• I ran through the trees. Branches whipped my face and arms and I could feel the warm blood swelling from the wounds and falling to the ground. I heard the thud of paws on the wet earth as they pursued me. My heart beating so fast I though as though it might be a beacon for him to track me from.

    As the padding got closer I ran faster. How had I gotten myself into this? Who or what was chasing me? Why was it chasing me? How did I get out of my room this late at night? How did I end up here? Were whatever it was going to kill me? Was I done for? How was I go-? I shook my head clearing it.

    On my inward questions the paws had grown closer. I could hear it's breathing and that sent my feet tripping over themselves trying to get away from the upcoming threat. I was a good runner, I had won all the races gotten all the trophies, but no one ever told you what to do when your being pursued through the woods by an animal. My legs were aching and felt like rubber but I pushed on not letting my weakness show.

    With a burst of speed it leveled it's speed to mine. I almost smacked into a tree as I watched the black wolf lope through the trees. It was so graceful and quick that I didn't know why it didn't take me down in the beginning? How could I out run a wolf? The answer was simple, I couldn't. But that sure didn't mean I wouldn't try. I tripped over a large rock and pitched forward and felt the skin on my toe tear off. I could see blood, out of the corner of my eye, on the brush scraping over my foot. I winced but kept moving.

    It sped ahead of me and out of sight. I slowed to a jog and my legs screamed to stop and sit. I ignored them and went a few more feet then broke into another run as a rustling from a bush nearby echoed through the very quiet forest, that fact right there set me on edge more then anything else. Sterling Heights, Michigan was notorious for a very big animal selection but nothing like wolves. The only wolves we had are on the baseball team at my elementary school.

    My calf's were on fire when I stepped into a clearing. This was perfect spot for him to attack so I fast walked through the clearing and once on the other I started to run once again. Within maybe a hundred feet was another clearing, well more like a meadow actually. It was beautiful actually that's what made me stop. There were flowers everywhere. Tulips? Yes, red, yellow, orange, purple, pink. They were gorgeous. I was so wrapped up in the cute little island of flowers I didn't see the wolf enter the clearing.

    I looked up and started. He stayed a few feet from me. Maybe 12 feet at the most. I finally got a good look at it. His fur was a glossy black. Almost like a ravens even down to the rainbows that shined in the moon light. It's eyes were the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen and they sparkled in the dark. They seemed out of place on this wolf and were way to intelligent. He was bigger then me in size with paws that looked roughly the size of human male hand.

    His eyes wavered as he did a once over of me like he wasn't sure about doing something. I started to take a step back but my legs wouldn't move. He took a step towards me and my legs started to shake. The fire hadn't stopped crawling up my legs from running so my legs felt like jello. I forced my legs to take a step back.

    Wrong decision he leaped at me.I fell over him pinning my to the ground. My arms were up by my head and his front paws were on my upper arm. His hind legs were on either side of my stomach on the ground. I wanted to close my eyes and scream for this nightmare to be over. It couldn't be real, a wolf chasing me through the woods, blue eyes on a wolf, running through the forest in my bare feet, the forest being so quiet. My brain had gone numb within the last ten seconds and calm filled me, it's just a dream but... since when could you feel dreams?

    He watched the emotions play across my face. He looked... sympathetic? Since when did a wolf care what a human was thinking? He chased me through the woods to catch me so why was I still alive? My head spun with so many questions that it hurt. He studied my face and for a second I thought he looked concerned. He lowered his head and I cringed, closing my eyes, but he just started to lick my face. My eyes flew open in surprise but then I figured out what he was doing, he was cleaning the cuts on my face.

    Once he was done with my face he moved to my arms. His breath was hot, really hot and it was something I didn't pick when he was cleaning my face because I was in too much shock. He got off me slowly and gave me a look that said, "You know that if you try to move you won't get anywhere. I'm a lot faster then you." I turned to me legs. I wearing Capri's but there was much more damage on my legs then my arms and face.

    A low whimper escaped his lips as he examined my foot. He pushed my foot to one side as got a better look. Another low whimper as if to say sorry but he went to work. Why would he be sorry about hurting me? Why is he cl- I winced and drew in a quick breath. His head turned towards me his eyes were sad. When he saw me studying his expression he turned back sharply to my foot.

    Was I had pasted his inspection he turned around and came up by my head. He looked at my with his bright blue eyes trying to read mine just as I was trying to read his. After a minute he looked away, an almost guilty look on his face. He circled me once and it almost looked like he was looking for a vantage point but then he stopped in front my left hand. He nuzzled it then opened his mouth showing two sets of perfect white and sharp teeth. Before my sluggish brain, what was happening to me, could catch up to what he was doing he let his fang pierce my hand.

    He stepped back, head bowed and I could feel the blood dripping from my hand to the ground. He looked up and stepped forward hesitantly, when I didn't take a whack at him he started to lick my hand. Then a shock of pain shot through my hand and I swallowed a cry. I slipped into the dark. The only thing I could feel was him licking my hand before the black swallowed me whole.

    This is just Chapter 1! If you want me to keep writing comment please.
    Luv Megs