• When i was a child i was neglected by parents. they treated me like i was just a waste of time and i was only a problem to them. I grew up as the loner of the class, being the outcast had earned me some friends but they would abandon me if i was target practice for the older kids. my whole life had been like this, until I eventually had moved out into the city. after things went well and life seemed to be good once more, well not good but i was content with it anyway. they say you should be happy when your alive, yet i wasn't, but nor was i sad. I actually began to look forward to things, that is until I had a brush in with the law, apparently they thought I was a criminal who had been spotted in the area. with my friends leaving me at the police station, i was eventually released. to me this was just another blow to an already injured wound. after gathering my things i asked for a ride home but to no avail the police told me they were "too busy" and within a few hours I ended up in brooklyn With no ride home, due to my bus not arriving until later on that night, I had to walk all the way to Brooklyn. It gave me some time to think, about how horrible my life was,my shitty job which i hated, but it did keep me surviving paying minimum wages, but know that was over and I was most likely going to be fired since i missed today due to my false arrest. I began to think there was no way out of this pit I set my self into, with depression setting in, I began to think about was I could get away from all this trouble. Running away seemed viable if I actually had money but I didn’t. If my life was a movie, I would just be a bad actor stuck with a shitty script, all my lines are cheap and the cast is weak, there was no music for the first time I got kissed, there was no curtain call, my mistress wasn’t rich, so I’ve been formatted to fit their TV screen.
    As I realized how bad my situation was I thought of one answer to my problems. Suicide. Truth is this wasn't the first time I ever thought about suicide I thought I had to see a therapist about it. I did but all she told me was cryptic messages that anyone who could think could say. For 3 years I bought into this crap. Just one of the many mistakes I made whilst growing up. As I wondered about the new idea I had lurking in my mind I was on the side of the Brooklyn Bridge. As I looked up I wondered if this was my chance. I realized in that instant that I lost control of all the things I had a hold of. As I thought about it the more I hoped something would happen to help change my mediocre life, this wasn’t it. I noticed some wreckage at the bottom road underneath the bridge. There was a construction sign there. It looked like a car went right through and there was a horrible accident had occurred on the pavement below.
    I wondered what if it had been me; would I regret not living life to the fullest? Would I question whether or not I tried my best? A approached the railing and looked down; I wondered if a fall from this height would have killed me. As I edged closer I looked down my heart racing I slowly got on the rail, and as I was about to let it all go I...