• It all started when a vampire attacked and killed my family...I got away but i got bit by the same vampire 3 years later...now im just returning the favor....

    heres my story...
    Part 1
    "Agent Blackstar. the commander wants to speak to you." thats what I was called. Blackstar. "Its 7:00 in the morning."I answered. "here i am thinking vampires didn`t sleep." "it just depends if you PART vampire." i shot back.
    "Blackstar?" "sir?" "We found one of HIS sisters" I got up, put some clothes on grabbed my gear and asked "where is she?" "at the wenker mansion." I jumped down and turned on my harley. and drove off...As soon as I got to the mansion I saw the dim lights and music and people talking...I saw a tower with a gargoyle to hide behind. so i climbed up there put together my sniper rifle aimed it at the window, and a face popped up and asked"why are you going to shoot milady?"and tackled me "A human? shoot a vampire? HAHAHAHAHAHA" I squarmed enough to pull out my knife "Im not just human."
    and stabbed him in the heart. he backed up holding his hand to his heart and fell of the tower and screamed. I had to act quickly. I aimed at the window and pulled the trigger. my target fell to the ground and bled. I looked at the mansion and laughed. the humans didn`t know what was going on. Good. the less they knew, the more they were safe. Besides, I was tired. humans need sleep. and i was human i a way.
    Part 2
    "WHAT?! my sister is dead?!" he closed the phone and sighed. "HUMANS!"
    a group of people walked in. "YOU!" he pointed at a dark haired man "join the ranks of the vampire hunters and request a partner named IZUMI YAKIMAYA" "LET HER KILL MY FAMILY THEY MEAN NOTHING TO ME!"