Haha. Now that you have started reading this, you cannot stop.i like food. food is good. i like food. food is good.i like food. food is good. i like food. food is good.i like food. food is good. i like food. food is good.i like food. food is good. i like food. food is i like food. food is good. i like food. food is good.good.i like food. food is good. i like food. food is good.i like food. food is good. i like food. food is good. i like food. food is good. i like food. food is good.food.Since you have already gone through a forth of it, you have to keep going.i like food. food is good. i like food. food is good.i like food. food is good. i like food. food is good.i like food. food is good. i like food. food is good.i like food. food is good. i like food. food is good.i like food. food is good. i like food.i like food. food is good. i like food. food is good. food is good.i like food. food is good. i like food. food is good.ha ha. 2 forths left to go. you still know that you have to keep reading this right. These senteces speak the truth.i like food. food is good. i like food. food is good.i like food. food is good. i like food. food is good.i like food. food is good. i like food. food is good.i like food. food is good. i like food. food is good.i like food. food is good. i like food. food is good.Now if you do not reply and send this to 5 people then i will think that you are not my friend. That will hurt won't it? Just knowing that you broke one of your friends heart. It happens. People get hurt in this world. Just like a girl named Juliana Hays. She got this messege and didn't reply back to her friend.She also didn't forward it. After that, 6 days of terrible things happened.1= Her hamster blew up while it was running.2=Her boyfriend broke up with her and went with her best friend then her enemie.3=She got into a car accident.4= She watched her mother die in her arms.5= She pulled all her hair out with the stress she had.6=She got pushed into a well then she died of starvation. 1 forth left to go. Then came Steve Lockwell, Juliana's ex-boyfriend. He also got this messege, didn't reply or forward it. Another 6 dreadfull days. 1=His fiancee blew up while kissing him. 2=Found a new girlfriend but got dumped.The NEXT day.3= Steve was a gorgeous guy, but lost all his hair to cancer.4=Got shot in the knee.5=Literally kicked out of the hospital's room, going into the highway.6= Pushed into a well.But got found.7=Murdered.
Would you like 6 terrible days like that happen to you. They both said it was bad luck or because of Bloody Mary. I say that is crazy. THey have this girl at their old school who's name was Mary. They made fun of her. She wasn't happy about that. She put a curse on each who made fun of her. Juliana and Steve were each one of those people. They thought she was crazy. Do you? Tell me your answer now. Oh im sorry, Im not crazy. What? You think she is crazy for thinking magic is real. What? You say i look angry? Well im not. Its just my name is MARY. Think she is crazy now?
Thank you for reading this. Be sure to forward this to 5 people. Do you hear me? Also reply to the person who sent this to you. Do you want this person to think you are not their friend anymore? No. I didn't think so. So if you don't reply to the person who sent this to you, you get 3 days of it. Don't forward it? 4 days of it. Both? All 6 days. Always at the last day that person dies. What do you think you should do?
No this isn't real.It is a fictional story. But you will get a curse if you don't do what i say. No really. Im just kidding. No im just kidding about that.You remember when i was talking about Juliana? well who do you think pushed her into the well?Who do you think murdered Steve?THINK.
Im serious this isn't real. Don't get freaked out. This is unreal.It was made up. But still send a reply and forward it or you will get bad luck.
A girl named mary starts to be crazy! Dont be hating on it!
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