• I was going to be special Shadow, born beneath the full moon, the first in over 200 years. I also was the first to ask to become Shadow.
    Soon as Jake set me down we were joined by two more Shadows. Holly, a red-headed female with a firey temper, and Shane, the cool, calm,and collected second-in-charge to Jake.
    Both were in their fighting clothes, Shane in the same as Jake only he was less brawny. Holly wore a black long-sleeve turtle-neck, black denium shorts ans a black leather vest. Her short red hair was pulled up into two messy buns. Shane's long dark brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail at the nape of his neck. His pale green eyes were wise and kind, showing his age even though he looked 18. Shane is one of the oldest Shadows ever to live. He was made almost 1,242 years ago in France By Kamakin, A female Shadow with raven's wing hair and blood red eyes. She is also the sire of Jake and She's the mate of Kimal, leader of the Shadows. Kimal is The sire of Holly and Kamakin, as well as others.
    "Welcome, Dorrie Danette Brown, daughter of the humans Jamey and Theresa." Jake said. "Come forward, little one, time for you ceremony to begin."
    I joined him on the stone alter. He took my face in his hands and pulled me close to his.
    "Are you sure about this?" He whispered.
    "Jake, I want to be with you . So just do this." I bared my throat, waiting for the delicous bite.
    I felt the sharpness of his fangs as he positioned himself over my vein. Only then did a stroke of fear run though me. My heart started to race as his soft lips circled my vein. In the few seconds I had before he bit down, I enjoyed the gentleness in which he kissed my neck.