• 2. Abolishment

    "Stay safe, okay?" Zero's voice purred in my head as I threw all of my homework in my suitcase.Safe from what? Another semi-truck? I wouldn't be able to stay safe if I was one day going to kill a murderer. The thought of pulling out the gun at the spur of the moment and murdering that vicious person made me shudder. The bell rang and a rush of footsteps broke the silence that once filled the classroom. It was probably time for lunch. Standing up from my chair, I paced myself as I got out of the classroom and out to the hall. Fortunately, the cafeteria was just down the hall and it wouldn't take only a minute or two to get there. "Hey!" a familiar voice roared. The girl that had escorted me to my first period class ran up to me, huffing. My mouth made another fake smile; in which I was pretty much getting used to. The girl put her hands on her knees as she caught her breath. "I... *huff* never got to *huff* introduce myself," she spoke in the calmest way she could, "I'm Anna."
    "Oh, okay. Well, I have to get to the cafeteria and--" I was interrupted by her finger to my lips."I'm going to take you there." she confirmed. My head nodded once more as it had before and Anna conducted me to the cafeteria.When led inside, I was amazed. The halls were crowded with ruthless teenagers who looked like they were just from a snobby movie set. Everyone seemed to be at ease with each other. The only one that was really misplaced was me... then something came out from the corner of my eye. In the shadowy corner of the cafeteria laid only one person at a lonely table. Zero?I started towards him, then Annajumped in front of me. "Where do you think your'e going Chaya?" she demanded. I flinched. I had never adressed to her my first name in all the time I had spent with her. How could she find that out in such a short time?" I was just going to sit over there." I pointed towards the dark table. Some students that saw me poked there heads up from their conversations and glared at me. Anna gave me a stern look. "You can go there.. if you plan to get exterminated!!!" she bellowed. Now more students had caught the attention of me. Was I doing something wrong? "It's only Zero." I said quietly.
    "It's only Zero," Anna mocked. Now my hand welded into a fist.What was her problem? "Look, Zero has a very bad temper and I don't want you to die because you made a stupid mistake by going over there!" she growled. My face now grew into a smirk."Then I guess I'll be the first to break that barrier." I replied. My hand pushed Anna aside and I slowly made my way to the back of the cafeteria. The whole academy seemed to be gossiping now of what I had just said. How could they think such thoughts of him? He was actually one of the most kindest people I had ever met; let alone a person i could think of as 'vicious' or 'bad tempered'. Those people mustv'e been insane or something.My body sat down in the chair across from Zero. He looked up through his bangs, then turned his head back down."Why are you here?" he ordered. I took a deep breath, then said, " I needed a friend."
    "I'm not someone who you should be hanging out with. Didn't you hear the students?" he asked.I bowed my head. "Yes, but I don't care what the others say." The students that surrounded were now in awe.There whispers were all the same:'What the hell is she doing?' My eyes focused on the students, I whispered, "But if you would like for me to leave, I will. After all, I did cause you alot of trouble this morning." I spoke with heart in my words. Maybe I shouldn't be so attached to him; after all, I just met him. He was now silenced, and his happy expression faded."Mhm. You don't belong here." he muttered. With my suitcase still in hand, I ascende from the chair and turned around. Anna bit her lip, almost to the point where she bled, making me feel worse about thinking to sit with Zero.To make a rebelious judgement, then to be rejected was probably one of the stupidest things I have ever done since mom and dad were gone.Something brushed my hand and held onto it. My head cocked back to see Zero standing there, holding my hand. "I never said that we weren't friends." he said, accusing himself. My eyes now felt as if they were going to cry. No.. I couldn't cry in front of everyone. I shook my head and slashed my hand out of his grip. "I'll have to think about the 'friendship' thing again, now that you mention it." I announced.He lowered his head and crossed his arms across his waist. Why did he look so sick so quickly? Whatever. Anna reached out to lay a hand on my shoulder, but I pushed her away. This act that I was putting up had to end soon, for I was afraid that my tears couldn't be held back any longer. I'm too emotioal to even start this kind of crap, so why did I even try to act superior to Zero and/or the students here in the first place?
    "I have to go." I whispered, running out th cafeteria doors and up against the walls. The first tear on my face ran down my cheek and fell to the floor; a painful sight for me to see. Sounds of ranting were coming from the cafeteria doors. For all I know, it couldv'e been the students griping at Zero or cheers of happiness. I didn't care for either situation though. I made a fool out of myself, and that's why I was crying. Nothing else. My hands covered my face to hide my sadness. If anyone to see me in this state, they might try to take advantage of me. The opening of doors were heard and my head sunk deep in my shoulders. No one should ever see me like