• Chapter 2: A Crazy Dinner

    I continued to wonder why he would want to be here and who would want to eat my mother’s wretched dinner.

    “Hey, Mother, can you buy me some time? I don’t really want to go down right now, especially with Hikaru here,” I asked hoping the helpless expression would help me out.

    “Honestly, you need to hurry because we have been waiting from 11:00. I would buy you time but I can’t and if you don’t want those two down stairs,” She gave me a look and I nodded, “alright I will see you in a little then.”

    I really did not want to go down stairs, at all. Whatever, all I know is this is going to be interesting. I washed up and looked in the mirror, gave my self a nod, and went to my door. I slowly opened the door, slowly took my first steps out the door, slowly took a deep breath, slowly passed down the cat walk that over looked the whole living room, slowly walked down the stairs, slowly walked threw the living room, slowly I went into the hall way that led up to the dining room, slowly took a deep breath, and I finally opened the door to see my family and of course Hikaru. They were all in an intimate conversation, so I did not interrupt them to announce that I had woken and I am feeling better, instead I just gave my father a kiss on the cheek and sat in the open chair next to him.

    They were talking about how nice the house is and who the owner was before us. My mother blabbered on about how the backyard was not as it is now but because we remodeled the house we had to do something to the backyard to keep up with the interior. The conversation went on for about fifteen minutes or so. Hikaru suddenly changed the subject to me, “Akari,” he was going to ask me something, I think, “so when you were trying to run away from those kids what were you thinking?”

    He asked a question that I did not want to answer at the moment, “I guess I was thinking I just wanted to get away and not get hurt,” I said truthfully.

    “Why were you so afraid of them, they are just people, any way the teachers would have broken up the fight if there was one, especially Prof. Keyl”-

    “You don’t know how mean they were being to me, do you? Do you even know what they were saying to me?” I noticed my eyes were getting teary and I was yelling at Hikaru, I guess I was making a scene, whatever it did not matter I’ll finish this up. “How can you say that everyone would have backed off as long as I tried to fight them, I can’t really fight like twenty people at once? You are annoying to judge someone like that. Please leave,” I was done with that jerk.

    “Akari, don’t tell him to leave, you are still tired and hurt, you aren’t thinking right,” my mother was trying to back him up. I can’t believe her.

    Hikaru stood up from the table and said “Thank you for inviting me to your home, I will take my leave now,” and he walked out the door. I didn’t notice before but I did now, that I was crying. I guess my scene making worked.

    I was tired after that. Without dinner, I went to bed. While I slept that night, I kept replaying Hikaru saving me and seeing the pain on his face when I made him leave. He is a nice person, but he needs to learn what the right thing to say at the right time. After I stopped thinking about him, I finally fell asleep.