• Bunny boo was sitting down outside at a cafe. She had her long, soft, black, curly hair stuff into a black hat, and a black scarft around her neck. She was quickly looking around her surroundings to see if anybody was coming after her. For years, she had to hide. For years, her teen life turned out to be nothing. Bunny let out a relief breath when she felt nothing was after her. She couldn't think of a time when she was by herself. A soft wind blew her hat off of her head and Bunny frozed. She turned around to picked up her hat, hoping nobody was staring at her. When her fingers clutch the black hair, she looked up and felt a lump in her throat. One of the men that was chasing her was staring straight at her. His eyes said he wanted a challenge, and his fingers tighting around the tazer said he will do anything to bring her down.
    Bunny tooked a step back than ran. She pulled off her black peacoat and felt lighter from the action. She than turned to the left and ran into an alley. Bunny heard foot steps running after her and sweats start to fall down from her temples. I am not going to let them talk me. Now again. Now after what I had to suffer to get free. What I had to endure and watch the blood they shed...
    She turned a corner and was corner. The only way around this was a chain fence. She heard the huffing and puffing of the man following her and felt glad that this man was out of shape. She looked through the chain fence and saw that it led straight to the woods, making her able to camoflage with the trees. She put her hands on the chain and start to climb, when she felt the man behind her. He grab her by the waist, causing her to scream. Bunny try to struggle as she hold onto the chain fence, but one of her hand slipped. She hold up her feed and stomp. HOlding that she at least got his shoulder. Bunny boo heard a few grunts, and the man released her waist. When she looked down, she saw his face bloody and him laying down on the ground.
    Without a second thought, Bunny climbed the fence and jumped over it. She ran to the woods and felt safe. Bunny slid against the bark of the tree and relaxed.Why me? Why this happen to happen to me? Why do I have to get the tattoo. The tattoo of an ancient power that can be released.
    She shudder at the reasons and got up. The little run she had to do was thrilling, but it wasn't what she wanted. Sure, most people would love to have an action pack chase like she had in movies, but what was the risk? Bunny than started to jog, hopding that she will find safety. She was doing a nice little jog, when she heard the men screamed to "get her". Bunny picked up her pace, and ran through the woods. Her hair was pulled by the limbs of the tree and her breath became shallow. She stumble a few times in small rabbit holes, but she recover and keplt running. I wish I was a bangle lion. At least I had the beauty and power to outrun these stupid idiots. Bunny than felt a strange sensation in her limbs. Her bombs started to snap and grow and her face hurted. She closed her eyes and let out a powerful screamed that made a shiver run down her spine. When she open her eyes, she felt weird. Things was not as she thought. The world seem much clearer, the men seem much closer and etc. Bunny looked down at her body and saw herself as what she wanted....A bangle tiger...She wanted to scream and wonder, but she did not. Instead she ran through the woods, making herself looked like a white flash. The pables and stones were no match for her mighty paw, she thought to herself. As she ran, she start to get tired and felt another changed in her bones. She kenw she had to get to safety, so she looked around. Bunny saw an apartment with a boy in the balcony. She felt a flutter in her stomace when she saw his blonde, blue eyes, handsome face. She didn't know why she felt that since she never met him, but she was gonna take the change. Bunny jumped on a trashcan and onto the balcony where she changed into herself...than the world was surrounded with darkness.

    The boy who was writting a story, looked up to see a lion jumped on his balcony. He started to screamed, but realize that if he die, he will show his parents. His parents who never care, probaly wouldn't care if the lion attack him. The boy walked toward the window and froze. The lion was turning into a beautiful girl. Her eyes was violet before she shut them, and her hair was a soft, curly, black, sink strands. Her face was of pure beauty. When the boy walked closer, he saw a strange etching on her back. He moved his hands on it, and the girl moan softy. He looked at the naked girl's back and saw a tatto. His grandfather once told him about the tatoo, before he died. He missed his grandad, because he was the only family he had. The boy looked at the girl face, when she woked up. The girl than reached up and kissed the boys lips, and the boys felt the world shifted under him.

    Bunny boo kissed the boys lips, not nothing why. She looked into his eyes and didn't see a male wanting to gain or dominate. She saw sadness, and she wanted to get rid of the sadness. Bunny wrapped her arms around the boy's neck and brushed herlips across his than she deepen the kiss.