    “You actually drowned… But fortunately Kirya was able to save you from your verge on death.” The Chairman answered briefly, “You need rest, so just sleep tenderly.” In my mind, I snarled a little and frowned. Kirya kept on his straight face and still stayed on my side.
    “Drowned, eh? Since when, I never drown.” I whispered to them, making a smoothened expression, allowing the pain to relax eventually and tried to not sit up straight even though I wanted to. The Chairman gave out a weak smile and I heaved a weary sigh.
    “Well it happens. Even to those ones that are athletic. Oh! That’s right, Kirya received your bag under the lake water.” He responded back to me and Kirya automatically showed me my bag. I felt really relieved when I saw the bag and furrowed my eyebrows. Wasn’t the bag was under the water? Then wouldn’t the objects in my bag be wet?
    “Then all of my textbooks and such are wet…” I murmured sadly but then I just remembered one important thing, my life depended on it. “My diary! Gimme the bag!” I lurched out of my bed sheets and grabbed the bag out of his hand. I fished for my wet diary and fortunately it wasn’t in there. Then where was it? It held all of my secrets, my studying of mythology, and such.
    “Diary? Oh ho ho! I never knew you had a diary!” The Chairman made a funny face and I snarled at him but ouch that hurts. I leaned over to stop the pain arising in my chest. Darn it, I wanted to cry but not in front of those people.
    “It’ll be best for you to rest, Azura.” Finally, first time Kirya spoke out but called me by my first name. I looked up to him, meeting those two azure eyes again, my god they are beautiful. Just drop-dead gorgeous, of course the students of the Moon Class are always beautiful. Why is that I wonder?
    “Nah, seriously. I got better things to do, I rather to rest in my dorm anyways. Not in the infirmary.” I mumbled grouchily as I stood up tall and lean. The Chairman made a fretting sigh as I slung the bag over my shoulder. Scowling I started to walk my way out dizzily but then Kirya stepped in my way, cutting me off I made a face at him and he glared at me. The way he glared at me sent chills down in my spine. Like an icy cold glare, there’s no way I couldn’t avoid him.
    “If you wish to go back to your dorm. Allow me to escort you the way back.” He said to me with no expression in his voice, it was smooth but it didn’t show emotions. I swallowed a gulp in my throat and nodded feebly at him, accepting his offer. He moved out of my way and allowed me to step outside of the infirmary. Kirya stepped out as well with the Chairman. The Chairman was smiling happily and trotted off. I wonder what’s up with that dude.
    “Hm. It’s going to be a long walk for you. Can you make it?” I teasingly told Kirya and all he did was glare at me… Ouch. Not so nice from a drop-dead gorgeous boy. Intently I shrugged and went ahead with him to outside. The moon was high up in the sky and the tree rustled quietly when a breeze danced across the horizon. It was really nice outside for a fall. Just fabulous I suppose.
    “It’s really nice outside isn’t it?” I had to at least engage conversation with this boy somehow. He looked at me, his expression lightened and actually smiled. His azure eyes wavered up to the starry sky and they seemed to have a glint in them.
    “Yes, it is. Especially the sky, it’s clear and we can see all the stars shining upon us.” Kirya said, his voice seemed to be enlightened and I looked up to the night sky as well. I nodded, agreeing with Kirya and smiled wistfully. There were billions, billions of stars up there and I wondered if one of them is a wishing star. Ha, that’s impossible. Wishing stars… They’re impossible. They never grant your wishes ever.
    “I heard… That people wish on the stars up in the night air gets their wishes granted later on in the life.” Kirya continued and I intently shrugged.
    “Not really. They’ll never come true anyways.” I murmured with my eyes on the ground as I heaved a deep breath painfully. He glanced at me, frowning ever so slightly and I intently shrugged a little.
    “It’s true. I have wished on the stars before and they never came true.” I said, trying to convince him and he shook his head.
    “You have to be patient and wait for your wishes to come true.” Kirya pressed on and I glowered at him.
    “I’m very patient you know. So why didn’t they grant my wish?” I questioned him intently.
    “Perhaps your wishes were not good enough for them.” He answered back.
    “Hah, yeah right. My wishes are well-thought.” I growled at him and he glimpsed back at me.
    “Maybe they were. But the stars think lowly of you.” Oh that’s it, he did it this and I wanted to yell at him but there was someone’s figure coming towards us. Another Moon Class student, oh my gosh… He’s even more gorgeous than Kirya as he approached us. Kirya just stiffened and took a step forward.
    “Hello Night.” Kirya intently bowed to him and the handsome person glanced at me.
    “Who is this, may I ask?” He questioned Kirya and I stiffened.
    “She’s - ” I cut Kirya off, “I’m Azura Nayame.” I answered to his question and Kirya just glared at me.
    “I see. You’re that girl with straight A’s in the Sun Class. Involves in a lot of after-school activities and has a high intelligence.” Night just murmured, as I wasn’t there. Kirya blinked and looked at us.
    “Humph, yeah, yeah. All that crap, it may be true but it’s stupid anyways.” I muttered to him and they looked at me shocked. I narrowed my eyes at them, crossed my arms against my chest and huffed.
    “Bite me.” I said to them and they just stared at me. Night was the first one to look away from me and Kirya just gazed at me as if he was hungry.
    “You’re kidding us… Right?” Kirya said with a sheepish smile on his face and I sighed.
    “Sure,” I muttered, “Anyways, Adios amigos. I’m outta here, idiots.” I strode off, argh; I cannot believe I allowed them to see my false side. Oh well, it’s better for them to see my faking than my realistic side of moi. But I couldn’t absorb their funniness in their pale faces. As I kept on walking, I started to think how did I drown? Was I going for a swim or not? What happened? Whatever it was is a mystery to me anyways. The trees rustled uncertainly when a wind raced across the pathway. A howl came out so chillingly and it was near. What the blares was that? A wolf? A coyote? Whatever it was, I’m sure it’s dangerous… I started to walk faster and faster. The wind picked up even more and then I tripped over myself. Scraping my elbows and my knees and I yelled in pain. Tears streamed down on my cheeks as I stood up and held my bag in place. Ignore the pain, ignore the pain, and ignore the pain. That was all I could think of as I kept on pressing on to my dorm. As I twisted the doorknob it was locked and my blood was slathered on there.
    “What a sweet smell…” A luxurious voice purred up above me and I caught a glimpse of a figure on the dorm’s rooftop. A sweet smell, he claims… What is he talking about? I took a step back and started to run around the corner. How am I going to get up to my second floor room? I stared at the figure standing still up there and gasped as the figure disappeared. “Why are you running?” He whispered to me as his figure galloped towards me. My eyes widened in fear and I stumbled backwards, trying to scream. Even a peep couldn’t come out of my throat as I opened my mouth to scream for help. My tears streamed down on my cheek and burned them since it was chilly outside. In despair, I closed my eyes and waited for the nightmare to end. Then I heard a yell and flinched a little.
    “Who have given you a permission to attack a human being?” A tall and well-muscled boy stood in front of me stopped the ambusher’s movement. He wasn’t any of those boys who I recently saw. He was someone else, another Moon Class student I assumed and he glanced down at me with his cinder eyes. Whoa, they looked like fire and they burned furiously. His tie was not together and it flew off him when a wind blew across us. The ambusher snarled, showing fangs and jumped backwards.
    “An mutated beast.” He murmured as he turned around to face the shady person and my heart pulsed like crazy. Of course, this is like a horror/gory movie I usually see with my best friend, Rinare. She always loved these movies so if she was here right now, she’d die of happiness. A very odd friend I must tell you but lovable.
    “Mutt, don’t you know who you’re messing with?” The person arched back and the cinder-eyes boy smirked slightly. He mentioned his hand to the ambusher over to him. My eyes grew bigger in fear as the attacker ran towards him. First he was in the air, about to attack the boy who was protecting me and the boy leaned backwards to dodge swiftly.
    “I do know who I’m messing with. I suggest you run before I spilt your skull in halves.” The cinder boy crouched down as the attacker swung his leg above his head. The enemy growled in frustation and lunged forwards to the boy. The defendant leaned backwards once again and swung his hand onto the enemy’s neck. I heard a snapping sound and the attacker groaned and his eyes rolled backward as he went down. The cinder boy turned around to face me, his cinder eyes burned into mine and I was shocked how much they resembled like fire. He extended his hand to me and my eyes were still stuck onto his eyes. I subconsciously held onto his hand and his expression creased into a worried face.
    “Are you okay?” He questioned me, and his voice was smooth and even better than Kirya’s or Night’s. Obviously. I stammered in my words and furrowed my eyebrows.
    “I’m fine…” I answered, and he frowned slightly at my response.
    “Liar. You hurt yourself, am I correct? You’re bleeding.” He said to me as he held up both of my hands. Blood were oozing out of my scrapes and I heaved a sigh. How typical of myself, to be bloody everywhere. Honestly, I wouldn’t believe this but… He just put my hand in front of my mouth and licked the blood. My face probably turned red by now.
    “Wh-what the hell are you doing?” I yelled at him, trying to yank my hand back but he still held it in place. His cinder eyes glared into mine again and they seemed to relax me for some reason.
    “I’m trying to stop your bleeding. For some reason, your blood wouldn’t clot quickly.” He answered as he sucked on my pinky finger and I yelled in embarrassment and ripped my hand out of his big hands.
    “You don’t need to help me!” I hollered at him as I held my hands behind my back and he stared at me. He nodded once and knelt before me.
    “I apologize, My Master.” He murmured me and just when I heard that, my facial expression turned into a funny face and literally bashed him in the head.
    “I’m not your Master…! You idiot! Stop joking me around.” I growled at him and he stared at me sadly. Ouch, that made my heart wince. Usually I’m not a softie, I probably would be speaking gibberish by now and I heaved a sigh.
    “You are my Master.” He spoke softly, “I’m not joking, my Lady.” I fretted and slapped my hand into my face. Oi, how this could happen? First I lose my memories of the drowning incident, second I almost got attack by a mugger or whatever he was. Thirdly, this boy right before me is claiming that I’m his Master. What the hell was going on?
    “Fine,” I said with a mocking face, “Just escort me to the room.” I turned around, not expecting him to follow me like a poor pup left out in the streets and guess what? He obeyed me and I froze as I saw him as I was going to hop into my window. He stopped as I stopped and he waited for my more orders.
    “Idiot. I was kidding you.” I told him and I jumped onto the first window’s sill and then reached for my window’s sill. Suddenly I slipped and fell backwards and luckily the joker caught me before I would land roughly and snap my bones in halves. My face burned furiously and I flailed as he put me down on the grassy ground softly. I burned my face in my knees and arms in embarrassment.
    “M-master, be careful.” He said to me, “I’d hate to see you to be hurt.”
    I glanced at him and once again, his eyes were burning into mine. I smiled in response and stood up wobbly. He watched my every movement as I shifted.
    “Hm, yeah.” I said, “Well, do you think you could take me up into that second floor window?” I questioned him, worry creased at my forehead and he nodded. So fast, I was in his arms and swiftly he went into my dorm room quickly, it was like thirty seconds or something like that. Apparently he wasn’t human and those other people weren’t human as well. I never though of mythologies coming true but I guess they did.
    “My Lady,” He started to speak again, “What do you want me to do now?” I intently shrugged and pointed to Rinare’s bed. She was gone again at this late, she’s always out partying and ugh. Don’t want to say it. He looked at me at first, he hesitated but he sat down at Rinare’s bed. I shrugged off my jacket and I just realized something. My bag. I left outside when that attacker came. I yanked at my hair and wanted to claw my eyes out. The cinder boy stood up with a worried expression on his face and I glanced at him. Wait, if I’m his Master… Then. No, no, that’s too cruel. No, go for it girl.
    “Uhm.” I said, “Cinder boy, fetch my bag wouldn’t you please?” He looked at me and nodded with a gentle smile on his face.
    “By the way,” He said as he was ‘bout to hop out of the window, “My name is Kaibun.” I raised my eyebrow and I grinned. Then after wards that he hopped out, aha! This would be a good way to get rid of him. I stepped up to the window and shut it. I’m a genius! A genius! I locked the window and pulled the drapes over it. I made sure that my door and everything else is locked.

    To be continued lol.