• As I spun the pen on the tips of my fingers, Ms. Molcilio snapped me out of my daydream, saying, "Mac, what have we said? No spinning, drumming, or throwing your pen OR your drumsticks!!!!" But how can I not? I love drumming, the feel of the beat, the machine gun noise of the double-bass pedal, the sharp beat of the snare drum, the ringing sound of an open hihat. Why take lessons, when it's in your blood? I've already figured out more than enough techniques to go pro, all I need is a band. Music is my 1st love, the second being my beautiful angel. Drumming is the very blood in my body, the only thing I need. How can I NOT drum? It's like asking Kanye West to stop being a douchebag. It's impossible!! My love is imminent, my passion unending. I gotta go. Drumming awaits.