• Dawn ducked and rolled under Sky's strike and lunged out at him. Sky raised his practice blade and blocked her attack. She slide behind him and went for another attack. Sky jumped to the side and ran up a nearby tree and flipped over her, then lunged at her. Dawn bearly blocked his blade and grabbed at his hand that was holding the blade. Sky quickly switched hands and pushed her away. Dawn fell backward and hit her back on a tree, knocking the air out of her. She fell to her knees and struggled to gain her breath back. Sky walked up to her and pointed the tip of his blade at her neck.

    "I win again," he said and lowered the blade and held out his hand to her. Sky rolled her eyes and took his hand and he pulled her to her feet.

    "You only won that because the trees have a crush on you." She said and rubbed at her back. "How about another go? No trees to interfere." she said and smiled.

    "Hey!" someone called out. Sky and Dawn turned and saw that Kristin and Steven were coming into the clearing that Sky and Dawn were in. "Dawn! Sky!" Kristin said as they stopped in front of them.

    "Headmaster, wants to see you two after lunch." Steven gasped and he bent over for breath.

    "What's wrong with you?" Dawn asked.

    "Ran whole way here." Steven said then stood up straight. "Why do you two have to be sparring way out here for?"

    "So that the trees are the only thing making it where Sky always wins." Dawn said and leaned forward towards Kristin and Steven. "The trees has a crush on Sky." Dawn whispered and straighted up quickly and giggled. Steven and Kristin looked at Dawn like she was nuts then at Sky. Their faces were like O_o. Sky just shook his head and rolled his eyes and Dawn and at Kristin and Steven for believing her.

    "Come on Dawn, let's eat." Sky said and started walking out of the clearing.

    "Hey! Wait for me!" Dawn yelled at him and ran after him. Kristin and Steven looked at each other then at the trees then backed away from them and ran after Sky and Dawn.

    "Wait for us too!" they yelled in unison.

    Sky and Dawn had gotten back to the Scythe Academy building and gotten through the overcrowded halls that lead to the cafeteria, gotten their trays and sat at their usual small table in the far corner. The cafeteria was somewhat large with many different shapes and sizes of tables and benches. There is a rumor floating around somewhere that the headmaster gets most of the school supplies from some kind of donations and charities. The students class or popularity level tends to match the tables, not that there were really any nice looking tables. There was one group of students though that tend to stick out the most though.

    They were known as the Reapers and they sat at the better looking of the tables. No one really knew why they were called that but they were. They were only six people in the Reapers but there was something about them that made the other kids stay away. A kind of goose bumpy feeling someone gets where something bad was about to happen. The kids in the Reapers didn't seem to match at all, expecially one. She was about ten years old and had long white hair. The seemed to be the odd one of the bunch.

    Sky and Dawn never paid much attendtion to the Reapers. Dawn took a bite out of her sandwich then stopped and examined it.

    "What do you think is in this? It feels grainy." Dawn said.

    "Maybe it's just a 'sand' wich." Sky said and poked a hole in his juice box. Dawn made a face then shrugged and took another bite.

    "I wonder what the headmaster wants with us?" Dawn said though the mouthfull of food. "I don't recall doing anything bad lately to get in trouble."

    "Dawn, don't talk with a mouthfull of sand and bread. You're spilling into your applesause." Sky said and sipped at his apple juice. Dawn swallowed and licked up some of her applesause.

    "Not bad, needs some mud and twigs, but otherwise not bad." Dawn said and opened her water bottle and guzzled half of it.

    "Excuse me," a young girl's voice said. The white haired Reaper girl was standing beside their table with and apple in each hand.

    "Can we help you?" Dawn said as she put her water bottle on the table. The girl held the apples out to Sky and Dawn.

    "Here," she said and reluctlantly Dawn and Sky took the apples. "An early welcoming gift." she said then turned and walked back to her table.

    "Where did you go, Kaline?" a tall green haired Reaper asked the girl. She just smiled and sat down and sipped at her juice going back to her own little world. The Reapers looked at each other, shrugged and went back to eating. One of them, a long blond haired girl looked behind her at Dawn, who had already eaten her apple, and Sky who was watching the Reapers.

    Sky and Dawn finished eating and had put their trays up was going to the headmaster's office.

    "I wonder what that girl ment when she gave us the apples." Sky thought allowed. "We been at this school for years, did she notice us just now?"

    "Probably, I've seen her in one of my classes and she always seemed to completely out of it. It's creepy." Dawn said. "One time though I heard her mutter something to herself that was close to the answer of a question before it was asked."

    "Did you hear her because you were trying to cheat off someone in class again?" Sky asked. Dawn huffed at him and smiled.

    "Yeah, because you aren't in my class for me to cheat off of you." Dawn said. Sky and Dawn got to the Headmaster's office and Dawn opened the door before Sky could knock. "We're here!" Dawn exclaimed as she went in. When she saw that someone was already talking to the headmaster, she smiled apologatically. "Opps, my bad." She said. Sky shook his head.

    "Sorry for interupting Headmaster," Sky said. "But you wanted to see us?" The headmaster nodded and waved them in.

    "Yes, come in. I have someone you need to meet." he said and motioned to the man beside him. "This is Maxit Throughson. Maxit this here is Dawn and Sky. Your new students." Maxit looked over Sky then Dawn, then turned back to the Headmaster.

    "You sure these are the kids?" He asked. The headmaster just nodded. Maxit sighed and turned back to them. "Alright, let's get started then." Sky and Dawn looked at each other.

    "Start what?" Dawn asked confusion obviously written on her face. Maxit smirked.

    "Your Reaper Lessons." He said.

    "Reaper? Lessons?" Sky repeated. Maxit groaned with irritation.

    "Yes, but first let's meet the rest of the gang." He said and turned to the headmaster. "Good bye," he said then whispered, "Wish me luck." The Headmaster just smiled as Maxit lead Sky and Dawn out of the office.