“Sir, we are at your command.” A pilot assured me. This mission was crucial; we had to infiltrate the naval base in panama, only to gather intelligence on our enemy. “Listen men, we are to be discreet and surreptitious. One faux pas can compromise our position. Our lives are at stake here, I expect all of you to follow my every command!” I spoke with firmness. One soldier shouted, “Sir! We will gather info on these American scums so we can wipe their pestilence from the face of this planet!” I looked at the soldiers face with confidence. My men, they were all experienced fighters. But why did they have such a loathing for Americans? Were they brainwashed or stressing their allegiance to Germany. As the helicarrier neared our destination, I walked to my passenger seat and clipped on the seatbelt. I tugged on it a few times to make sure it was sturdy for takeoff. After a few seconds of silence, the alarm sounded off. Through the loud ringing, I could hear, “Soldiers get ready. We are now 30 clicks above our drop zone.” Seconds passed and the lock switch bearing the seats then switched off. The wheels that attached to the groove on the floor then rolled all the way to the opening of the carrier. As we neared the corridor, the hatch opened violently and one by one, each soldier flew out ejecting from their seats ten clicks above the ground.
As I fell at great heights, I felt the wind violently lash at my covered skin. The wind was pushing all of my facial features back. I reached for the switch that held my seatbelt in place and opened the lock. The chair flew off, causing my body to flip uncontrollably. Approximately three seconds after I parted from the seat, I regained composure in the air. My military uniform was swaying in sync with my body movement. I flipped once, pulling the switch near my pelvis. The parachute flew open, halting my pull towards the ground. I was now cruising in the air; steady counting my soldiers to make sure everybody was in one piece. As I expected, all of my soldiers were safe and sound. We all landed in sync with each other on the green grass.
The night was young and we had a mission to complete. “Sir, the data pad says that we are about 50 clicks from our objective. The standard guard patrol, a dozen of armed soldiers and four Military grade drones.” As the soldier was briefing me on our current situation, I heard a whisper, “Sir, we have company.” It was easy to tell that. For about five minutes, I was aware of the bristling of grass. The trees were making unnecessary amount of noises. It could’ve only been movement that would cause the leaves to move so much.
I raised my right hand, signaling all Transcamo to activate immediately. All of my soldiers began to kneel into a fetal position, the camo began takings its affect. Technology was wonderful. Through the use of our environment, we are able to make our camouflage look invisible. We watched the soldiers move past us completely oblivious the spying that was being done here.
A few minutes past, we were once again clear. That is the splendid thing about Transcamo. Since all of our suits were linked, we can only see each other. We could also see our vitals. Heart rate, blood pressure, Psychological stability, we were all synced through our main network, which was me, their captain. Captain Sergent Strauffensburg, leader of the first Gruppe of the eternal Reich. I then raised my right hand up, signaling the deactivation of Transcamo. My unit then pursued our objective. We moved precisely, careful not to step on the grass too hard which would cause noise. I moved closer to the base which was nearing us. I raised my hand, signaling everybody to stop. My soldier’s reacted accordingly, all hiding behind a tree.
In the distance there were American operatives, all murmuring their language telling each other the status of their situation. As I observed closely, I realized that there was a German cruiser in the base. As I grimaced at the thought of why that would be there, a soldier would add to my tension by saying, “What the hell is a German gun car doing here.” I replied, “I do not know. If our fuehrer were to find out about this, he would be most displeased.” Another soldier added, “Sir If I may ask, why would the Fuehrer send all of us to this specific area? Surely this is more than just a mere Intel acquisition mission!”
“I think they want us to kill somebody here.” I retorted, “Soldier, we have our orders. And we are to follow them down to the core. You mustn’t question your orders like that; your military career is bound to be grim.” He twitched his face in regret, “Sorry sir, I mean no such thing.”
My HUD began to flash. As I touched a button near my right temple, a screen surfaced in my tact goggles. It was the Fuehrer. In my screen, I saw the wrinkled forehead of our leader, a small stream of smoke eroded the air, he was probably smoking a cigar. His dark brown eyes shot through my goggles, as if he was seeing into my soul. His face was always serious, that is why the people hold so much reverence for him. His square face twitched as he coughed, he said, “You have a new mission Strauffensburg, you are now to terminate Lukas Nox on sight.” The name sounded familiar, “But sir, Lukas is a good man, I served with him in world war 3, why would we terminate him.” The Fuehrer spoke; his voice filled with disdain, “He gave German secrets to America, now America is producing a secret prototype of Military drones.” As the Fuehrer finished his sentence, I could feel the anxiety run its course within my stomach. Using all of my energy, I spoke, “Fuehrer, what exactly is going on here?” “He gave them secrets Sergent, he gave them Ragnorak. Be care-----“
My HUD began to flicker. Something in the air was blocking my connection to our main base. The other soldiers began to notice that their HUD’s were faulty as well. Together, we moved through the tree’s into a grove near the camp. My nine soldiers hid in each available tree. As the coast was clear, we moved through the medium size dirt plain into the camp. Moving quickly, we hid behind an American Rhino tank, a huge behemoth that can conceal nine men easily. While crouching, I signaled my men to ready their Javelins; German based assault rifles. As we all moved in unison towards our main target Nox, I raised my hand once again activating Transcamo. As we approached him, I heard a moan similar to that of a cow, more stressed in the tone.
“Frogs!” I heard one American soldier scream. With each cataclysmic step, the howl grew louder. The organic tanks were moving in closer now to the camp. Birds were fleeing, animals wailing at the sound these abominations made. They crushed through the tree’s revealing themselves. It stood with four legs, about ten feet tall. The torso of this machine was made of steel, each shoulder dawning rail guns. You could see the huge tail, resting on its hind legs. It knelt forward, the back legs were used for support, that similar of a frog.
“Man the drones!” An American soldier shouted. I watched as the man was running for his life. Unfortunately, the frog that stood up front leaped into the air landing directly on him, his body mangled. As another soldier ran for a drone, the frog to the furthest right of the plane began to open fire. Each bullet direct, hitting the soldier in his back and head. These men were getting slaughtered. I heard one of my soldiers speak, “Sir, awaiting your command.” With a nod of my head, Transcamo was now deactivated. Three of my men moved forward forming a triangle, opening fire on the frog’s organic legs. The bullets penetrated causing the beast to howl in pain. Sprinting towards the wounded beast, I leaped a few feet in the air landing on head. The square shape helmet of this monster was firm, bullets was not going to cut through this. It started to move its head attempting to shake me off. I knelt on one knee and grabbed on each side of the cockpit making sure I don’t fall off. Two more of my soldiers moved in and laid suppressive fire. I reached for a compartment in my Tec suit near the bottom of my back taking out a mine. All in one motion, I detonated the trigger and latched it onto its head. Flipping off, my body felt the violent blast that made the American soldiers weary of us.
“One down, two to go.” I whispered under my breath. My soldiers then formed around me ready for further orders. I pointed forward towards the next Frog which was wreaking havoc in the nearby camp tent. We all pressed forward, their feet perfectly in unison with mine. As we attempted to surprise the currently occupied frog, a large shadow cast above us, moments later, the last frog crashed down right in front of us, roaring to show its superiority. Before we can move forward to assault this behemoth, a rocket crashed in the right leg of the frog causing a small explosion. As the frog dropped to the ground, a heavily armed drone landed on top of it.
The silver plated robot, standing at 15 feet tall, as agile as a human, reached for its back compartment taking out a large rail gun. Pointing the end of the gun directly towards the head of this metallic beast, it opened fire, leaving a stream of green blood on the drone’s chest plate. Through the microphone of the robot, I could hear, “Ahh, Strauffensburg, how pleasant of you to be here.” Raising my fist up, I ordered my team to lower their weapons, “Sergeant Nox , you have committed treason and will be subjected to the fullest treatment of the law.” He replied, his voice louder through the speaker, “Treason! I do no such thing, I only come here to bring peace!”
“Does peace entail giving away government secrets to these people? You know of the Americans destructive nature Nox, I don’t need to tell you the things they are capable of doing!”
“You do not understand Strauffensburg!” before Nox could finish his sentence, the remaining frog leaped on its back attempting to crush him. I readied my soldiers, but Nox regained his balance. Pulling the frog up, the drone grabbed both arms of the beast and tossed it a few yards away. As the frog slid on the ground, it regained its balance and recoiled forward for another attempt to assault the robot. Before getting a few feet in, Nox gracefully flew into the air. With great dexterity, Nox launched the drone’s foot directly across the frog’s face. The gory remnants of the frog’s cranium seeped through the cracks of the ground caused by the impact.
“You do not realize how important this is. We can now start an alliance, a time of peace is more tangible then ever!”
“You betrayed the mother land; you betrayed the fuehrer” Interrupting me he spoke, “The Fuehrer? That dictating pirate! He knows nothing of compromise; he is the reincarnate of that vile dog Hitler! Albrecht Gregor can rot in hell; I will never call him Fuehrer again!”
As I heard the treacherous words spew from my once good colleague, I spoke, “You speak words of treachery Nox, I now cannot allow you to live” Raising my hand up, my soldiers readied their javelins. Moments later, four drones boosted towards the mangled frog surrounding us. Forming a perfect circle, with Nox’s Ragnorak in the middle, I spoke, “Nox, You know me and my soldiers are ready to die in the name of the Fuehrer.” There was no doubt in my words. When I was assigned to a mission, I would stop at nothing to complete it, even if it meant risking my own life.
“Trust me, I will not allow it to come to that. You are valuable Sergent, we need you.” The drone Nox was in knelt down, steam shooting from its back, he’s opening the hatch. With the hatch opened, Nox’s voice was normal, shouting; his voice traveling through the wind at a distance, “You do not know the chaos we are in Sergent. Our Fuehrer…your fuehrer is a tyrant. He’s channeling all of Germany’s economy into his own bank. He’s taking our wealth and keeping it for his own greedy needs. He must be stopped!”
“Then we must come up with a plan to stop him, an insurrection maybe, but you do not have proof of this. I work close with the Fuehrer; he’s the best leader Germany had since our Nazi era. The people love him, your plotting to take away their beloved leader.”
“Please, do you not know the reason why World War 3 started? He was channeling weapons through China so that they can launch an attack on America. He wanted both of the nations to completely destroy each other so that he can come in and seem like a knight in shining armor. He double crossed China, why do you think he ended the alliance with them.”
Still shocked at his words, I managed to speak, “You believe those lies. You join the Americans so that they can provide you with wealth and prosperity. You are traitor to your wife, and a traitor to your nation!”
He replied, “I am no such thing, I am a patriot, as the Americans would put it. I fight for our independence! The Donnerstag fights for our independence!”
“The Donnerstag, Nox what are you talking about!” Before I could finish my sentence, Nox sat back in the pilot seat of his drone. The hatch closed and the lights on the helmet of the mech turned on. Steam once again shot from the back, now Ragnorak was standing up. Nox reached into the back compartment of the drone and pulled out a laser cannon. How can he turn on his own brethren! I had to test my mettle against our odds. This was not going to be easy.
The tip of the cannon began to spark. Moments later electricity shot through the barrel of the enormous gun, it illuminated the field that its target stood on. I could hear the sparkling sound, the sound of a violent red death that was coming our way. As the laser shot, all of my soldiers leaped in front of me taking the blow.
This can’t be happening, I was supposed to die. My failure to complete my mission should cost me my death, not my men’s death.
This was sadly standard procedure, all soldiers protecting their main network, me. It was how they were programmed.
The haze disintegrated, and the smoked cleared up. I was on my knees, merciless at the wrath of Ragnorak. The drone began to move closer to me, each of its steps causing massive trembles. Moments later, I could hear the sound of an engine in the distance. Nox was even startled; he shifted the drone’s hud into the far off sky.
- by Vergil Divineous |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 08/19/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Ambitions of the Eternal Reich
- Artist: Vergil Divineous
- Description: General Sergent Strauffensburg always fought for his country and his honor. Now he realizes that the very honor he is fighting for isn't so honorable. In this tale of love, deception, and war, how can this soldier tell the lines between friend or foe when it is so blurred. He doesn't know who to trust anymore.
- Date: 08/19/2009
- Tags: cool fiction fantasy robots army
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