• I have never loved anyone sure i want to but no one has ever loved me or i have never even liked anyone, i have been hidden my whole life and this is my first time in a school, i am a 9th grader, and im 15, my name is Minami. i look around no one looks like me, i am drenched in gothic clothing that all cost over 300$ a piece, yes their are goths but not with clothing like mine they all stare i knew i shouldn't have asked for clothing from any family, you see i am a princess, yes i know it sounds dumb but i really am, and the media has covered my "tragic" story my whole life, i feel like a alice in a wonderland all the time. I keep looking around trying to keep breathing my heart is racing faster than i thought it could ever go. And suddenly a girl catch's my attention she is beautiful , god look at her hair- and those clothes- she has a nice- WHAT AM I SAYING????? I sound like a f** which i am not, i mean i know its not possible no matter what i mean ... no of course its not i mean it .... it can't be their is not possible way it can be true, is their? " Hello i am Yoshiko, are you one of our foreign exchange students or something i saw you looking over at me?" "well i guess you could say , umm that i am-- Mi- Milly, i umm your just --- you look like a great friend , wanna be friends "?! sweatdrop ................. tune in next week for more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!