• It was just like any other day, we had decided to go for a walk to the little dam that crossed the ditch. We had been there many times that week and nothing had ever happened, but today felt different for some odd reason. The water was high enough so that we could put our feet over the edge into the water. We had been there for a hour or two joking around and talking. Suddenly I saw something shining in the water. Every body else took their feet out because they thought it was a fish. Me trying to be brave and show them there was nothing to worry about, left my feet in the water and laughed at them. That was the biggest mistake I would make for the rest of my life. I had been laughing so hard that my eyes where closed and I was not paying attention to the water. When I was finally able to look at the water I saw a mouth 4 feet round and full of teeth. It looked like a giant worm was coming out of the ground. Before I could get my feet out of the water it grabbed one of my legs and pulled me in. My screams could barely be heard through the water as it pulled me down to where it had came from. The last thing I saw and heard was my friends screaming my name.