• i walked into the dark room, feeling the sides of the wall for a light switch. although it was around afternoon, not much liht came through the small windows, and the two, huge front windows we so cluttered with sports supplies, manakins, and signs that only a little bit of light got through.i walked around still gripped to the wall searching for the light switch.then i must have tripped over something cuz all i heard was a crash and i fell down.
    "you're an idiot" mason laughed turning on the light.
    all types of thing covered the floor under me.hockey sticks, baseballs, ect.
    "where was the light switch?" i asked him
    mason pointed a little feet to the left of the door, the side i didn't check.
    "the light switches are always on the left."mason told me picking up baseball i fell on.
    "the light switches are on the right in my house..."i mumbled to myself.
    "well your house was built by a retarded person who got through college in special classes."
    "wow your nice."
    "your welcome!"mason tossed the baseball and caught it a few times and started walking past me.he tossed the ball and went to catch it, but i caught it instead."douch!"mason said
    "thanks..."i replied back."so um now that we are in here, what do you think could be a very good weapon?"
    "nothing at all...."mason said back.
    there was a long pause and we just looked at each other.then i started to walk around the place.there was nothing of much use....mason got some knives. he gave me a long butterfly knife.then he broke a window with a bat and walked twords the mini van.
    "so did you find anything?"devonn asked me as i stepped trough the broken window.
    "only some knives."i told her.
    "oh; nothing else?"she questioned hoping for a good answer
    "no"i replied.

    she sighed and walked back to the motor home.
    devonn was beautiful woman.she had brown hair with blonde highlights that came down to her neck.her face is pretty and she has an amazing body.she was always a person with something nice to say and was always honest.devonn had a great sense of humor and likes all types of jokes.

    i looked around like i was hiding something.the street was empty, it felt like a ghost town.all of the houses stood still and nothing seemed to move.there was no noise in this place that was usually filled with traffic.leaving that all behind, i started to walk across the street when someone called my name.

    i looked over to see an old,sea green pick-up truck. in it was tom.
    "tom?"i said oddly
    he stopped a couple feet away from me.
    "where is everyone???" he asked
    "i don't know i woke up and no one was around."
    thats when josh and mason walked up to me and said
    "devonn found some of her friends."mason said.
    "hey tom"josh said
    "hey"tom replied

    we all walked back to see dakota, dallas, erin, jon, and andrew.they all looked confused.but none of us could say we weren't.nearly everyone seemed to be out of this town and the little ones we passed by too.i'd also be damned if they weren't scared.i was scared.scared of whats happening.scared of whats to become.we are only kids, we shouldn't be on our own...