Breanna and Jayson
Running through the forest as fast as their feet can carry them Breanna and Jayson carried as much food as their hands would let them not to mention that they brought potato sacks and filled those as well. Breanna and Jayson to everyone were considered as a couple of "street urchins". They didn't really mind much but at times it had it's disadvantages.
While they were running they had realized one thing: the guards were starting to close in on them. Breanna saw a cave entrance that was a sharp turn to their left and she felt as if they would surely lose them if they went that way. She shouted to her brother," Jayson I have a plan follow me." Jayson had done what he was told and they were going straight forward for a while and then Breanna made a sharp turn. Jayson and Breanna ran deep into the cave until they heard the guards run past. When the guards were gone they let out a sigh of relief and headed towards the cave entrance when it collapsed. The impact from the rocks hitting the earth sent Jayson and Breanna sprawling backwards.
"What the hell was that?" Jayson asked starting to stand up and rubbing his head.
"Your really asking me? It's not my fault the cave entrance decided to collapse." Breanna said turning to her brother.
"Well then I guess we're going to die."
"What's makes you say that?" Breanna demanded.
" 'Cause I'm tired and I'm not wasting the last of my energy to break it down. And your really no help considering you can barely conjure the flicker of a flame." Jayson said.
"Oh really?"
"Know what......Watch me." Then she turned to the entrance of the cave. "Fiiiirrrrrrreeeeee.. .....................Ablaze!"
Jayson stood staring approvingly as he saw the heat pressure blow down the rocks. "Looks like someone has been practicing," he said. They gathered their things and started walking home.
"So who's making food tonight?" Jayson asked his sister as they were dropping their goods on the counter and turned around in time to see his sister staring at him with a ' don't bug me it's your turn ' look.
"I cooked yesterday so you better be creative and find something to make with apples, chicken, bread, frosting, carrots, turnips, and a cake." Breanna stated in a matter of fact tone.
Just then there was a knock at the door. "I wonder who that could be...." Breanna said leaving a little hint that she knew exactly who it was. "Well hello there Kuna I'm glad that you could join us for dinner."
"Oh thank you very much but the pleasure is all mine. I should be thanking you for the invitation. Um, what, may I ask are we having for dinner?" Kuna said.
"Actually I really don't know Jayson was planning a surprise dinner so we'll just see what he whips up, ok." Breanna said turning to look at Jayson and he could tell that she had one of those now-you-got-what-you-deserve looks.
Kuna had liked Jayson since she was 5 and him 8. Breanna knew that Jayson didn't like her that way so every time he got on her nerves Kuna was there.
"Um Kuna can I talk to you for a minute in the kitchen?"Jayson asked.
As Kuna walked in the kitchen Breanna mouthed the words ' You Love Her ' and then started making kissy faces then just laughed.Jayson just rolled his eyes at her and followed Kuna into the kitchen.
"So Kuna you do know I only like you as a friend, right?" Jayson asked hesitantly.
"Of course. Is that all you needed to ask me?"
Jayson let out a breath of relief. "Well then why did you come?"
"Ok first I came because I'm still your friend so we can hang out. Secondly I came because I have been having the same vision for the past two weeks and it includes you and your sister. So I decided to tell both of you over dinner and it just so happens that your sister invited me before I could invite the both of you." Kuna explained as she picked up an apple and took a bite.
"Ok then if it was really urgent then please step this way so that we may include my sister in on this," Jayson said as he walked towards the door. When Jayson opened the door his sister was standing there her ear to the wall.
"Breanna may I ask you what you are doing?" Kuna asked when she saw her.
"Um, I'm just checkin' out the walls and trying to hear about this new vision that includes my brother and me."
"Ok I will tell both of you now come this way." Kuna commanded as she gestured toward the couches. "Now sit and I will tell you. Ok what had happened was I was out in my little garden pulling weeds when it hit me but the only way it will happen is if the vision is self full-filled." Kuna explained everything that were to happen so that they got it and was on her way out.
"I will see you guys later and I wish you have a good evening."
"So let's see we have to watch what we do or a stupid prophecy doesn't come true," Breanna whined to her brother who apparently didn't seem to really think that much of it.
"Oh well it's only for a couple of days then we're supposed to summon them here so it really won't be that long.Stop fussing about it." Jayson said still at ease.
"Ya well your not the one who could oppose a threat to the entire world if not tamed. So now I'm like a lion in a carnival. Wild and could kill everyone but yet, it has to be tamed." She scrunched up her face as if taking in a foul smell and looked towards Jayson. "Speaking of carnival's you could use a bath."
"Ok fine I'll bathe but if I do you have to stop whining or else you deal with my stench." He smiled. "I think I may have stepped in bat poo inside that cave wanna check?" he asked his sister with another grin lifting his foot.
"No thanks I'll shut up now just go take a shower for Pete's sake!"
"Who's Pete?"
"Oh My Gosh, just go take a shower for cryin' out loud. YOU STINK!!!!"
"Fine, fine, fine. But if you ever bring Kuna here for a reason about her liking me, I'm not taking a shower for a week. So suck it up."
"Fine. I hate how you always win." Breanna grumbled.
Immortality (2)
i kno it's been a while but here is the 2nd cht to my story.
and for a little bit it switch's back and forth from POV's so don't get confused by that.
plz comment and rate!
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