• Throwing fireball after fireball Nick kept dogeing the boulders but was getting tired."Whats wrong Nick feeling week." "No!" I shouted in reply. Forming my fire tornado I sent it at him and it helped alittle.Grabbing the charm around my neck I shouted "This charm is mine so I should be able to use it." It then stated to glow then split into two glowing orbs and fused with my blades."Form TWO!" I shouted and my blades changed. Growing in length the blades reach my elbos and the handles covers my hands."Now lets see how this fight turns out." I said, but then a portal formed above my head and a beast with wings flew through it."Great."I moaned as a rock shield formed over me. I slashed through it and with quick ease cut the beast in two.Tomas looked and frowned.Griining I said"Still want it?"