Chapter 1: Screw Prophecy
Metal gears grinded; rubber quickly turned to liquid against the blistering asphalt; two iron projectiles collided into each other with frightening force, sending sparks and debris flying about. At the very center of this collision was the broken body of the unfortunate victim. His arms and legs were bent at impossible angles as a red fluid gushed from his head, coating the scattered glass shards in sticky blood. Traffic was brought to a standstill, and the bystanders gaped in horror at the accident that they had just witnessed.
Bob didn’t give a damn, however. “Oh my God! Free video games,” he exclaimed, reading a neon sign on a store across the street as the terrible crash unfolded before his eyes. He broke out into a sprint and ran through the wreckage, lightly hopping on top of one of the crumpled car hoods with near feline agility, and plunged into the game store, praying to several gods that he didn’t miss the deal.
“Free…video…games…” the teen panted as he held his body up on the cashier’s counter.
“Why do you make such haste, young one?” The game store clerk asked.
“Can’t…miss…deal…” Bob was beginning to catch his breath, and he looked up at the cashier. The man looked like he was from another time and place. He looked to be Indian, had a long grey beard, and wore a Chinese Monk’s robes. Once again, however, Bob didn’t give a damn; he didn’t care who this guy was or what his story was as long as he was giving out free games.
“So, you are another one coming for the free game,” the cashier said in a hollow, yet oddly wise voice. “Very well! I shall tell you the deal then. I have The Ultimate Game. It contains every genre, can be played on every system with every controller, and can support an infinite amount of players. The graphics are photorealistic, and the sounds were recorded with the most sensitive human technologies for perfect accuracy.”
Bob’s eyes were wide with wonder. He just had to have this game. “Awesome! You’ll let me have it?”
“Of course,” the clerk replied. “You just have to beat me in it. But, I warn you, if you lose it’ll cost you your soul.”
Bob had sold his soul to video games a long time ago. The ominous tone in this old man’s voice didn’t faze him one bit; it was obvious that the monk (or whoever the hell he was) had no idea who he was dealing with. “You’re on Old Dude, but don’t expect to beat me. I placed first in the International First Person Shooter Tournament last year, first in the World Fighting Game Championship this year, am ranked number one in the Official MMORPG Guild--”
“Are you still talking?” the old man interrupted. He was already holding a controller in his hand and was waiting for Bob to join the game that he had already started up. The confident teen hopped over the counter with a smirk and picked up his controller, and was then blown away by the most amazing gaming experience in his entire life.
The two warriors dueled through every competition imaginable. They raced fine-tuned vehicles through snowy mountains, with a randomized snowflake engine that truly made every snowflake unique, just like in real life. They had an intense sniper duel, with physics that actually incorporated the Coriolis effect. They stacked true to life gemstones that refracted light at the exact angles in an intricate battle of fast-wits. The most amazing thing, however, was that the two warriors were neck and neck. After ten hours of arduous competition, they finally reached the last round.
“You, young one, are certainly worthy of your many champion titles,” the old monk said.
“You’re pretty 1337 yourself,” Bob replied, and then he gave the old man a friendly grin. “If I’m going to beat you, I’d at least like to know your name.”
“My name is Sienda Tongen. I, however, am not ready to admit defeat just yet.”
Both Bob and Sienda’s thumbs hovered over the buttons, each waiting for the other to make a move. Sienda was controlling a samurai wielding a great katana while Bob had chosen a large lizard with a spiked club. The samurai and lizard stared each other down with a burning intensity that could only be matched by a supernova. This next blow would decide the fate of the match, as well as Bob’s soul.
Finally, the samurai lunged forward, but the lizard was quick to parry. Bob went for the counter, only to find that Sienda had a clever evasion planned out. The Samurai went for a slash at the lizard’s back, but the lizard responded with a rear horse-kick, canceling out the blows. Bob faced his opponent again with a low, spinning slash, but Sienda jumped…and now both their rage meters were up.
Simultaneously, the two gamers’ fingers fluttered over the controllers like hummingbird wings, entering in the complex super-special move commands. The samurai, being air-born, sprouted wings of light and blasted a devastating beam of energy at his opponent; the spikes on the lizard’s club crackled with electricity and shot into the air to meet the feudal warrior. The victor was decided by a single degree.
With a humbled look on his face, Sienda put down his controller. “It is true,” he said. “You are the one destined to save this world…” He took out the game disc and put it back into its case, then handed it to Bob. “This is rightfully yours, young one, however, I must tell you that everything is not as you think it is, at least not for you.”
“Come again?” Bob said.
“Just step outside, and you will see the truth.”
Sienda had earned Bob’s respect, so the teen figured he would actually heed the old man’s words. When he stepped outside, it appeared as though no time had passed at all. The cars were still smoldering and the corpse was still bleeding, but then something caught Bob’s attention: that broken down corpse that Bob hadn’t given a second thought was him! What exactly was going on?
Sienda appeared next to Bob and filled in the details. “You saw the sign for free games and ran into the street without looking and caused this nasty accident. Fortunately, you were the only one to get hurt. But, as I said, you are the one destined to save this world.”
“Screw that!” Bob said. “That means I’m a ghost! I’m gonna go have some fun!” And with that, Bob ran off to try out his ghostly powers.
Sienda did not seem to mind, however. “There is still time for the boy to have fun,” he said to himself. “Let him discover his powers at his own pace. He cannot fight his destiny no matter how stubborn he may be. Save game!” As Sienda shouted out those last two words, his image wavered, and became full of static, then he blinked out of existence.
Screw Prophecy
An apathetic teen's love for video games introduces him to a new side of reality...
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