• An ominous wind blow across the rain socked land. There standing in the darkness stood a man, looking at the dark sky above. Starring, as if waiting for something to appear from the darkness.
    "When shall you come?" asked the man.
    Still, standing in the darkness, waiting.
    "Once again, nothing will appear! Why wont you appear as you said! Tell me why!!" shouted the man toward the dark sky.
    "Haaaa, same as usual, you are an idiot, that blade you lost will never appear from the darkness Alan" a male voice called.
    "I made a contract with them, they have to return it no matter what Phil!"
    "Why must you be so arrogant! Your father would be ashamed of you!"
    "I-I- know that, that sword was the won he entrusted me with. I will get it back, even if it kills me!"
    Then Phil walked over toward Alan, then slapped him across the face.
    "Why do you want to die over a sword! Your life is more important then that! If you think they will find it, you are a fool!"
    "But, but, I have to get it back!"
    "Have you even been listening to me at all!"
    "Now, now, stop acting like a couple of idiots all ready" a female voice called out.
    As the too were about to fight, a figure appeared in the rain.
    "Who are you?" asked Alan.
    "I am here to return your broken sword of course, well, it isn't broken any more."
    "Wait, the trio of a blacksmith and ninjas found his sword?" asked Phil.
    "Yes, but it was a pain though to find it after the storm"
    "Ha, take that, I know I would get it back!"
    So, the women handed Alan his father's last sword. The dark clouds were starting clear up.
    "Don't worry old man, I wont loose this in a battle again, I swear! I will keep the promise I made to protect our world from the darkness that is consuming this land!" thought Alan as he and Phil started walking off to continue there journey.