• She woke up in a cold sweat. Her hair, which was in a ponytail, was now matted to her sheepish face. Her throat burned with thirst as she made her way down the hall, cup in hand. Her shaking hand grasped the railing of the staircase that led to the kitchen. As her bare foot stepped downward the floor board creaked. She stopped-holding her breath, her blood ran cold up her spine. The seconds went by like eons as she waited. Slowly she continued down. The air in the kitchen smelled of the chiken from dinner. She licked her lips and drooled remembering that she had fallen asleep just before dinner had been served. Her mother, not wanting to spoil a dream, aloud her daughter to continue her slumber. As she reached for a plate she notice one was already on the table along with the chiken, bekoning for her to consume the tender peice of pultry. But as she looked closer she noted that a single bite had been taken. Thinking it was the work of her always hungry older brother, thought nothing of it. She stuffed the food in her mouth and made her way to the sink. "Not a very clever girl are you?" asked a raspy vioce from the shadows. Startled she dropped her glass on the floor, shattering its structure and spilling wanter on the manolium floor. "Tisk, Tisk, you dont have good reflexes either." the unknown voice said. "I spend my time reading, I want to cure cancer." the girl said stepping backward. A shard of glass tore through her skin as she gave a single yelp. "Heh heh, sure you WANT to cure cancer, but you wont be alive long enough to close the book on your desk upstiars." and with that he came out of the shadows. His brown hair and green eyes gleaming. "Ed? What are you doing here?" she asked. "My dad is in prision because of you." he said pointing at her with a knife. "Ed, your dad was a sick and twisted man. Dont you start thinking about something stupid now." she said shakily. "My dad is not a bad guy. I came here to avenge him." Ed came at her. "You know, I was the happiest lad in all of London being your boyfriend, was going to marry you and make you happy." he said crying. "You still can." she wispered stepping closer. "I'm not going to let you get away with locking my dad up." and with that he wrenched the blade into her gut. Her blue shirt began to drip with blood. The scearing pain stunned her., taking her breath away. As he turned to walk away she choke "Im not dead yet." she tore the blade from her body screaming in agony. Ed giggled in delight as he walked over and kicked her wound. She held her stomach and screamed. "Ed...I'm sorry. I tried to keep your dad's raping of me a secret...the test results came in today...its yours." Ed blinked. "The baby is mine?" he asked as she nodded. Ed bent over and kissed her forhead. Her body want limp, not a single breath escaped her mouth. In the pool of blood was a tiny, melon shaped creature. Ed walked over to it and picked it up. He made out it's eyes, nose, mouth, and limbs. It too was cold. "I have nothing left to loose." he said as he brought the knife to his own neck. "The lord is my shepard I shall not......"