• They heard a boom in the distance. All they saw was black. All they smelt was blood. Then they heard a creaking noise.

    “Jayce, Liza, are you guys in here?” asked a familiar voice.
    “Yes, Dad, we’re in here,” said Jayce.
    Their dad came closer and wrapped his arms around them.
    “Guys, I hate to be the bringer of bad news but….” He stopped in his tracks as a light shone through the window. Then it was gone.
    “But,” he continued, “Your mom is dead. They got her near the lake.”
    For the next few seconds all you heard was silence while they tried to let it soak in.
    “Ahhhhh!” was all you heard the next five minutes.
    “Dad, what day is it?” asked Liza.
    “It’s August 21, 3556. Honey, we’ve been under attack for three days.” said their father.
    There came a knock from the door. Then there came more knocks, each one becoming harder and harder.
    “Hold on. Let me go see who it is,” he said.
    While holding his gun up, he moved closer to the door.
    “Josh, we know you have you children in there. We can smell them!” the weird voice said.
    “Hide now!” Josh yelled.
    The kids scurried along the floor, trying not to make a sound.
    “Hurry kids!” they heard from their father’s direction.
    They were in the darkness and heard everything.
    “Josh, we told you to bring us your kids.”
    “No buts, Josh. All we have to do is just tell the dogs to search the house, but we don’t want the chase to be so easy. I think we will just kill you.”
    They heard a boom. They began to tremble. Jayce found a shot gun and went to the enemy.
    “You’ve hurt people for the last time, Alien Scum. Eat my gunpowder.” Jayce yelled.
    BOOM! They were gone.
    Jayce and Liza found a house far, far away from the madness. Even though they weren’t in the same house Liza still woke up in the middle on the night in a cold sweat from the memories.