We had just stepped off the boat, and already we knew this was not going to be fun or pretty but we are here to serve our country like our father and grandfather before him.In fact we knew all this death and destruction well from father's letters and it is exactly how we imagined it.My twin Nolan and I, are only eighteen. One day we were running a perimiter, when we got the call to go into action. Luckily we were in a group of raiders who have worked well with us. We were going in now and already I can feel the rush of adrenaline and fear sneaking up my spine. Its nothing close to the thrill you feel on the fastest rolarcoaster. The adreniline is over powering! The fear is intense! Not knowing whether your ganna walk away from this alive, wounded, or not walk away at all.Its the ultimate high! Then like I had just been tasered I felt a shock run through me over powering the fear and adrenaline. I am sure i am not hitt but then i see the most horrific sigt i have seen in my whole life. My brother strong and caring collapsed dead on the ground writhing and gasping in pain. I run over to him and he dies in my arms.The next thing I feel is pain and severe anger. I stand up and every one of my friends see's the madness in my eyes and they i fireing shooting and killing everything that moves! I have killed the enemy, my friends, and my soul. I am mad and I can tell I try to stop myself and when I do I am horrified at the deed i have done! The next thing I know i bring the gun up to my temple and pull the triger.
war's sorrow's unknown
It is from the veiw point of one of two brothers who enter the war and they see all the death and destruction and hate. His brother is killed and he goes into a blood thirsty rage.
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