• Tamaki Kroitra was at at his happy place. He was sitting under a tree as the wind blew through his hair, When a girl came up to him. He only met that girl once and didn't really know her. Her name was Suki. "Um...Tamaki," Suki said while blushing. "Tamali-Sama I really like you!" She screamed it in the air. She asked in a gentle voice, "Will you go out with me?" She waited for a reply. She waited for 50 seconds and figured the answer was no. She was walking away when Tamaki said, "Suki I'm flattered. Of course I'll go out with you." Suki was on that day the happiest person in Japan.

    Months passed until Tamaki met another girl. He knew he was bound to Suki so he couldnt do anything about it. She was a year older than him and her name was Yuna. They didn't really talk much about it but they both loved eachother.

    Soon after that when Yuna was in a coma for a month, Tamaki dumed Suki. Wondering around town, he soon found a tree to rest under. He was crying. He didnt knwo who he loved anymore. A girl saw him crying and ask him wat was wrong. The two soon become friends and Tamaki again fell in lvoe. He didn't want to. Not just becuase he had to other girls to think about but becuase it would be wrong to love her. She was 4 years older than him and her name was Karen. She can to visit Japan from America.

    Not long after that Tamaki confesed to her. It turns out that she always felt the same. After a week Yuna was out of her coma. Tamaki kept visitign her until she could leave. Yuna didn't know that Tamaki was dating anyone. She asked for a kiss. The doctor said that even the smallest thing can disturb her and she might go back into a coma. So he had to say yes. Karen tought of vistin Yuna. When she did she found Tamaki kissing her.

    She cried and ran away. After 2 weeks Tamaki knew what to do. He tried to find Karen everywhere. He soon gave up and thought it was hopeless. He went to rest under the biggest tree he could find. He was crying, praying to god to see her again. He heard footsteps and Karen was walking towards him. Karen didn't knwo he was there. Once she saw him, she started runing. Tamaki grabed her and told her to listen. He told everything he felt about her. Karen finaly said, "I'm tired of replacing Yuna!" When Tamaki interupted her by saying, "We siad our goodbye's, I wont't see her again. I love you!"

    "But, I'm fine without you in my life, I don't need you anymroe Tamaki." said Karen. "But, I do!" Tamaki shouted. He held her close to him and they cried.
    "I give you my reponse Tamaki, but first I need some sleep."