• Steven gets up to leave, he kisses her on the cheek . Her being my sister , Juliette. Kelley loses it and pulled out a knife. We all start to back away thats when Melissa says " Put the knife down "

    " don't tell me what to do ." She walks towards Juliette . Juliette backs right into a wall, she was trapped. Kelley put the knife to her neck then slit it.

    By this time Melissa had called the doctors . We waited and waited and by the time they get there we are told my sister is dead.

    Melissa falls to the ground in tears . I drop to my knees and wrapped my arms around her without even thinking " It's gonna be okay "

    " IT'S GONNA BE OKAY . YOUR SISTER IS DEAD AND THATS ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY"ske looks up " I'm sorry I yelled at ___ "

    I cut her off " It's okay "

    She is right it's not going to be okay. We watch as they take Kelley away. When my mom gets there she is crying. " why , Juliette "

    One of the police try to calm her down " It is going to be okay "

    " Why my girl she didn't do anything wrong "

    " We don't know "

    I get up and walk to my mother . Melissa stays there sitting on the ground , crying. " She didn't do anything , Kelley just freaked out after Steven kissed Juilette on the cheek "

    " So this Kelley girl is crazy ? "

    Melissa walks up to us. " She never use to be like this. Her and Steven use to go out. He dumped her and she still likes him. She got extremly jelious and then lost it "

    " So shes crazy then "

    " Well a few months ago she kinda snapped. "

    " What do you mean 'snapped' ? "

    " She stopped coming outside and then stopped talking "

    " well maybe someone should have got her help "

    The cop turned to me and Melissa " May I ask you guys a few questions "