• The demon swiped the gun out of the mothers hand and held a sharp dagger up to her throat,as the mother strangled to get away the demon dragged her infront of her daughter,the mother tried to tell the little girl not to look but she could not help it.Maybell had all of a sudden broke out of the trap and casted a spell.The mother dismayed by the girls words was chanting along with her,seconds later the demon was gone.The mother rushed over to maybell and hugger her tight.Happy that the demon was gone,the mother couldnt help but think about killing her own daughter.It was about noon when an unexpected visitor came,the mothers second daughter Fay. Fay was a freshman in highschool who lived with her father. Christina (the mother) was allways happy to see Fay since she didnt live there. But fay also had a secret of her own. She planned to tell her mother about her powers she also had. Christina only knew of maybells ability and now how was she gonna take the news of her powers. Fay was allways telling her mother everything but not this time. Fay knew about maybells incredible and also sad gift. When fay sat down she asked her mother to come and sit with her. Not knowing what was wrong she came and sat. It didnt take long for fay to explain her powers. Now Shocked her mother was releved that fay was maybe able to help maybell. On Maybells 5th birthday everyone was excpecting the unwelcome visitor...............To be continued