• Tears fall down my twin sister's cheeks as I put stuff in my leather pack. She sobs and I hug her close to me for a split second.

    "Please don't go! Please don't go Jamie!" She clung to my blue silk dress. Her dark blue eyes were bright from the redness. In contrast, her skin was pale and sickly looking.

    "I have to go and find you some help Holli! I will go to the ends of the earth to help you. It won't take me long. I need you better Holli." I felt warm tears trickle down my smooth cheeks. I knelt down next to my little sister's bed.

    "But you're Lady Jamilla. Jamie, you can't go! Please I need-" She broke off with a gasp. Her hands clutched her stomach as she spasmed.

    I pressed a hand to her forehead after her spasm was gone. Her skin was burning hot under my hand. Her light blonde hair stuck to her forehead with sweat. "The smasms are getting worse. This is the icing on the cake. For now you are the Lady of Lon. Lady Holli." I curtsied to her and changed into a dark green linen dress and a dark cloak. "I love you Holli."


    I snuck out of the castle. Guards and sentries were posted around the castle at all times but some were starting to drift off. It was relatively easy to leave. Just before the castle disappeared behind me, I took a look back. The large stone castle was my home and I hated having to leave it, but I needed help for Holli. I thought about the ruckus I would cause, and I hurried away into the dark night that masked my future and Holli's.