• I awoke with Davin a sleep in an armchair next to me. He looked so cute. His face was peaceful, every ounce of anger and worry was gone. Almost instantly I found myself pulling the covers off of me, and swinging my legs over the edge of the king sized bed. Emotions whirled within me. I wanted to feel him, hug him, touch him, kiss him, hold him, be a part of him. Finally reaching the armchair, gently, very gently, I wrapped my arms around his neck and began to sink down on top of him. Slowly moving my lips closer to his, not wanting to wake him, my breath depleted. Just centimeters away from his mouth I felt a sudden jerk underneath me, his eyes cracked open and locked with mine, his lips curving upward in a faint smile.
    "Good morning my love. How do you feel," he said in a cute sleepy voice.
    "I'm alive," I replied, hoping that would be all he wanted to ask so I could kiss him.
    "Good. Hungry," he asked, sounding concerned.
    "Not really."
    My stomach disagreed though, letting out a loud gurgle in protest. Stupid stomach, now he'll make me eat and I'll never get my chance. Locking eyes with him, his smile grew.
    "Come on Angel, let's get you something to eat," he ordered wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me into a tight embrace.
    His body was entrancing, every part of it blended perfectly with mine. My head lay buried at the base of his neck, his smell overwhelmed me. Closing my eyes to take it all in, I longed to kiss him, to feel his tongue explore with mine. Lifting my head slowly to reach his, I puckered my lips, awaiting his touch, but it never came. Instead, a faint chuckle erupted in his throat and a soft index finger was placed on the top of my lips.
    "You're too hungry for that, later," he rejected.
    "Promise," I pouted.
    "I promise," he said with a laugh.