• Amos dragged Yuffie away by the wrist. He finally release her hand once they were on the passenger side of a nice looking car.

    “Are you okay?” Amos asked but didn't wait for an answer. He started looking at all the bruises and cuts. His fingers moved to a decent sized cut caused Yuffie to wince. “Sorry,” he commented as his eyes moved up to hers,. “How are you feeling?” The amount of concern that was in his eyes stunned her.

    “Yeah,” Yuffie nodded, “ I am now.”

    A bit of uncertainly mixed his concern, “All right, lets go.” He opened the door for her, “I'll take you home.” Yuffie nodded and slid in to the car. She looked around at all the gadgets and buttons in the car. This was an expensive vehicle. What did Amos do for a living that he could afford this? Amos got in on the drivers side and started the car. Warm air blasted through the vents. She closed her eyes and breathed in the warm air. Her muscles relaxed, her heart settled.

    “Don't you ever come out here again!” he said as he turned to look at her. Mr. Nice Guy was gone. “You hear me? Not ever.”

    Yuffie thought about fighting against him but didn't have the fight or strength for it. “I – just wanted to find you,” she said meekly in an effort to defend herself.

    Amos looked like he wanted to say something back but his eyes stayed glued to the road ahead of him. Nothing else was said so Yuffie mindlessly looked ahead as well. None of her questions had been answered, but she was just glad that Amos was around to save her. She knew Amos wouldn't want answer her. For now she would settle with being safe.

    He drove until he reached a night club a few blocks down. Odd place to make a stop she thought. Yuffie eyed the place over wondering if it was a club, or just a bar. Maybe something less. Her eyes looked up and flickered over a neon sign. “Red Walls,” she read off quietly.

    “You must never ever come here without me okay?” Amos said with his hands on the door lock.

    “All right,” Yuffie replied.

    “I'm serious,” he said sternly.

    “Promise,” Yuffie replied as Amos gave her a final look. He got out of the car and locked it behind him.

    “Strange,” she mumbled to herself as her eyes followed Amos into the building. Something about this place gave her the chills. She figured this place wasn't named “Red Walls” for the paint on the wall but for the blood and crimes committed her. After everything was Amos a bad guy?