• Seto Kaiba stepped into his office. An annoyed look played across his face as he surveyed the damage done by the three Kageyama sisters. Of all the days they had to go insane why did it have to be today? Not that they weren't slightly off already. "Witches? Who do they think they're kidding. " He thought and shook his head. At least they hadn't gotten his duel deck. That was safe in his duel disk. Which was of course on his arm at the moment for no explored reason.

    Kaiba straightened his office chair and sat with a thump. In the very least they had left the computer alone. Or so he assumed until he turned it on. He then twitched and let off a series of curses that would have made a sailor's ears bleed. For there on the computer screen sat a picture. A picture of the Kageyama sisters each holding one of the Blue Eyes White Dragon cards. He grabbed his deck out of his duel disk and shuffled wildly through it. All that he found in place of the Blue Eyes was a note. One that said "Would you like to play a game?"

    A tick developed in Kaiba's right eye as he slammed the deck back into the disk and jumped up from his office chair. Which of course sent is sprawling back to the floor but he couldn't be bothered with that at the moment. The witches had his cards!

    "Get a cleaning crew up here!" He shouted at his non-existent secretary as he raced out his office door and down the steps of Kaiba corp. He might have taken the elevator and remembered that he didn't have a secretary. But he wasn't thinking all that clearly at the moment. The cards he had cheated, swindled, and been willing to kill for had been stolen! And he wasn't even sure how.

    "Kageyama residence." He yelled to his driver as he practically jumped into the back of his limo. Kaiba waited irritably for the driver to get it started and made a mental note to fire him later. The half crazed duelist leaned back and wait stormily as the limo took him to the witches home. Which, thankfully for the driver, didn't take long.

    As soon as the limo stopped he threw open the door and ran up to the front door. For a moment he considered setting it on fire, but decided against it and knocked. The three sisters mother opened it and was confronted by the irate CEO.

    "Hello, you must be Risa's friend! She's waiting in the basement." She said with a falsely chipper smile and pointed towards the basement. Oh how she hoped those three brats would be sent away to some boarding school far, far, away from her. At least until they were out of this "teenage witch" stage.

    Kaiba, though, ignored the woman and ran into the basement. There he was confronted by the same table the sisters had dueled Yugi at. He looked at it momentarily with a withering glare until he noticed what was sitting on it. At least ten Blue Eyes White Dragon cards. Obviously at least seven of them had to be fake but which ones? Kaiba twitched as he heard laughter behind him and turned with as much dignity as he could muster in this situation to face them.

    Risa, of course, was situated in front of her two sisters. She smiled innocently at Kaiba and gestured at the table. "Go on, take your cards." She said as her look developed into an utterly self satisfied smirk. Which lead to he sisters smirking as well.

    Kaiba had to restrain himself from lunging at the girl and strangling her. He was quickly becoming quite murderous. He might just have to attempt to Death T those three. So long as it kept them out of his hair and out of his deck. For a moment he thought that they really were like witches. In the sense that they were irritating gits who would do anything to get the cards they wanted. He pushed aside the thought that they were actually rather like him in that aspect and tried not to growl at them as he said "What game do you want to play?"

    Risa's smirk developed into a grin. this was all going as she had hoped. "Nothing... Fancy. If you can find the three real cards in that group you can keep them." She said as her two sisters giggled behind her in a rather out of character moment.

    Kaiba's eye developed a tick yet again and he whirled around to face the table and started shifting through the cards on it. Unfortunately that meant he didn't see Risa walking up behind him with a canon sucker. A bright purple and green striped one. She grinned and set it on the back of his gravity defying coat and watched as it squirmed it's way up the back of his coat and seemed to melt into his neck.

    Seto Kaiba jerked and devoloped a slightly out of character look as the canon sucker started to work. Risa smirked and removed the three real Blue Eyes from her robe and offered them to Kaiba. He grabbed them and rushed out of the basement and back into his limo. He stuck the three crads in and scowled. That hadn't gone as he had planned.

    Risa, meanwhile, grinned and laughed with her sisters. The plan had worked and colorshipping was now well underway. Soon their plans would come to frutation. So long as Risa didn't turn out to have a canon sucker herself. Oh what wacky hijinks the future would now hold!