• "I am made of glass. Do not touch me, for I am fragile." Said the King, in the most casual voice.
    King Charles the sixth stood on his throne, tall and erect. Staring down at his consorts, he demanded that pillows should be sent for him to tie on his buttocks, lest they shatter to pieces. A almost silent murmur went through his consorts, as a servant was sent to fetch a dozen or so pillows.
    The consorts shook their heads to the latest lunacy that came through the king. Just a few months ago, the king would not change nor bath for five months, and a few years ago, he even killed some knights in a rampage. Now he thinks he is made of glass! How far could this go? Why, next thing you know, he might think death was all around him and kill himself from fear. King Charles was a great king when he was sober and back in reality, but when these spasms came, he was uncontrollable.
    "BRING ME MY PILLOWS! QUICK! BRING ME MY ARMOR TOO, LEST I WILL SHATTER TO PIECES!" The king spat and shouted. Screaming and stomping like a child, his voice was off and his eyes did not concentrate. When his servant brought up a few pillows and handed them to the king, the king spat more.
    "You idiot! You scum, moron, b*****d!" The king screamed, as he threw blows with his cane to the servant who brought up the pillows. "Your hands touched mine, good thing I did not break! Go away, go away. No one come near me! DO NOT COME NEAR ME!"
    The men made a few strides back as the king attempted to draw out his sword. Roaring with rage, he swung the sword over his head like a giant monster, and soon collapsed like a marionette doll who's strings were cut off. Laying on the floor in a coma, he gurgled foam from his mouth as his eyes rolled back to its white glimmer. The men then quickly got hold of the king and brought him to his grand chamber where he slept off the coma for quite a while.
    When he woke up, his wife, Isabeau and his daughter Catherine looked down at him in concern. Fussing over Charles, his wife and daughter expressed how glad they were that he finally woke up. Catherine was almost crying, for she was very hurt about her father's lunacy. Isabeau was partly disappointed. She was counting on her husband to die prematurely, so she could go to her lover's arms. Nevertheless, they acted like this was something like the rebirth of Christ, and smiled and laughed with respect.
    Charles had the look of annoyance in his face. He didn't know why these women were bothering him when he was just having a good night's sleep. He called one of his monsourettes, a nickname he had for his consorts, and whispered in his ear.
    "Who are these absurd women? They are bothering my sleep. Carry them away." He said.
    "Your majesty, these women are your wife and daughter. Do you not remember them?" The consort said.
    For a moment the king blanked out. His eyes wavered into space, and he came back.
    "I have no wife nor child. Stop lying, I don not appreciate the lies you say. Listen to the king's orders and carry them away. " The king gave his final comment and waved his hands.
    The consort syed. The king was still mad. If this carried on, he would not be able to rule, and his uncles would take over - if that happened, what would happen to him?
    Trying to work things out, the consorts had a discussion and decided to bring the best doctor up to bring back the king into sanity.
    The doctor brought many things along - mercury, potions, and the oils of rare plants and herbs. Of the many he brought, the mercury was the most important, the doctor said. Mercury was able to draw out gold, and that ought to bring out the bad from the king's body. In addition, the doctor will lecture to the king to bring him back to normal thinking. After giving the king his dose of mercury, the doctor started.
    "Now great King, who are you?" The doctor said.
    "I am King. A King is a King. Why would you ask?" The King replied.
    "Yes, you are a King. But what is your name? And why would you think you are made of glass?" The doctor questioned.
    "My name is...... I no not my name. What is my name? Where is my name? Is it somewhere in the air?" The king started to panic and started to grab the air in desperation. Grabbing the king's arms, the doctor looked sternly into the King's eyes.
    "Your majesty's name is Charles. And your body is not made of glass. It is made of flesh and blood, a true blood of royalty runs through it. Not glass." The doctor said.
    "How dare you talk to a King in such away! I am made of glass! DO NOT TOUCH ME!" The king started to scream again, twitching and trying to break away.
    "No, you are a human being made of flesh. Flesh! If you were made of glass, you would have been broken by now!" The doctor said sternly.
    Then the king started to sob. He cried and cried and cried, mumbling things like " don't touch me. " and "I am king" on the way. Hiccoughing as well, he started to choke from the hiccoughs and his face turned blue, finally fainting.
    The doctor gave up. Even after Charles was conscious again, he still couldn't remember his name and still thought he was made of glass. The mercury seemed to have worsen things, and the King's mind became more feeble and feeble by day. Soon his uncles took over the throne, his wife left him and his daughter married away. He was left all alone in the shadows. Sometimes, he came back to what he was and didn't know what was going on. His servants were few, and he only had one small castle to live in, in the woods. But soon, his uncles sent a replacement for his wife, a young, merry girl, and he never really was neglected again.