• A history written through the eyes of kin

    As God looked upon the world he created he wept not from sorrow but of happiness, for he foresaw this world a world filled with fabled creatures and man alike, he foresaw it as perfect. Unlike his first creation that had but one race this world was created to be the home of all demon and angel alike and for many thousands of years it was and in peace they lived fearing nothing, for what is there to fear when the enemy is not there. For thousands of years humans and dragons worked together as partners exploring and expanding their lands. The vampires lived peacefully among humans and lycan alike fearing nothing. The lycans stayed to their homes in the forest and bothered no one so no one bothered them. But alas it was not to last, a great darkness covered the land driving the dragons mad sending the vampires into a feeding frenzy the lycans came out from their homes to hunt what ever poor creatures they could find. The humans were forced to flee their homes and make for the sea. The first sailors from Avalonn were not those of adventures or pirates but those seeking freedom from there own lands.
    Many years later the humans returned staying close to the sea for a short while but when their first city after so many years was standing strong they spread out rebuilding and for a time it seemed that the other three races had died out. Today’s calendar would mark that day the day the human race returned home as July fourth 345 B.C. To this day no one will say what happened no one will say who struck first but the dragons flew down from there mountain caves burning every thing in there paths. The vampires came by night stealing children from their beds. The lycans at first seemed to be on the sides of the humans for they struck back against the vampires without cause and without mercy but latter they began attacking human settlements just as much and just a vicious. Historians will tell you that this is how the great wars started but as I have already said no one knows the truth. Kin to those who fought with the dragons will say that humans came and stole dragon egg, while vampires will tell you that humans hunted them to near extinction. The lycans will say simply that they wanted to be left in peace but the battles crossed into their territories so they had to strike back. It’s like the old saying goes “If a tree falls in the forest there will be three stories yours, mine, and the tree’s.”
    I will now take some time to give you a history on each race please try to remember it because it will not be referred back to again after this and it is very important.
    Ah the vampires. The second fiercest and arguably the most feared of the four races. Let me start out by saying that the myth that vampires can only travel during the night hours is completely and utterly false, but as the say every myth is based off of some form of truth. While its true that vampires are pale skinned and some have almost no color to their eyes this doesn’t have anything to do with when they traveled, after all let me suck your blood and see how you look. This myth originates back when humans first started reappearing on the scene the vampire numbers for what ever reason were diminishing and they needed to be replenished, so instead of taking a full grown adult someone who knew where they came from and wouldn’t fight there “Own kind” they took children. It just so happened that the best time to do this dastardly deed was at night when every one slept. And thus came the rumor that a vampire could be killed by sunlight. The vampire doesn’t show up until around 200 B.C. though History will say the first identified vampire was Vlad Dracula more commonly known today as Vlad the Impeller, this however is not true. Vampires where around long before that and they weren’t always so…. gruesome in fact history will show that most vampires in these times helped the lycans as much as they fight them today. “Why do vampires take blood?” This is a question I’ve been asked many times and often it was by myself. Vampires do not take blood for the shear joy of taking someone’s life, in fact up until about 350B.C. Vampires never took the blood of an unwilling human it was like an unspoken rule. They do it for three reasons. One they need it to sustain life, even though they are undead they do still need blood to keep them alive. Two when they find a willing human to take blood from they instantly knew every thing about that person. And three and this becomes important it’s how they turned their victims into one of them. As years went on vampires became more and more threatening they would kill without fear and without mercy it came to pass that there one true enemy was and still is today the lycan.
    Dragons appeared on the scene shortly after vampires, the very first had scales. It was said that they were strong enough to repel any man made object, unfortunately because of the severe cold that came with living in the mountains they had to evolve and they did. As years went on they shed their scales and grew fur. The colors where amazing and not only helped them stay warm but helped them attract attention from other dragons. The fur also made it possible for humans and sometimes even vampires to ride them. Though there was no war going on at these times the dragons made excellent traveling companions for those who wished to go adventuring among other parts of the world. Some say that it’s the dragon that brought the “Plague” to the land and caused the war but there is no hard evidence that supports this theory. Even now we don’t know where this plague, if in deed that’s what it was, came from. When the dragons started attacking the fur was helpful because it made them lighter so they could fly higher, though some did revert back to scales for the armor. I would like to remind every body that this is just a rough dragon history and I didn’t even scratch the surface.
    Ah the humans. Personally my least favorite of the races, and that’s saying a lot as I’m one of them. Legend says that we were the first to appear on these great lands, but who can say for sure? Our history starts off with a small farming colony on the coast. There we manufactured food for eating and it’s where we housed the workers that built much of the original cities. At first dragons, vampires, and lycans were no more than folklore to us, but when dragons started appearing in the town and vampires started feeding on the blood of our cattle… Well let’s just say we changed our minds. As time went on we grew to befriend these other races and even learned to work with them. The dragons helped immensely in the building of cities. The vampires were wonderful hunters. When we came a cross our first lycan clan I think they were more afraid of us than we of them. You would expect a battle but the lycans just wanted to be left in peace and in return they would not only allow safe passage through the forest but escort travelers that asked. It was wonderful no wars no crime of any kind unlike today. Now I won’t say that there was never conflict between tribes, but when there was it wasn’t settled in mass war and bloodshed. It was settled in single combat to the death. The conflicting tribes would each send one warrior to a chosen battle ground said warriors would then fight to the death the winner would return the fallen warrior’s body to its tribe and leave and that would be the end of it. When people first started to ride on dragon back many thought it was to prepare for war, but really it was just the most exciting way to explore the lands. When things went bad and the clans started to go to war with each other I think the humans had it the worst, At least those that chose not to side with dragons. I don’t say this because I pretend we did nothing wrong I say this because we were and still are the only tribe with no magic abilities, no super human strength were just good on the water and exceptional with a blade. When we were forced from our homes to flee a cross open water to nowhere our ancestors thought it would be the end, but we came back and we fought and here we stand today.
    The lycans were at one time the most peaceful of the four. They had the fewest conflicts and at the time actually had a great allegiants with the vampire people. Kind of ironic how things played out. Lycans as far as we know were the last to show up on the scene preferring there forest homes over cities they only came into town to trade there goods, and then only stayed as long as they had to. These creatures were wonderfully skilled with both a blade and in hand to hand combat. In human form most looked as normal as you and me though some had ears sticking out of there head, but in there wolf form or there true form as I prefer it they were beautiful. They could be any number of colors then any number of shades. My great great great grand father told me of one who when he finally was able to transform into something other than his feral form, he was amazing. His fur was black except for streaks of red on either side of his face that seemed to move of there own will. His eyes as black as a star less night yet burning with such emotion that he could light the path of any that would fallow him. My grand father told me that when he first met this lycan he thought him no more than a boy but in that moment that first transformation when he gave every thing to save the people he claimed to care nothing for. He saw not the beast you and I see to day but a man ready to die for what ever reason. Not that all lycans were like this in fact my grand father only ever spoke of two that he didn’t kill and he never mentioned any names I hope that one day some one finds out.

    That is where I will end this history lesson I hoped you learned something through the remainder of this story you shall not here from me. I was simply asked to enlighten you on the truth and the myths of this story. Please remember that while we consider most of this myth and legend now, it had to spark from at least a hint of truth.

    Chapter one
    The sky darkened though it was only midday. Rankin turned his eyes to the sky and cursed.
    “Not bad enough I’m traveling alone, but now it’s raining.” He grumbled as he pulled his hooded cloak tighter around him and tried to coax a little more speed from his horse. After an hour of hard riding he made it to a village where he paid for a room for himself and a stable for his horse.
    “Twenty silver to house my horse, ridiculous!” He grumbled as he entered the tavern, and took his cloak off, revealing A broad sword at his right side and a dragon scale shied that was abnormally big on his back. He was wearing plain black trousers with a brown shirt never being one to over bourdon him self with too much armor. He had spiked up black hair and coal gray eyes that scanned the room marking on possible exits incase he had to get out quick.
    “How ‘bout a drink to warm your belly?” The bartender called.
    “Aye, Ale if you have it, wines fine if you don’t.” Rankin replied as he approached the bar and sat down.
    “Sorry lad you’ll have to stick with wine all out of Ale.” The bar tender said handing him a cup. “First glass on the house for the trouble.” He said and turned to another costumer who was long since drunk.
    Rankin only sighed, nodded and sipped his free drink, and listening in silence to the gossip around him. Mostly talk about a raid upon the vampire horde that the “King” wanted to fund. “Foolish” Rankin mumbled into his drink. Rankin was getting ready to get up and go to his room for the night hoping the storm would pass by morning when.
    “THE VAMPIRES HAVE ATTACKED THE FARMS TO THE EAST!” A man yelled as he burst in. At first nobody moved then those that did fell right back down.
    “How many are there!” Rankin demanded grabbing the man by the scruff of his neck.
    “A small army sir. The farmers are held up in a single house, but who knows how long that will hold.” He said. Looking closer Rankin could see that the man was no more than a boy. He tossed him aside and turned to other patrons, and said.
    “Any man sober enough stand is sober enough to fight. Get a horse and come with me.” He spoke calmly almost lazily yet with such force that any man on his feet jumped for the door. “You did well in coming for help boy, don’t let any say different.” He said and left to fetch his horse.
    “It’s a long ride to those farms think we can make it?” Some one asked as Rankin got his horse saddled.
    “Probably not, but I’m damn sure going to try.” He replied as he mounted up. “What’s your name?” He asked looking at the person who had asked the question. He was tall and slender, yet he couldn’t be more than fifteen.
    “Friends call me straight shot.” He said mounting his own horse.
    “Well straight shot so far you’re the only one I’ve seen not entirely wasted so you lead the way. Oh and lead fast.” He said the boy nodded and took off on his horse the other men fallowed him as if they were fallowing an army major and Rankin was right be hind him.
    When they got just out side the farms they stopped and dismounted. It wasn’t hard to figure out where to go from there, the damage was remarkable.
    “So what do we do when we catch up?” Straight shot asked.
    “Well usually when I catch my foe I kill him.” Rankin replied and moved forward. They reached the farm in about a half hour, the vampires seemed preoccupied by the barn screams could be heard from inside.
    “So what’s the plan?” Some one asked.
    “The plan? Well I want half of you to go around the right the other half around the left and I‘ll...” At that point Rankin drew his broad sword and threw it at the nearest vampire on his feet and charging forward shield out before it made contact. From there every thing moved in slow motion, his sword impaled his target killing him before he knew he had bin struck; vampires were turning to face there attackers. Rankin wrenched his sword up with one hand, his left, blocking an arrow with his shield, another arrow from one the not so sober men dropping the foe in front of him. Other fighters were coming out of the cover screaming wildly and slashing even wilder. Rankin was blocking with his shield and slashing with the sword he dropped three foes in ten seconds but more came to take their place. ‘Incredible’ He thought as he ducked down behind his shield.
    “We got the people out and moving them back towards the safe zone.” Some one behind him said.
    “Good! pull back and move as fast as you can.” Rankin replied as another arrow pelted his shield. “And what ever you do don’t any one try to be a hero.” He said as people started running back. There was a small line of shields that was meant to hold back the enemy until they had a chance to run, that’s when it happened it’s the most frightening thing that could ever happen during a vampire raid. SILENCE. No arrows fell, now swords came in to attack. The men looked to Rankin for orders. ‘I’m no leader’ He thought as he looked up over his shield to see whom they were sending. What he saw made him want to laugh and cry at the same time. He saw a girl walk out of the shadows, she was as pale as any other vampire he had seen yet she had to be the youngest he had seen looking to him to be twenty-three, she couldn’t way more than a hundred pounds and was no taller than 5’8”. She had blue hair and green eyes, her armor was simple, leather, shaded black and red with blue boots, and she had a sword on her right side meaning she was probably a lefty. He looked to the men holding shields up.
    “Run!” He shouted, instantly they all took off, most dropping their shields, only Rankin stayed to face this foe. “I came here to save innocent lives and I’ve done that; let my people and I leave to Safe Haven and I will not have to kill you.” He said knowing she would not heed to his demands. She smiled.
    “You are foolish to think you can beat me human, and even if you do I will do enough to insure you die shortly after.” She said smoothly.
    “Then I guess you leave me no choice but to fight.” Rankin said holding up his sword and shield. Again she smiled and withdrew her sword as the remaining vampires circled around them. He took the defensive knowing that was his only chance, she lunged in striking down he parried with his sword and tried to bash with his shield but she was already out of reach. ‘So fast!’ He thought. They circled for a while then she came in again, he barley had time to move his shield into potion to block.
    “Your good human, I’ll give you that, but me? I’m supernatural.” She said jumping to an abnormal height and landing behind him, swinging to slice his back. Luckily Rankin had bin expecting this and had through his shield around onto his back so he only stumbled forward. He turned around in time to parried another strike. She struck again and again finally Rankin was able to spin her sword from her hands unfortinanaly he had to let his sword go as well. He pulled his shield back around and rushed her expecting to feel the thud of her body hitting his shield he was stunned when he felt the sting of nails just inches away from his heart. She yanked her hand back and he fell to his knees.
    “Beg. Beg for mercy and I’ll end your life quickly.” She said in a cold whisper.
    “Go, da, Hell.” He spat at her feeling his life slowly drains from his body.
    “I’ve bin there.” She said and brought her hand up for a final attack. He did not flinch did not try to move only waited for death, so when he saw a blinding flash of light then found himself in a room with a dieing old man, a woman that looked no older than 17 an a boy with a tail and ears… He laughed. There was nothing else he could do but laugh and laugh until blood loss made him pass out.
    Out in a field among a circle of vampires in front of a barn Jay skyline who had her nails hand deep in dirt. The wind blew and she let out a scream that they say could be herd clear to ends of the earth.
    Rankin awoke to voices out side a closed door. There was bandage on his chest. “He will never agree to this.” Some one said.
    “So we don’t give him a choice.” Another voice said. In a calm yet demanding voice.
    “I agree either he dose it, or we kill him” Some on else said, obviously a hot head.
    “Not, what I meant Kyle.” The calm one said with a sigh that suggested he wish nothing more than to slap the arrogant one over the head.
    “I will go and wake him.” It was the nerviest one more than likely female. Rankin herd the door open, and sat up in the bed he had bin laying in. “Ah your awake, I thought I heard a change in your breathing but I couldn’t be sure you know old age and all.” The girl said Rankin smiled at her comment about old age she could be no more than twenty maybe twenty-five.
    “What happened?” He asked rubbing his shoulder.
    “You were in a fight. A very serious one I might add, it was very foolish to go against the vampires for what ever reason alone.” She said sitting on the edge of the bed.
    “I wasn’t alone I had small band of men with me, boys more like it but we got the job done I stayed so they and the farmers could make it to Safe Haven.” He said softly as he wondered what had happened to them especially those who were wounded.
    “I see, well that was brave of you and I’m sure your troops made it to safety. Tell me Rankin you don’t think your self a leader yet you lead those boys into a fight you your self did not plan on walking out of. Why? She asked looking into his eyes as if she already knew the answer.
    “I don’t really know. I would guess its because I’ve seen what the vampires can do and I know what its like to lose friends and family so at the time I wasn’t thinking about being a leader I was thinking about saving as many people as I could.” He said after a long while. She smiled the answer seemed to pleas her. “What is it you thin k I will not do?” He asked
    “Come with me.” She said and stood up and walked out the door leaving it open for him. He sighed and fallowed. They walked a long a corridor that was dark except for the occasional torch every twenty passes. When he did come into the light he could see that the tunnels where made from rock meaning they were probably under ground. ‘Hope I don’t have to get out in a hurry.’ He thought as he walked. After a long while they came to a solid oak door, it had a wonderful design painted on it with a lycan a human and a vampire standing side by side as an army approached them. It made him want to cry because though he had never seen this drawing he knew what it was, it was a battle that took place in legend where three of the races stood against the fourth along with many others that none knew about, and though no one would join them the went to that battle field and fought. They fought hard and long for there people, there land, and there freedom. In the end they died but after that the council members of the three races agreed to put there defenses aside if even for that one moment to defeat this foe that three brave warriors with nothing common except the world they live on died for.
    “I cried when I first saw it as well.” The girl whispered now standing right beside him. “Come they are waiting.” With that she walked through the door and he fallowed tears still streaming down his face.
    Upon entering the room Rankin was in total darkness. It was so dark that sound seemed to echo around him so when he herd a voice it sounded like a thousand people repeating the same thing.
    “Why would you give your life for those you don’t know Rankin!” The voice demanded.
    “Because they needed help.” He said as if the answer was obvious. “And besides I’ve always enjoyed a good fight.”
    “Even if it meant death!” A new voice demanded
    “Every one dies stranger its just a matter of where, and when.” He replied shrugging though he didn’t think any one could see him. “And I would rather die in battle than in hiding.
    “You’re a fool not to be afraid.” Another voice said, this voice Rankin knew.
    “You misunderstand. I am afraid I’m afraid that one day I’ll wake up and there will be a dragon at my window, or perhaps I will be riding and an arrow will find its mark. You say I’m a fool I say I’m the only man out there not fool enough to think he can hide for ever.” As soon as he finished talking torches came ablaze illuminating the room with three people. The old man, the girl and the boy, all three of them looked to each other, smiling.
    “We have tested you Rankin and you pass I am Alistar this is Kyle and I believe you’ve already met Rose.” The old man said pointing to the other to. “Now pleas sit an listen to a little deal we have for you.”
    “No, Hell no, ******** no, Damn me da Hell and back, before I agree to that!” Rankin shouted when Alistar finished his proposal.
    “Rankin, listen to what we want you to do.”
    “You want me to team up with a blood sucking child stealing demon and a ******** mutt!?” Rankin shouted cutting her off. “Why in god’s name would I want to do something as ******** mental as that?” He asked
    “Because as much as you hate it; after the story we’ve told you know it’s the right thing to do.” Rose said.
    “I don’t bloody care I….”
    “Look either do it or I’ll gut you like a pig and drain you out and hang your skin above my bed.” Kyle interrupted, obviously had gotten annoyed.
    “Kyle!.” Alistar snapped “Look Rankin you don’t have a choice either you do this for us and gain your freedom or you live the rest of your life down here.” He said in his smooth calm voice.
    “Well there is a third option.” Rankin said looking him square in the face. “I could kill you all.”
    “And how dear boy would you do that you have neither sword nor shield as your shield is being kept from you until you leave.” Alistar said a note of annoyance in his voice. Rankin stood there in silence knowing he was right, but not wanting to admit defeat.
    “Why me?” He asked in a whisper. “Of all the people in Avalonn, of all the people in the world. Why me?”
    “Because you’re the only one who stands half a chance at doing this just like it was for the three of us all those years ago.” Rose said putting a hand on his shoulder.
    “I’ll do it.” He said though his voice was could and he suddenly looked much older than his twenty years.
    In the weeks that fallowed Rankin with the help of the old man Alistar forged himself a new sword. It was slightly heaver than his last one but much more durable, and according to Alistar the metal that the blade was made from could pierce dragon scale with out so much as getting a scratch on it. Kyle became a great sparing partner and the two of them could be found some where in the under ground cavern fighting. It was during one of these sparing sessions that Rankin asked about the three of them.
    “Kyle? Why did you choose to become one of the hidden council members?” He asked as the both sat down to rest.
    Kyle took a drink from his flask as he thought about the answer to that question. “Well I guess you could say that I was a fool.” He said looking up at the ceiling as if he could see through it.
    “What do you mean?” Rankin asked.
    “I fell in love only she was well lets just say she wasn’t in my tribe so I became an out cast. I figured I would travel with her see the world , but she betrayed me and joined the enemy.” He said quietly.
    “And who was the enemy?” Rankin asked.
    “Honestly I don’t really know I just know he seems to have control over the dragons. He sends them where he wants chaos to rain and he knows how to spin his words so that you’ll think what he’s doing is right.”
    “So this girl did you have to fight her in the last war” Rankin asked
    “Yes. We fought in the end I beat her but I couldn’t kill her I would have died had Rose and Alistar not showed up and saved me. You know I don’t think I ever thanked them I was to angry, more because they proved that even in my true form with all my strength and speed, I’m still no mach for the fates.” He said as he stood up.
    “I’m sorry Kyle I truly am.” Rankin said as he stood up as well.
    “Don’t be it’s not your fault. Now go get some sleep you meet one of your partners tomorrow.” He said as he walked out.
    “Yea right sleep.” Rankin said as he headed to his “room”. His room as they put it was a square room made of rock and ice pretty much covered the floor. He entered the room he noticed a faint smell of roses mixed with something else he couldn’t quite place.
    “You like it it’s a mixture I’ve bin working on for the past couple of years.” A voice said from the shadow.
    “Rose” He asked slightly confused.
    “Yea it’s me.” She said standing up. “So Kyle told you his story?” She said in a whisper.
    “Yea he did.” He said sitting down against the could wall. “I think he lied though.”
    “Well your half right as he told the half truth.” She said. “He did fall in love but that’s not why he left his clan. The girl did betray him but not the way he tells it. The girl was human who could turn into a dragon we found her in the forest being attacked by a group of vampires Kyle saved her and gave up a lot more than a few drops of blood. The fool gave up his heart to a girl he didn’t know. I don’t think she started out wanting to kill us but eventually her owner I guess you would call it found out about us and gave the order. When Kyle says the two of them fought he speaks the truth, but we didn’t exactly save him see when he refused to kill her he made to where he owed her a life debt so when she went to strike the final blow she froze and because of her hesitation she was killed by those she served. Any way I don’t tell you this for any other reason but to let you know to look for help in places you should not find it and be weary of those who would betray you.” She said the disappeared.
    “Yea like some one would want to help three crazy people any way.” He muttered as he got into his bed.
    Rankin stood alone on top of a hill looking down into a field where a battle raged. “What the hell?” He thought as he looked out at the chaos. “Where am I”
    “The question my friend is not where but when.” A voice behind him said
    “What do you mean” Rankin asked with out turning around.
    “You are in the past when things first falling apart. You are looking at the first great war.” The voice said as the man that it belonged to came to stand by him.
    “But that’s just a legend.” Rankin said looking up at him.
    “Is it?” The man asked as he sat down on the hill.
    “Well yea every one knows that.” Rankin said. As he sat down
    “Rankin you stubborn fool think about what has happened to you in past few weeks and tell me that this never happened.” The man said waving his hand a crossed the field.
    Rankin thought about it and sighed. “Ok I guess maybe it happened.” He said looking down at the carnage, and hearing the screams of men and woman..
    “Of course it did.” The man said as he to looked out over the field
    “Why is this happing?” He asked unable to take his eyes off the battle.
    “Why I don’t know, but I do know how witch is some time after my self and the other two members of the original console were chosen some one started rallying the dragons and those that served the dragons. He also rallied the humans and vampires he even had some of the lycans on his side. We begged the council from the three races to battle the army, but they were to frightened and rightly so we would have bin out matched ten to one. Even knowing this the three of us walked onto this very field and prepared for battle. We died but not before choosing our successors the three you know as Kyle, Rose, and Alistar. We never planned on wining only to push the council to battle, and we did and this is what happened.” The man said sadly.
    “Why did tell me all that?” Rankin asked.
    “Because Rankin you have to make sure this doesn’t happen again. You have to stop the leader of these armies before it become a full scale war.” The man said.
    “And how do you expecting me to do that?” Rankin asked
    “You will be given three companions and one will find you though he will not want to help at first for he is only a boy and frightened of what happened in his past.” The man said his voice fading as he spoke.
    Rankin shot straight up in bed at first he thought he was still dreaming because he herd screaming it took him a moment to realize he was awake. Thinking some one was in trouble he grabbed his sword and ran out of his room.”Whats wro..” He stopped short seeing a girl no a vampire and not just any vampire the one that almost killed him.
    “What the hell is that doing here!” They both yelled at the same time.
    Rankin, Jay I believe you know each other.” Alistar said comeing out from the shadows.

    Chapter two

    “Damn it!” Jay shouted again as she pulled her claws out of the dirt. All the other vampires were gathered around her staring in awe. “What the hell you all staring at.” She snapped as she retrieved her sword.
    “What happened? Did she choke? Maybe we should have chosen an older fighter? Yea she is the youngest of us all.” That was some of the things going around the circle of vampires
    “If any of you fools think you could of done better speak up and I’ll cut your tong out!” She yelled
    “That won’t be necessary Jay any one could tell it wasn’t your fault.” Some one said as they entered the circle. “ok every one lets move.” He commanded. The others started to leave. “Jay what did happen” The man asked.
    “I don’t know master.” She said. “One minute he was there the next he vanished.”
    “Jay I’m not your master any more now come on lets go home.” He said smiling.
    Jay fallowed silently walking along a path through the forest keeping her eyes on the trees. “Where are they, they always watch this trail.” She said to herself.
    “You sound like you want to be attacked.” The man beside her said.
    “It’s just not like them.” She said sighing. As they walked shadows moved through the trees fallowing watching but never doing anything more, when they reached the forest edge the shadows disappeared. As the entered the village they lived in Jay was surrounded by the hunting party and the village leader.
    “What’s going on?” She asked looking at them all.
    “Jay Skyline you were given a mission, and you failed that mission what do you have to say for your self?” The leader asked.
    “I didn’t fail we were ambushed and the leader pf there party had some form of power and the coward fled.” She spat back
    “Be that as it may the council has deemed it necessary for you to spend a year out alone in the caves of the Dragoon.” The man said with no emotion at all.
    “That’s not fair.” Many members of the village said at once. “She’s stronger than all us put together, you send her away then you doom us all.” One boy said.
    “Shut up Jacob.” Jay breathed as she shook her head a small smile playing at her lips. “Though he speaks out of line he speaks then truth and you know it. Send me away and the lycans or the dragons either way you won’t survive the attack you.” She said calmly.
    “YOU THINK TO HIGHLY OF YOUR SELF SKYLINE” The man yelled “Even if the lycans do attack, witch they won’t we will be ready isn’t that right.” There was choirs of screams from half the village the other half looked to each other in fear.
    “Fine if it’s what you want I’ll leave immediately.” She snapped and turned to walk away.
    “Is it not custom for you to let the banishie rest for a day before they leave.” The man who walked with Jay said while putting a hand on her shoulder to calm her.
    “Yes of coarse you are right as always master Leimbo.” The man said as he turned. “She will have one day of rest and leave at dawn tomorrow.” He said and walked into a large building with those of the village that agreed with him.
    “Jay I’m sorry I will spea….You will do nothing Jacob.” Jay interrupted. “You shouldn’t have said anything in the first place.”
    “I was only speaking the truth if the lycans find out that you are gone and attack we’re done for.” Jacob said.
    “I know and one day when your father dies and you are in charge of what goes on in this village, then you can dictate what is and isn’t fare. In the mean time I trust I can leave you in charge of defenses around here.” She said smiling.
    “Who else but I could you trust?” He asked then walked away.
    “That young fool.” Leimbo sighed.
    “He’s only a year younger than I master.” Jay said not looking at him.
    “True yet you continue to be the wiser.” He said smiling. “Get some rest jay you have a long year a head of you.” With that he turned and walked into a tent.
    Rankin was finally aloud out side though he had to be escorted, that was fine by him though because it was usually Rose that was with him.
    “Why is it you like to be out here so much?” She asked one knight.
    “I just like the fresh air.” Rankin said leaning against a rock.
    “Really that’s it you just want the fresh air.” She said doubtfully.
    “What I can’t just want to be out in then night air?” He asked.
    “Rankin I’ve gotten to know you over the past few weeks, and nothing you do is that simple. Every time we’re out here you ask me about my life why is that.”
    Rankin looked up at the stares thinking about his answer. “You’re probably a few hundred years old right?” He finally asked not looking at her.
    “Well yea I am a vampire.” She said laughing slightly.
    “Yet your retain you youth, your smooth skin and even your……” He stopped short as if he didn’t know what to say.
    “Rankin?” Rose asked moving closer and grabbing his hand.
    He pulled her close and kissed her. “I think I love you Rose.” He whispered after moving away.
    The next day Jay was escorted to the edge of her clans territory and left to with only her sword a days rachings and the knollige that her home may not be there when she got back. “Well this is great.” She grumbled as she trekked through the trees trying to stay out of site. “You make one mistake and your banished to the land of dragons.” As she walked she tried not to think about the fact that she was alone and that if a pack of lycans attacked her she would die.
    After a few day of walking through the night she reached her destination. A small cave at the base of the mountain that marked the beginning of dragon territory. Many fighters had bin sent to this cave, yet only the best return. As she sat alone in the cave she began to think about the face that there was no way they would know if she left, after all she was only a few miles from what the “Safety zone” As the council called it. She smiled to her self and stood up and walked towards the mouth of the cave. As she exited the cave she saw rocks fall from the top and heard the growl of a dragon. “Oh damn.”
    As she turned and looked up there was indeed a dragon. It was covered in fur that was the color of the rainbow. She quickly calculated her chances of a head o fight and didn’t like her odds so did the only logical thing she could do. She ran.
    Not looking over her shoulder to see how far a head she was, she kept running until she reached the tree line. She stopped and looked around the dragon was nowhere to be seen. What she did see almost knocked her to her knees. In the skies to the south there was smoke in the exact location of her village.
    As she entered her burning village she called out for any one who might still be alive. “Hell? John!? Master Leimbo!? Any one!?” She called as she walked through the ash and smoke.
    “Jay?” A voice asked. As she approached she could see Leimbo.
    “Master!” She gasped as she ran and crouched by him. “What happened” She asked though she already knew the answer.
    “As soon as the guards got back it came. There was no warning it just came from the shadows like a demon. The warriors fought bravely but we were no mach for a dragon.” He said as he tried to sit up.
    “No don’t move I’ll get something to stop the bleeding.” Jay said as she jumped up to look for ant thing that could help.
    “No it’s to late for me.” He said grabbing her arms. “Find my daughter Rose and tell her she’s running out of time.” With that his body went limp and Leimbo Vampire master and the true leader of the hidden council died.
    “Jay fell to her knees not knowing what to do she let out a blood curdling scream just as a bright light engulfed her and she vanished.


    Jay and Rankin sat on opposite sides of the stone table glaring at each other.
    “Out of all the vampires in the world why her?” Rankin finally asked.
    “Because out of all the vampires in the world she’s the only one with any reason to want to help.” Kyle snapped. Rankin glanced at rose forcing him self not to blush.
    “What reason would that be?” Jay asked not looking away from Rankin.
    “Jay a dragon attacked your village killed your master my father. We believe this dragon was working for our enemy.” Rose said placing a hand on her shoulder.
    Jay looked up at her blinking back tears. “hen do we start?” She asked as Rankin got up and left the room.
    “you must travel to Gabriel’s keep and seek out Convel, he will not wish to help you at first but you must under any circumstances force him into helping you or he will betray you.” Alistar said standing up from his chair. “You leave at first light on the two fastest horses in the land.”


    The next day Jay and Rankin stood out side the mouth of the very cave Jay had bin banished too.
    “Head south from here and you’ll reach the town in two days.” Alistar said as he handed them each the rains to a horse, Jays was a solid red mustang who patted the ground impatiently while Rankin’s was a black and white battle horse.
    “Be careful both of you.” Rose said placing her hands on their shoulders. “Remember you will have to work together and…” Before she could finish there was a burst of light then the trees around them were on fire.
    “We’ve bin found!” Alistar yelled as he grabbed a sword from inside his robes. “Rankin You and Jay get out of here.” He said the dragon came into view.
    Jay was already on her horse ready to go. Rankin jumped on to his and looked around for Rose. She was already fighting with Alistar. ‘Where’s Kyle?” He wonder.
    “Rankin we have to go.” Jay said snapping him out of his thought. He kicked his horse and it started running Jay fallowed closely. As they rode there was a scream the chilled the bones.
    “Rose!” Rankin yelled as he pulled his horse to a stop. He tuerned and tride to go back but Jay grabbed his reins.
    “Rankin we can’t help her. Neither of us can take on a dragon alone and I damn sure not going to die so you can go try to save some one who’s probably already dead.” She said her words cut through Rankin but he knew it was true. “She died so we could complete this fools mission the least we can do is try.” She said more softly.
    “You’re right.” He said in a whisper as he turned his horse around. “Lets go.” He said as he started his horse running again. As they made there way out of the forest it started to rain. ‘Great not only am I traveling with a blood sucking demon…It’s raining to.’ He thought.

    Chapter three

    A young boy entered the tavern. His eyes and hair were cover by the hood he wore. He was about five feet nine inches tall there was a sword buckled to his left side. He had no shield nor protective armor. His clothing was simple leather with a wool coat. A wolf design stitched on the right front side indicating the clan he belonged to. Walking up to the bar.
    “Help you?’ The man behind the bar asked.
    “I need a room.” The boy said not taking his hood off.
    “How long?” The man asked.
    “Indefinitely.” The boy replied.
    “That will cost you son more than most people round these parts make.” The man said putting the cup he had bin polishing down.
    “I have no coin but I have this.” He said putting his sword on the bar. The hilt itself was studded with rubies the sheath was hand crafted with fine leather an intricate pattern weaved into it. The man grabbed the hilt and unsheathed it the blade made from the finest steal in the kingdom.
    “Fine blade young man. Warriors blade if I’m not mistaken.” He said putting the sword back in its sheath. ‘Where did you come by that?” He asked
    “My father gave it to me.” The boy said.
    “What’s your name.”
    “Convel.” He said
    “Take your blade and sit down I’ll be with you in a minute.” He said. Convel did as he was told sitting down in a corner. He watched people enter and leave the bar he even watched people get throne out by the town guard. As the night wore on fewer people entered and even fewer got throne out do to the guards getting to drunk to stand. The young girl who helped serve in the bar walked up and handed him a cup of ale. She smiled and said. “My father thought you would be thirsty.”
    He nodded but didn’t drink. As he watched her walk away he noticed one of the men grab her and pull her down. On instanced He reached for his sword but before her could move she spun off him and kicked him in his head.
    “Humph” She said and walked back to the kitchen.
    “She’s not as sweet and innocent as she looks.” The bartender said as he sat down. “My names Smith. At least that’s the name I’ve bin using for the last few years.” He said. “So you want to stay here, I think we can come to a deal.” Smith said.
    “What kind of deal?” Convel asked.
    “I want you to stay here and watch the tavern while I’m away.” Smith said looking at him. “You see I’m going on a trip with a friend of mine one last trip before he retires so to speak.” He said.
    “Why can’t the girl watch the place?” Convel asked as he took a sip of his ale.
    “Kay? She may be able to handle herself against one drunken idiot but she can’t handle a hole tavern by herself.” Smith said.
    “What reason do you have to trust me to hold my end of the bargain” Convel asked.
    “What reason do you have to do other wise?” Smith asked in return. “Take tonight to think about it I leave at first light.” He said as he stood up.
    Convel sat there his mug of long since stale ale in hand. As the girl Kay started to put chairs up on the tables and blow out the candles he stood and went up to the room he was told to use. Sitting on a bed he sighed. “What choice do I have” He whispered to himself. Before he let himself fall asleep.
    The next morning he awoke just before dawn. Going down stairs he found the man smith speaking to a dwarf.
    “Ah good morning Convel this is my captain.” Smith said when he noticed Convel.
    “And to you sir.” He said nodding his head. “It’s a pleaser to meet you Captain?” He let the word hang in the air waiting for a name.
    “Just captain for now son perhaps one day you get my name.” He said taking a long pull from a flask some of the horrid smelling liquid getting caught in his black beard hair witch hid his mouth completely.
    Convel noticed the dwarf seemed to have an abundant of weapons ranging from his battle-axe witch had clearly seen its share of battle to the smaller yet just as lethal throwing weapons. Even his shield witch rested on the table had a three-inch spike on it.
    “Quite a collection you have captain.” He said as he took his own seat.
    “I here you have a fairly good blade your self.” The dwarf said.