• Welcome To Nowhere...

    The sound of tormented screams defiled the air, tearing through the walls of his cell. He clutched his head tighter, trying to push out the screams of his dying cell mate. Last night's mission had gone terribly wrong, and now they were being punished for it. It was only due to the fact that Marcus favoured him that he had been kept of the stake. There would still be punishment, there always was; just as painful, just not so...merciless.
    He could imagine exactly what was happening; his friends, his kin, walking sluggishly to the stake centred in the yard. The grit stinging their bare feet, the chains dragging from their wrists and ankles.
    A feeling of horror as they look back at the barracks that had held them and their kin all their lives. Relief as they would soon be free from the pain and terror. Then they would be brutally tethered to the post, they wouldn't even struggle. Then the smell of acrid smoke as their flesh burned. Their screams of terror as they gagged on the taste of their kin being roasted alive. Their sigh of relief when life finally let them go...

    He sighed and felt tears stinging his eyes. Roughly he wiped them away and gritted his teeth as he heard the march of feet echo down the hallway to his cell. Craig's ashen face stared back at him from the other side of the cell, his normally bright eyes looking dull. His body was scarred from many years of fighting, his keen body looked like it should be in its twenties but he new Craig was only seventeen. He knew he looked just the same, battle worn and tremendously strong. The footsteps stopped outside his cell, a lingering silence followed. Craig's eyes hardened and his lips peeled back in a snarl.
    “Get up, face the wall. Now dogs!” The voice was cold and calculating, full of venom, “Ah Adrian, no time long see brother.”
    He held up a hand missing two fingers, “Pay back I think.”
    Adrian grinned and imitated Craig, facing the wall with his hands behind his back. He felt the chains being strapped onto his wrists, the back of his legs kicked out from beneath him so they could fir the muzzle around his mouth. He glanced over and saw Craig was getting the same treatment by a decisively small man with cropped black hair. The men in the other cells started to squirm and look on in anguish. He let the men leading him outside, blinking in the bright daylight. The smell of charred flesh still hung in the air. He wasn't sure why Craig had been brought along, couldn't read the expression on his captors face. Master. He snorted, master was a much more appropriate word. They were only yards away from the post now. A large black stood to the left, standing tall from the ground, casting everything beneath it in shadow. From its side hung large beams, making it resemble a cross, except this cross had chains dangling from its side beams. Each beam allowed three people to a side. So far it was empty, it wouldn't be for long. Far back to the south stood The House. The mansion was almost castle like, with deep grey stone walls and high turrets that pierced the sky. Large windows opened up to a beautifully kept front lawn, filled with rose bushes and white lilies for their human pretence. The back windows opened looked down upon the barracks where their prisoners where kept, and the training grounds, or torture grounds, depending what your perspective was. A thick stone wall circled the entire perimeter, topped with viscous looking barbed wire. Craig growled a warning and turned to face the figure walking down from the steps. The mansion he was coming down from cast him in a menacing light. He was tall, at least six foot, and his movement was so fluid it almost looked as if he was floating. His dark grey robes covered most of his ancient body, only his pale hands and head was uncovered. His white hair came down past his shoulders, almost silvery in the daylight. His face was pinched and lined, with deep set eyes that seemed to take in everything all at once. Craig's growl deepened and his captor slapped him smartly across the face. Adrian winced as the chains were slid of and he was kicked forward. His captors boot caught him squarely in-between the shoulders blades and his breath came out in a gasp. Then new cuffs dug into his tender wrists and he was hauled up onto the beam until his feet twitched a foot from the ground. His muscles burned and screamed as all his weight tore at his arms. His eyes watered with pain, but he knew worse was yet to come. His captor chuckled as reached down to pick up a elongated, black box. It looked smooth, satin almost. Tenderly he opened the box, his cold fingers stroking the leather inside affectionately. Marcus hadn't moved from the foot of the stairs, he looked just as still and emotionless as ever. Though, could that be a flash of remorse in his eyes? Only the sound of rushing wind gave Adrian a chance to tense before the bull whip came for him.
    “Count it, if you don't, it wont count.” His captor instructed, raising the whip again. Adrian hissed through his teeth, trying to form words around his pain. He had been through this punishment before, they all had, but the pain never dulled. It still sent a fresh, searing pain with each strike. The whip came down again, slicing of a section of his back. His gasped and forced his mouth to work, “One!”
    His bare skin trembled and shook, but not only from the pain. He felt the darkness that dwelt deep within him self stir, snarling and clawing its way to freedom, biting through his defences. With an extreme effort he pushed it back down, it would do well to lose control now. When he was back in reality he noticed the sound of growling filling the air. He glanced over to check on Craig but his face just looked passive and unattached. It took a moment to realise the sound came from. He closed his mouth and stared at the floor. Now he was just left with the agony in his back. The punishment continued unhindered after that; he had only managed to count seven lashes but at least thirty marks lay across his back. The whip struck again, curling around his back and searing his chest. It stuck to his sweaty body so his captor pulled it off with a sickening rip. Adrian didn't even bother to yell, his body hung limp and bleeding, broken from the punishment. His captor raised the the lash again.
    Marcus's voice floated down to them, oddly contrasted to his physical appearance. The voice was smooth and full of emotion, soothing and commanding. It willed you to obey. Reluctantly his captor lowered the whip and placed it carefully back in the box. Then he released the chains from around Adrian's wrists and watched as he slumped to the ground. Blood pooled onto the gritty floor and there was no sound, except Adrian's heavy breathing. His body felt weak and numb, he hardly registered his captor dragging him back to the cell, his body convulsing uncontrollably from the pain. Craig. Where was Craig?
    Marcus had moved beyond the steps and now stood at Craig's side, a hand on his shoulder. He didn't seem to notice Craig's growls or savage looks. His face seemed intent upon Adrian's, with a look of a dog owner who just had to punish a once faithful dog. It was a pretty accurate comparison.

    With a grunt Adrian's eyes opened. His back was still sore but thanks to his fast healing there wasn't any open wounds at least, just thin, white scars. Craig was still gone, his usual spot near the door looked unnaturally empty in his absence. The walls of the cell where just wire fencing, so there was little privacy from the other inmates. It reminded him of dogs in the kennels. Nate was in the cell next to him, his hair cropped impossibly short. All the inmates were forced to wear their hair like that, except Craig and himself. Craig was extremely aggressive and no matter how many times the beat him they never truly broke him, so they were scared to get to close for trivial things such as that. Last week they had managed to hack away at it, leaving his glossy black hair only to shoulder length. He had been pissed about that, and left the guy who did it with out a hand. Adrian had been allowed to wear longer thanks to his good graces with Marcus. He had now managed to grow it to the nape of his neck, most of the time strands of hair hung over his eyes, but he didn't mind it. Though they would probably take away that privilege now. Nate shuddered, his back muscles rippling with a pain Adrian new so well. Nate was new to this, had only been brought in a month or so ago. This was the hardest time for him, the first year or so, controlling the darkness that threatened to overwhelm you, pushing down the urge to kill. Nate's hand clutched around the bars of his cell, his knuckles white with the strain. Adrian knew he must be close to loosing it, and only hoped he wouldn't do to much harm. Their captors didn't take to lightly to a lose dog.
    “What's happening to me!” Nate screamed, his eyes suddenly wild as he clutched at his head, nails raking through his flesh. The other inmates winced. All of them had been here at least five years now, so they knew how to control themselves. Their captors hadn't recruited anyone knew in a long time, except Nate, so they weren't used to the shrieks of an agonized newbie. A scream rose up again, filled with agony and terrible hunger. Nate began to rip at the shorts that all the inmates wore, swearing and snarling. Blood drooled from his mouth and ran from his ears, his turning black with pain. He screamed again. A shudder ran though the other inmates and they averted their gazes, he was to far gone to help now. Adrian stayed watching, his face full of pity and understanding, the first turn was always the worst. Nate ripped the flesh from himself, howling and snarling. For the rest of them change on took a matter of seconds, but the first could last for up to an hour. Adrian leaned against the wall furthest from Nate. His thoughts drifting back to Craig, what could the captors be doing to him? He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to imagine a life outside of this one. To feel the sun warming your back, the grass tickling your feet. The freedom as you ran, as you made your own choices. The feel of a woman's skin against your own.
    His snapped open at the sudden silence. He glanced over at Nate's cage and was surprised to see it empty. He stood, tensed, and made his way over to Nate's wall. He peered through but couldn't see anything but the blood and shredded flesh. This was wrong. There was...nothing...then the wolf leapt. Its huge jaws started to savage the cell wall, trying to tear through. Adrian jumped back and stared into its beady eyes. The wolf stood taller than a man, its muscles broader and more pronounced than a normal wolf, and there was intelligence in wolf's eyes. It howled in frustration as the cell walls held and put more force into getting through. Droplets of blood spattered down as the metal tore at its mouth. Its fur was a soft sandy colour, cropped short just like his hair. Its brown eyes glared with hatred. Adrian knew that Nate would be a beast for a while, until he learned to control himself. If he lived longed enough. New lycans had a habit of getting into trouble, either running amok in a town and thinking they could win a fight with werewolves. He shuddered at the thought of werewolves. They were kin to the lycans, but like a cousin once removed, and they held no humanity at all. Once a werewolf turned it was forever, they would never walk as a man again. All traces of morals or human logic was abandoned and they were just beasts intent on killing. Most of them couldn't even live in a pack. They looked different to them to. The same size and looks of a normal wolf, but with ganglier legs and thinner muzzles. Their eyes burnt a deep red instead of the golden amber eyes of a wolf. The high pitched squeal of tearing metal brought him out of his daze. Nate had managed to to break a small section of the fence and was now tearing at it, forcing it wider. Adrian took a deep breath and stood tall against the upcoming lycan. They both possessed excessive strength, but Adrian had wit and human cunning on his side to. Able to plan ahead of the situation. Nate pushed himself through the gap, his fur snagging on the loose metal. His glaring eyes found Adrian's and he growled, advancing. In the same second that he saw Nate tense to spring he flung himself into the air, forcing the darkness to overwhelm him. His pads landed on the floor just as Nate crashed into the space where Adrian had been a moment ago. Adrian felt their minds connect, a trait that all lycans had. When a lycan had a pack they were able to communicate in wolf form from long distances using their telepathic link. They just had to think a single thought and every pack member would hear it. Stop! Nate ignored the order and lunged again, Adrian dodged, feeling Nate's claws just inches from his flank. He was better protected than Nate though, his light brown fur was courser and longer. There was a weird connection between a lycans hair length and his fur length. The colour of your hair determined your fur colour, and it even went as changing colour if you dyed your hair. This was why their captors forced them to crop their hair. Nate lunged again and this time Adrian met him full force. The two wolves clawed and bit at each other, trying to gain dominance. In just a few minuets Adrian had Nate pinned down, his teeth bared over his throat. He wouldn't kill him, just stop him getting into more trouble. There was already a problem over their clothes, they only possessed one pair of shorts each and they had both just ripped straight through them. Silver-grey eyes pierced into Nate's brown, and slowly he calmed. Panting, Adrian let him stand. Nate looked sheepishly at him then slunk back through the hole and into his cell. Adrian was surprised, a new lycan shouldn't be able to have that much restraint.
    “Tut, tut, tut. Who let the dogs of the lead?” A smooth voice drifted over to them. A woman. Adrian glanced across to the source of the voice and felt his jaw drop. She was beautiful. Every delicate feature was perfect, her smooth white skin shone in the dim light. But it was her hair that made her look so outstanding. She had lustrous curls of bright, fiery hair than danced down past her shoulders. Her eyes to, were unique, a bright and intense brown. “Fighting I see? Shame, I'd hate to see you get flogged again Adrian. Oh, and look, your poor little doggy friend is a bit under dressed.”
    It was true. Adrian focused reluctantly on Nate and saw that he has morphed back. He sat naked with his hands between his thighs in an attempt of decency. His gaze was locked on the woman.
    “You look cute you know, or to put it correctly,better in this form than your other anyway.” The woman giggled. Adrian glared at her, his ears flat back on his head and high tail held high. A clear threat. She waved it off, holding out some spare shorts, “I was thoughtful enough to bring these. Shall I close my eyes while you change?” Her eyes flicked to the gap in the fence then to Nate, “Yes, someone will have to fix that to.”
    Adrian morphed back while she spoke, grabbing the shorts and pulling them on. It had just dawned him to, who this woman was. Erina, mate of Edward and part of the main circle in the Council. He heard the click of a lock and looked up to see Erina step through the door. She was dressed smartly in a deep purple corset that accentuated her figure, black mini skirt and purple heels. She looked stunning. Erina smiled as she sat down on the bench at the back of the cell, crossing her legs and completely abandoning protocol.
    “What do you want?” Adrian's voice sounded harsh even to him, and croaky from the lack of use. Erina pulled a face, pretending she had done just been deeply upset, “You don't think the Council will allow fighting from its pets do you? Even if you are, expendable. So, I've come to teach you a lesson, you never know, you might even enjoy it.” She hesitated for a moment, “And what Edward doesn't know, wont hurt him. You on the other hand...”

    She brought up a hand and stroked his skin, her pale fingers quite a contrast to his tanned skin, “Kneel.”
    He obeyed without meaning to, kneeling before her, feeling her cool fingertips on his cheek. Her nails raked smoothly across his skin, drawing a line of blood. It healed before she even lifted her finger away. Her delicate face frowned, “Close your eyes.”
    He did as he was told. He felt cold metal close around his throat, constricting his airway. He gagged and opened his eyes. His hands flew to his neck, feeling a thin, metal collar around his neck.
    “Our latest technology. The collar will grow when you change, but only if we will it. Otherwise it will bind you more tightly to us than you can ever imagine. You're the first to try it. Now, attack me.”
    “What?” He was sure he hadn't heard her right. Attack her? One of the most influential and powerful people in this place? He looked into her eyes and wished he hadn't. Suddenly he tense and sprang at her without even realizing he did it. There was a brief moment where he was flying through the air and he could see her face clearly. Panic etched across her face then creased in concentration and his body exploded in pain. His body fell to the floor and he screamed, writhing of the floor in terrible pain. Electric currents flooded through his body, storming every cell and artery. Through the haze of pain he could see Erina's leering face. The pain suddenly stopped and lay face down, panting and coughing.
    “Get up!” She commanded, eyeing him appreciatively. He rose up on his arms and shrieked as the current tore through him again, clawing at every orifice of his being. This pain lasted longer this time, it seemed forever to him. There was no other life, no other feeling except this burning agony. This was his world.
    Then it stopped as quickly as it had started, leaving him sick and shaking. His whole body trembled and he felt the eyes of his kin looking at him in pity.
    “Now let me see, I want you to...lick my shoe” Erina grinned, pointing her toe, her eyes bright with excitement. Slowly Adrian lifted up his weight and crawled over to her. His body ached and he felt exhausted For a moment he wondered how she caused the collar to shock him. Then he was by her feet, just staring.
    Surely he wouldn't sink so low as to do it. Was his fear of pain greater than his own morals? His face hardened and he started to pull away, the collar shocked him. Three more times she shocked him until he bent low and extended his tongue, licking the top of her shoe. He went to stand, the torment and embarrassment must be over by now, but she kicked out at him and fell back to the floor with a groan. His body felt bruised and painful, it was good for healing wounds but just as useless otherwise as a human body. Erina rolled him over with the point of her toe and knelt on his chest. His heart thundered and his blood raced. Even after the degrading torture and agonizing treatment he still couldn't help but to want her. Her smooth hand slid up the side of his face and into hair, then she roughly grabbed hold of it and bashed his head against the floor, as if to knock the thoughts from his head. The other inmates were shouting now, banging their fists against the cell walls and snarling. Erina didn't seem troubled, “I want, now I want you to kiss me.”
    His heart pounded painfully in his chest, he wanted to, some intense urge that drove in forward, and yet, and yet he knew he shouldn't. It was be the ultimate submit, he would be a traitor to his kind. He gritted his teeth and avoided her eyes, afraid he'll give in if he looked into them. Those beautiful brown eyes, so bright and full of light, like...no! He shook his head. He wouldn't do it. She frowned as she waited, drumming her fingers on his chest. The others fell silent, waiting to see what he would do. He felt weak just laying their, every fibre of his being knew he could probably kill her, he wanted to, but he feared the shock of the collar, and the punishment from his other captors. But if he didn't kiss her, she would probably exact her own punishment anyway, so why not add a bit of flavour to it? Slowly he rose his head and looked her in the eyes, his lips inches from hers.
    “I wouldn't touch you if you were the last thing on earth. You repulse me, sicken me. You treat me and my kind like s**t but it wont always be so, one day, we'll fight back. Take you and your whole damned world. Rip it down before you very eyes. No matter how many of us you kill, no matter how many you force to join you, you'll never have us. We are lycans! And we will not be kept as dogs!”
    Furry swept through Erina and she hissed, the other inmates took up the chorus of howling in agreement, yelling curses and their own threats and promises. Then the pain screamed through him, his eyes rolled to the back of his head and his vision went black.

    “Get up, come on, move it.” Craig nudged him, his face full of concern. And blood. Adrian stretched, then winced, his body felt sore. Black and purple bruises spread across his body and felt dried blood caked on the back of his head.
    “What happened?”
    “You pissed her off, big time. You should have seen it, she totally ravaged you. Others had to drag her off you screaming. What the hell did you say to her? Man you had the inmates in a right state let me tell you, most of them were tranquillized. Marcus wont be pleased. His favourite little pup being so, naughty.”
    Craig laughed, showing of his pointed fangs. Adrian groaned.
    “I meant you.”
    “Oh” Craig face fell into a serious line, “They've finally recruited some new inmates. Poor guys were almost shitting themselves. I think one did.”
    “Wouldn't you if you had just been kidnapped an brought to a room with a six foot wolf?”
    “True. I think I managed to bite one the guards to, got a lovely little slap for it, worth it though. There was about twenty or so humans with me, a few more with Brent. Five of mine died virtually right away, I think three are only going to make it if I'm honest. How are you holding up?”
    Adrian sighed, turning someone was dangerous, most of them died. It was the unlucky ones who survived it. Lycans had a gland at the back of their throat. So when a wolf bit there was a split second decision to release the venom from the gland or not. The venom would course through the body, altering it, if the venom didn't you kill you then your body would be ready for the first change in about a month. It was painful, but better than the blood sucker why of turning at least. Werewolves had it easy though, their genes were hereditary. The only problem was that werewolves couldn't get close enough to mate without killing each other, and even if they did it would give birth to a human so would often be killed by their parents. There was no wonder there wasn't many werewolves running about the place. Adrian stood and noticed that the cell wall had been fixed. Then he noticed something he should have as soon as he woke.
    “Your wearing a collar!”
    “Look around you bud, we all are.”
    Adrian growled. Nate was still naked but a collar had still been fitted around his neck. Cell after cell help man wearing the same miserable expressions and a cruel looking collar. Rage built up inside Adrian, who were these people to treat them like this?
    To exact fear and punishment so they obeyed their masters, use them to save their skins or for excitement when their dreary castle got even to dull for them. Craig growled a warning and Adrian's head snapped around, his eyes grazing Marcus's. He seemed, disappointed, by their lack of greeting.
    “You have been a very bad boy this past month have you not?”
    Adrian gave a stiff nod, trying to look anywhere but Marcus's face, “Yes sir.”
    “I should kill you Adrian, you are setting a bad example for the others. However, I am not totally merciless. I am giving you a chance to redeem yourself. Come with me.”
    Adrian looked into Craigs face and saw he wore the same fearful expression. He probably wouldn't be coming back. He thought he would feel a sense of relief, but instead he just felt anger. He would escape this, Craig, Nate, everyone he knew or didn't know, they would still have to endure it. Some unspoken promise passed between Craig and Adrian. He would save his kin, no matter the cost. He would die for them.