• Ah the pulse in her neck, so soft and slow. She has done this before. She knew what to do. Two fingers searched for the scars. She found them and loaded the gun. She gingerly set it on the counter in the bathroom and took off her pants. She grabbed the gun and laid in the tub and lifted it to the scars and the knife stabbed into her leg. She scram and then pulled the trigger as she stabbed her chest. And then. . . . . . Nothing.

    She awoke with a jolt and tried to sit up. She was strapped down and hand cuffed with something on her mouth and chest. She started to breathe heavy increasing her heart rate. Oh did it hurt. Her chest and throat burned and hurt. She tried to scream and then she couldn’t breathe. She stared to gasping for air and a boy ran up to her pressed a button and ran for the nurses. She started to get dizzy. Her wrists were cutting from the cuffs as she tried to grab her throat. Two male nurses ran in and a nurse grabbed a needle and stabbed it into her arm as one of the male doctors hooked something up to her and started a machine. The other getting a thin knife. The machine was making a pump hiss beep noise over and over. That was all she heard as she passed out. Pump. Hiss. Beep. Pump. Hiss. Beep. Pump. Hiss. Beep.

    Something was moving on her stomach. It was a woman’s breathing. She heard a raspy sound too. It was her breathing. damn she thought im still alive. Why cant I just die? she twitched and the woman sat up abruptly. “oh honey.” she said wiping the tears away. “your up” she pressed a button that was yellow. A nurse that was short and stubby with curly hair and glasses walked in. “yes?” she said in a monotone voice. “bring in dr. Fraiser.” said my mom grabbing a tissue. The little nurse walked out and a large well built man walked in. “Alexandra how many times do I need to see you in three month time period? Your lucky this time.” he grabbed the clip board off the edge of the bed and sighed. She tried to speak but nothing came but a sharp and seaming undying pain in her chest and throat. “don’t speak at all for a long time or you will open the stitches and become unable to breathe. The bullet went right through your vocal cords ricochet and then went into your throat. I did some surgery to put the pieces together and ensure you to recover within a year or a year and a half. Your leg however might not ever regain its nerves back to use. You cut through the main nerve stream and sliced your major muscle in your upper leg. And your abdomen will have a pretty hefty scar. You punctured a lung and broke two ribs nearly missing your heart. Your lucky. And your mom here did a very smart thing by allowing us to put you in a comma through most of the recovery and rough spots that your body needed to repair and heal what it could so we can release you to the center.” Alexandra shot a look at her mother. “honey it is necessary. They will help you. Its up in the mountains and its very safe and you will heal and then you can come home.” she tried to protest but the handcuffs and straps made it hard plus it hurt. She relaxed and just laid there. Non moving. The doctor stood there for a min and then left. Her mother walked up to her bed side and said” honey your dad is at home packing a few things if there is anything you want I can have the straps and handcuffs removed so you can write it down. But you cant try to run you need to relax honey.” she nodded tears coming to her eyes again. Her mom left and came back with a cop and nurse. The nurse worked on her straps at the foot of the bed while the cop removed the hand cuffs. Once she was free she stretched a little. It hurt.